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Comments by abc123aaaa (Top 19 by date)

abc123aaaa 17-Mar-17 5:27am View    
Please don't waste time.If you know the solution please share it otherwise leave it for others if someone know the solution.
abc123aaaa 17-Mar-17 4:49am View    
abc123aaaa 15-Mar-17 3:53am View    
But i didn't get any solution how to do it.
abc123aaaa 14-Mar-17 22:55pm View    
it gives
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'start' of undefined
at pdf2json.js:12
Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: [object Object]
at makeError (require.js:61)

Actually i'm using angular in a cordova SPA.
abc123aaaa 14-Mar-17 14:17pm View    
Actually i'm using angular in a cordova SPA.