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Comments by James McCullough (Top 10 by date)

James McCullough 12-Oct-23 19:08pm View    
Nope, that's not the issue. The issue is that the tags aren't running on the parsed code. I'm presenting the parsed code through Html.Raw, and the asp-for tags aren't being picked up. Stuff that's NOT in the Html.Raw code is... So unfortunately, this isn't my issue.
James McCullough 7-Aug-18 11:45am View    
Sorry, yeah. Saw that AFTER I posted.
James McCullough 25-Jun-18 10:46am View    
Thank you. I found some references to doing this but figured I would ask here in case there was just a setting I was missing or something like that. Thanks for the answer!
James McCullough 25-Jun-18 10:00am View    
Thank you. It's precisely this kind of answer I was hoping to avoid. As I said in the question, surely I'm not the only person on the planet with this problem...
James McCullough 25-Jun-18 9:41am View    
Updated the question. Sorry, didn't realize the question system had removed part of my original question.