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Comments by Vinod Kc (Top 56 by date)
Vinod Kc
26-Jul-24 21:23pm
And the code has some errors also. He just created an HICON but if it not null, he used another one instead if using the already created one.
Vinod Kc
5-Apr-19 5:39am
Never mind, I think i found the answer myself.
Instead of this line---
Dim mail As New MailMessage
I wrote this ----
Using mail As New MailMessage
I didn't properly disposed the mailmessage object. That was the reason. Now, problem solved.
Vinod Kc
9-Oct-18 14:43pm
@Richard MacCutchan,
Thanks for the reply. I subclassed this control and it worked.
Vinod Kc
24-Jan-17 8:24am
Hi, Thanks for the links. But Debuggex seems to be complex. Anyhow, i am playing with it. Thanks.
Vinod Kc
24-Jan-17 7:15am
Thanks for the reply, But it is not working in RegexBuddy.
Vinod Kc
24-Jan-17 7:11am
Hi, Thanks for the reply. But it is catching a space in the beginning of the string. How to avoid it ?
I mean, this is the result now - " 85" and " 215"
Vinod Kc
24-Jan-17 7:00am
I got this from RegexBuddy.
Vinod Kc
3-Jan-17 11:54am
Since i am a self learner, I never used BreakPoint yet. Because, i didn't see any tutorial on how to use it. Instead, i use a Debug.WriteLine command to see what happens there. In this context, i am going to do the same in the ControlAdded event of the panel. If i am doing something wrong, or is there any chance to improve my method of debugging, please correct me.
Vinod Kc
3-Jan-17 9:32am
Hi, When i wrote code for changing location, i can't see any labels on SelectedPanel. The Labels which receive Double click event are vanishing from MainContainer, but not appearing in SelectedPanel. If i comment out that line of code(location change code), Labels are appearing in SelectedPanel, but they are maintaining a gap which i don't like.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 12:53pm
If it is developed in AutoIt, then some native functions are there for to run the code. Anyhow, let me experiment.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 12:02pm
Anyway, let me try this with multi threading. I will inform you the result. If this is not easy in vb.net, i need to build this in autoit.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 11:33am
I have tagged vb.net because, i need to know how to do this purticular task in vb.net. I am making this IDE for autoit users. So they must installed autoit first.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 4:35am
Ok. The interpreter is an exe file located in my "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\".
And every autoit user has this exe file in his pc.
VB.Net depends dot net frame work but this language will work in any windows pc. That's why i like this language.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 2:50am
Hi @SA,
I can explain. Autoit is a scripting language. It's syntax looks like Basic. The developers of autoit included SciTE IDE to write the code and debug and compile it as an exe. But SciTE lacks most advanced features like automatic "EndIf" completions which we can see in visual studio. So i have planned to make my own IDE. The language i choose is VB.Net. I think i have made my point clear.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 1:17am
Say, this is user's script and assume that he is trying to run this in my IDE.
ConsoleWrite("Loop is starting now...." & @CRLF)
For $i = 0 To 10
ConsoleWrite("Vinod this text is from your console" & @CRLF)
The result will be printed in output control, only after we kill the process.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 1:15am
I mean i don't kow if it is a stand alone or something like that.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 1:14am
if a user trying to run an infinite loop, i can't tell the execution time.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 1:06am
Hi @SA,
After some experiments, i succeeded in displaying output in console. But it is only after i stopped the script from outside visual studio. I think i need threading to achieve my goal.
Vinod Kc
7-Jun-16 1:01am
Thanks for the reply. I don't know anything about the technical details of that interpreter. All i know is, i can run any scripts without loops and i can display its output to the user. But if try to run scripts which contain loops,it is running but i can't display output. So i think i did something wrong in the process.Start.
Vinod Kc
6-Jun-16 13:39pm
@Sergey Alexandrovich,
Autoit has it's own interpreter to run the script. I think i don't need the CodeDom. Please forgive me if it is wrong. I just want to run the interpreter with proper command line switches. And i have succeeded but when it's come to script which contains loops, i can't get the output. That's the problem.
Vinod Kc
18-Jan-16 1:21am
Thank you @Maciej Los :)
Vinod Kc
12-Jan-16 14:42pm
Vinod Kc
12-Jan-16 14:34pm
@Kenneth Haugland, I don't know anything about macro. I just know to control word document with this scripting language.
Vinod Kc
7-Jan-16 14:59pm
Thanks @Sergey Alexandrovich. Let me read it.
Vinod Kc
7-Jan-16 7:16am
No, it's not the problem of amount. I am doing the same type of work for another channels and they will provide all true copies at my convinience. These people are rigid but they offered me a higher remuneration than others. That's why i am sticking with this.
Vinod Kc
7-Jan-16 6:48am
A little more explanation. 'A' will give the true copy to 'B' right befor 5 days of telecasting. My job is to translate the dialouge. And 'B''s job is to dub the video. They need 3 days for recording and mixing. But i need 10 days to write the dialouges. So 'B' will send me the captured copy and when i finished writing , they will work with the original copy. So i am only one who suffer with the captured copy. 'B' don't want to talk about 'A' for this matter. 'B' 's channel authorities are satisfied because they will get the program finished by right time.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 14:21pm
A simple Hello world program contains a button and a texbox sized 14.5 MB in Lazarus.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 14:10pm
I think you are mistaken. I said AutoIt is not supporting OOP. Not pascal. I know pascal is a good language and now i am making a test program in lazarus for testing its options to make an exe.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 13:34pm
@SA, Pascal in Lazarus is in my list. If i didn't get a better result, then i will choose pascal. Now i am doing my little project in AutoIt. You can simply make anything with it. But it is not supporting OOP. It has a GUI designer. And you know, we can play with WIn APIs easily in AutoIt.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 13:16pm
No.. i never go for python. It is easy but not easy for develop a gui. It will drag me to 1970 style programming. Complete blindness. If you write code for a button and place it in an imaginary position. And after run it once, you will realize that it is a wrong position. And you change the pos and again run. What a pity ? I have Lazarus. But pascal's syntax make me weird feeling. Anyhow, it is a good option.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 12:27pm
My program weighs 1 MB or below 1 MB. Frame work weighs 100 MB + i think.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 10:08am
Apart from what vesion xp can afford, i need to know, what version xp have.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 9:54am
Thanks for the reply. So you mean, when i start making a project, i need to use the lowest frame work version if i am aiming xp users. Right ?
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 9:47am
Hi @OriginalGriff, THanks for the reply. I hate languages which uses '{}'. And i don't care if i stuck with basic. Because, i didn't want to work for an MNC. I am coding for my own happiness and my own interests.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 9:43am
If my client has access to internet but what about they don't want to download such a giant framework ?. I only expect microsoft to give an option for combining the giant frame work files to my installer so that my client won't bothered anymore.
Vinod Kc
28-Sep-15 9:40am
@Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov, I don't like {} using languages. I like to make simple applications. Anyhow, thanks for your reply
Vinod Kc
21-Sep-15 14:31pm
Thank you @KrunalRohit. But i am using VS2013.
Vinod Kc
20-Sep-15 9:46am
Thank you @Abhinav
Vinod Kc
20-Sep-15 9:46am
Thank you @Richard
Vinod Kc
3-Aug-15 4:29am
Ok. i will keep it in my mind.
Vinod Kc
3-Aug-15 4:29am
Infact, you pointed me to the right dirction. For me that is the solution. After all, i am the learner. so i need to go through the path you pointed. Anyway, it's nice to meet you in this forum. I am a hobby programmer. I do make programs for my own purpose and for learning.
Vinod Kc
3-Aug-15 3:05am
@Ralf Meier,
I have succeeded. I used Thread. First of all, i have created a private sub and put my text catching function inside do loop in that sub. And then start a new thread with AddressOf that private sub in form load. Voila !. I don't knew that this is this much simple. Thank you for guiding me to threading. You pointed me the right direction. And ofcource, threading is so simple. Thanks a lot. :)
Vinod Kc
3-Aug-15 2:36am
Hi, I will sure inform you the results. Now, i am learning more about BackgroundWorker vs Thread. I have found a good article in code prejct. Thanks for the support.
Vinod Kc
3-Aug-15 1:26am
Hi, my experiments with BackgroundWorker class was a failed. It gave me the result only once. But i need my program should monitor what the user types in ms word. And then i tried with Timer. It was a success but it gave me result in each timer tick intervel. (in my case it is 100ms) But ijust want to get the word when user press a space key. So i have addedd the GetAsyncKeypress function to this program. Now i am getting words when user presses spacebar. My qustion is - Is this the best method to do this ?. Any suggestions for improve ?
Vinod Kc
1-Aug-15 9:21am
Hi Ralf Meier,
The code is now giving the good result. But Now, the problem is how can i run this function when my form1 is not in focus. BackgroundWorker class give only one word. And then it stopped. I don't know how to use it in a loop.
Vinod Kc
1-Aug-15 7:29am
@Ralf Meier, I just created a function for getting words behind the cursor. But it is giving just one word only. I will show you the code. Here is the Link.
Some notes about this code
1. I have tested BackeGroundWorker class. But i don't know how use it effectively. It gave me only a single word. I don't know how to use it inside a loop for monitoring what user types in word.
2. I have used GetAsyncKeystate function inside this code. It is only for testing. Because, i want to examine if my code is working properly. Please ask me if you want any other info. Thanks
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 23:23pm
@Ralf Meier,
I have tried it in a timer's tick event. But it shows me a dialoge box in word that the search is finish and there is no word like "MyGivenWord". I think it is searching through the document. I only meant to find text just behind the cursor. Not to search the whole document.
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 15:33pm
Thanks. I hope your suggestion will work. Let me try it. Once again thank you for the guidance. In your last comment, you said "Background worker or a thread". I need to study more on that.
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 15:20pm
Ok, if user types a word in word document, my program continously monitoring what he types and search that word in a database. If text on the left side of the cursor matches to the text in database column1, then my program select the range and replace the text with a text from database column2. For getting speed replaces, i am planning to open the database at starting time and load the columns into an array.
I forgot to add an example. here it is;
assume my array (or dictionary) contains these two text -
array(0,0) = "Perso"
array(0,1) = "Personal Experience"
When user types "P", program checks for "P" in array. And when program finds that array(0,0) and text from word document is same, then it will paste the array(0,1) to word.
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 15:08pm
As i said earlier, the scripting language i have learned, has a function like this; "Word_DocRangeSet(Object, cursor pos, word, Backward, One word)".
Params -
1 = Word object
2 = Range start area (in this case, it is cursor position)
3 = Select a word or char or line or paragraph (in this case a word)
4 = Move selection backward or forward (in this case backward)
5 = How many words to select (in this case one word).
This function will return a range object. We then can get the text of that particular area and we can select that text, replace that text and so on.
See this, i can easily customize what i need. I don't find anything user firendly like this in vb.net.
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 15:00pm
Without a loop, how do i know what the user types now. And if i don't need a loop then, do i need to add this code inside a timer's tick event ?
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 14:51pm
@Ralf Meier,
Thank you for this solution. Well, i have to put this "Selection.Find" inside a loop. Anyway, let me try. I will sure inform you.
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 14:48pm
Sure. Thank you
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 3:58am
Who are the voters ? i didn't do anything
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 3:55am
Thank you. Let me try. :)
Vinod Kc
30-Jul-15 3:52am
@Ralf Meier , I am planning to make a text expander for word. I know there is autocorrect. But autocorrect will change mt formatted text's font aftre a restart. So i decided to make one. If user types "prod", then my program catch that string and compare it with an array. If array contains a full text of "prod" then it will select the word "prod" and replace it with new text. I hope i have made the point clear.
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