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Comments by MikeS_BelAirMd (Top 2 by date)

MikeS_BelAirMd 7-Jul-14 22:06pm View    
Hi Sergey,

I was actually doing a setup that is pretty much what you are describing, the 'win32app' I setup, I did setup as a 'mixed-mode' app, with CLI enabled. The only reason I showed the "C#" and "xaml" code, is the microsoft 'BLEND' tool (I was using to create the simple WPF window w/button) develops what you create in C# and XAML... I just pasted the code in my question to show the simple setup of what I was creating in the BLEND WPF tool... but the C# code I was not actually coding myself, the BLEND tool does all that for you...

but I compiled the final WPF solution into a .NET (version 3.5) DLL, which I did import into the win32 C++/CLI app as a 'reference' DLL. So I think what I was doing is pretty much what you are describing above. The windows examples I was following describe that exact situation, including 'managed' code into your 'unmanaged' app....

I chose to use WPF, because it seemed that the UI capabilities of WPF are much more elegant and creative than what you can do with straight up .NET stuff...?

So right now I'm testing with the microsoft 'win32hostingwpf' example, which is a fully function 'address book' sample, that is a win32app w/CLI, but instead of importing a WPF managed code DLL, they have the WPF code all written up in C, so not exactly what I wanted to do, but somewhat close...
MikeS_BelAirMd 4-Jul-14 22:33pm View    
Hi Sergey, Thanks for the response....

So, reason I'm using a win32app as the 'main' app, is that the real app I want to put together, involves a whole bunch of C code I already have, which is quite heavy in real raw binary data parsing, down at the bit level, plus on top of that I'll be also doing some interaction with some tcl scripts (through tcl library/boost)....

So it looked to me that WPF could provide a nice looking/spiffy UI (as the apps I made in the past like this, I did the UI with MFC and boring/bland dialog boxes/buttons).

Yeah, so I understand the part of WPF being one monolothic window...but you can still add control pieces on it, it buttons, list boxes, etc....I'm just trying to figure out how to actually interact with those pieces....

microsoft does have a nice example that does exactly this, but they wrote the WPF part in c code, and compiled it all at once with their win32app code....I can take this route, but it means having to write my WPF design by hand back into c code...

(ie this page: )
this page has more snippets than the whole project, but there is another link by searching that has the whole 'example' to download, just can't find it at the moment)

I was hoping I could use BLEND (or something similar) to design a nice UI, and go from there, but it sounds that approach will not be possible...