Sometimes I think I can pack almost any kind of information in my head if I just try hard enough. The downside of this thinking is it doesn't leave much room for making a good judgment on what kind of stuff I should choose to put in there. Today was a day of technical learning, and I travelled downtown to take part in a two day study course on one of Bill's high profile technologies. It was presented in a different language and used tools I had never tried before. Needless to say it was a daunting task and it wasn't long before I realized that I had put one foot right off into the deep end of the pool. I did however, expect there to be a friendly pool noodle or inflatable wading elephant ready to take some of the problems away and provide some boyancy. "After all, we were paying for help!". I reached out and was summarily handed a set of diving weights. I found myself struggling in a sea of C# code and Sql this.get.something and that trying to find my way to the end of the tutorial and frantically scanning the resource book for information. The good thing was, I was not alone.
When I got home tonight, my eyes had been put through a training exercise they had not had for some time and my head was beginning the pound away with one of those classic tension headaches. I went into the medicine cupboard (yes its a cupboard, and no it is not well organized) and pull out a bottle of ibuprophen, grabbed a couple of small pills and popped them back with a Diet Pepsi. I started watching some TV to relax and anticipated the start of Heroes which was coming up in about an hour. About 30 minutes later I felt my headache was no better and began to wonder why. I was informed that we had no more hard shell pills and why did I think we had. So I wander back to the cupboard of wonders to double check on my self medication to realize I had not taken pain pills at all but rather two sleeping pills! Oh boy, I thought. "Should I take two real headache pills now?" So I do anyway.
Getting back to the chesterfield I lie down and continue to watch TV. Before I know it I am sinking in the wave of sleep inducement and pass out unpredicably. I startle myself to try an wake up but keep fading back. I suppose I was a little concerned that I had overdone it, but realistically a double dosage isn't all that bad "is it?". Thinking this I let myself fade off in to that Starry Night. I begin to have an odd dream about the morning talk show guys Wheeler and Hal. I go to visit them at their studio (I have no idea why) and give a friendly wave hello. Wheeler greets me friendly but Hal looks at me like he had just set eyes on someone trying to plant explosives under his chair. I woke back up again and started to watch more TV. What else was I to do? Hal wasn't going to let me sleep!
As the sleeping pills wear off my headache was gone (whew) and my legs go like I have ants crawling on them. A strange mix of anxiety and sleepiness. Strangely enough this is a methphor for the training I had just been doing today. Two opposite emotions somehow combined into a strange mix, making me wonder how tomorrow is going to go. I think, instead of letting myself get into a pumped hypomanic state again, I will go back to the medicine cupboard tonight and take the little bottle and dig it under the back. Now there is an ounce of prevention that really doesn't cost much at all...