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Comments by _Damian S_ (Top 126 by date)

_Damian S_ 23-Apr-14 1:52am View    
In IIS Manager, under your default website. Locate the directory you have installed to (under the inetpub\wwwroot directory on the drive you have installed to), then right click and set as web application. This is also where you can set your .NET version if you aren't targeting the same version as the default version in your IIS.
_Damian S_ 9-Apr-14 1:37am View    
So at that point, what is the value of command.CommandText?
_Damian S_ 9-Apr-14 1:22am View    
Have you tried setting a breakpoint and stepping through your code one line at a time to find out what actual line of code the error is coming from?
_Damian S_ 13-Mar-14 1:56am View    
The easiest is to open SQL Server Management Studio, right click the database you want to import into, click tasks, then import data. It depends whether it's a one off or happening all the time, and whether you have access to the SQL Server or not...
_Damian S_ 13-Mar-14 1:49am View    
Yes, several. What have you tried?