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Comments by FantasticFiasco (Top 10 by date)

FantasticFiasco 11-Apr-16 16:35pm View    
I am really biting my tongue here, but I'll try to be pleasant. Please do not assume me to be the ignorant WPF developer you most often have to deal with. After all, you replying to as many questions as you can here on CodeProject has been a occupation of yours for years. I really hope it has payed off.

Now to the topic. All your assumptions are wrong. I am not trying to get hold of the window in the control I am implementing, simply because I am not implementing a control. I have a framework, and you can register parts of the view to that framework. Those registered views are saved, but should be released when the window they belong to is closed. In WPF I can get hold of the window using the mentioned method, but no such method exists in a Windows Store app as far as I can see. That is why I am posting this question.

I wan't to leave you with something for you to remember me by, lets call it your lessons learned for today. When somebody is mentioning Window.GetWindow(frameworkElement), please don't propose traversing the logical nor visual tree. Please look at the implementation of Window.GetWindow with a decompiler of your choice and see for yourself why that solution is much better than those you propose.
FantasticFiasco 30-Oct-13 2:49am View    
You are of course correct in your statement, but it seems that the Android HTTP client has a couple of limitations and those might force me to make certain design decisions on the server side.

I would like to know developers have coped with these limitations.
FantasticFiasco 8-Feb-13 4:12am View    
Thanks for the input, I really value the time and effort you've put in your post.

The API would be designed for 3rd parties, but (in the beginning at least) we would be the only one using this API.

The idea is to extend the functionality of a product by releasing plugins instead of having to update the product itself. This means that backward compatibility would be a issue here. Older plugins is required to be compatible ever after a product update.
FantasticFiasco 9-Dec-12 6:45am View    
Sorry, but none of the samples provided solves my problem. It's just basic MEF tutorials that has no relevance to my problem.
FantasticFiasco 12-Jan-12 7:08am View    
I guess it doesn't matter as long as the user has the option to launch the application when a camera is connected. I though of using autoplay since that feature is a part of Windows, but if it is easy to autostart instead I am open for suggestions.