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Comments by AmarjeetAlien (Top 24 by date)

AmarjeetAlien 13-Jun-11 4:39am View    
I think I'm still not clear to You. "There is no clicking and so I don't think I can use OnMouseClick".
And I think I need this:

Anyway it's freaking me out!How difficult it could be to perform a simple right click at current cursor location??! Forget everything just write a simple C# program which when run performs a right click!Like have a "for" loop from 1-10 and for each even value of i(checked after a delay) do a right click.

I know I'm very bad at programming.But that's how learning begins.
AmarjeetAlien 13-Jun-11 2:06am View    
Can you please give sample code snippet for that^^
I found this for Control.InvokeOnClick:
protected void InvokeOnClick(
Control toInvoke,
EventArgs e

And toInvoke type list is long:
I need to know which one to use.
AmarjeetAlien 13-Jun-11 1:41am View    
What do you need for a trigger of this check?
->A slightly constant value of this variable over a small duration of time.
A time or an addressing of this variable?
->Both.I think.
why? What's the ultimate purpose of this technique?
->Please read the comments of you answer(--SA) on this thread:
AmarjeetAlien 13-Jun-11 1:34am View    
I've been through this page a number of times, but problem remains same->the user has to perform a mouse/keyboard event in this example.My user is using "onscreen keyboard" and no mouse at all! Please read my above comment.
Something like this:

AmarjeetAlien 13-Jun-11 1:25am View    
Sorry for my "small" summary.

Actually, I'm making an iMouse(eye mouse) where user uses my hardware setup(a headmount camera) to interact with computer.The user is a limbic disable(no hands) and can't use the normal mouse. My application software is to be used like a driver(not actually a driver) which detects headmount camera and allows the user to interact with computer by tracking his/her eyeball movements and blinking.

What I should have made clear is that user is "not clicking". He/She is just blinking the eye(s) and my app has to detect the blink and perform the clicking at current cursor location.The blink to perform a click is slightly longer than normal blink.

So, there are no mouse event from user side(as is the case with all available code samples) and so I can't use "OnClick" type events handlers :(

I can detect blink and all I need is to trigger the click!

Moreover I'm a Student and not a professional and so I'm not dragging myself into std GUI practices. I only need to give a demo(in fact, final presentation) that it is possible to click using blink.

Thanks for your help --SA!