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Live Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android

  1. 0

    Live Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Getting Started

    In this article series, we’ll demonstrate how to use AI to determine what’s going on in a live video stream by building a lightning detector that runs in realtime on an Android device.
    Added 12 Nov 2020
  2. 1

    Live Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Training and Exporting Model

    In this article go through training a TF model with our curated dataset using Teachable Machine and export the trained model in the FTLite format.
    Added 12 Nov 2020
  3. 2

    Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Building UI with Android Studio

    In this article we walk through the basic setup of the model-based app in the Android environment.
    Added 13 Nov 2020
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    Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Setting Up a TFLite Model

    In this article we’ll set up the TFLite model in the Android environment and create a working demo application.
    Added 16 Nov 2020
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    Live Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Real-time Testing

    In this article we’ll carry out real-time testing of our app.
    Added 17 Nov 2020
  6. 5

    Live Lightning Detection with Deep Learning and Tensorflow on Android: Exploring the Outcome

    In this article we’ll go over the project outcome and put together some "lessons learned" for your future live detection tasks.
    Added 18 Nov 2020