In this article I present a simple Caret which I have successfully used in a couple of my WPF projects. I hope that it can be useful for others too.
WPF does not provide a Caret control for User Controls. There is a CaretElement
, but it is internal to the framework and undocumented. The presented code can be easily adapted for WinForms as well.
Using the code
Using the caret is pretty straightforward. You only have to create an instance of the Caret and add it as a child to your user control. In order to move the Caret around, you will have to change its Top
and Left
properties. You can change Caret's height using the CaretHeight
public class MyControl : UserControl
Caret caret = new Caret();
public MyControl()
caret.Top = 100;
caret.Left = 100;
And here is the Caret
public class Caret : FrameworkElement
System.Threading.Timer timer;
Point location;
public double CaretHeight { get; set; }
int blinkPeriod = 500;
Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1);
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Visible", typeof(bool),
typeof(Caret), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));
public Caret()
CaretHeight = 18;
Visible = true;
timer = new System.Threading.Timer(blinkCaret, null, 0, blinkPeriod);
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
if (Visible)
dc.DrawLine(pen, location, new Point(Left, location.Y + CaretHeight));
bool Visible
return (bool)GetValue(VisibleProperty);
SetValue(VisibleProperty, value);
void blinkCaret(Object state)
Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { Visible = !Visible; }));
public double Left
get { return location.X; }
if (location.X != value)
location.X = Math.Floor(value) + .5;
if (Visible)
Visible = false;
public double Top
get { return location.Y; }
if (location.Y != value)
location.Y = Math.Floor(value) + .5;
if (Visible)
Visible = false;
I am a full-stack developer. My skills include JavaScript, C#/.Net, MS Azure cloud etc. I love to work on complex programming tasks requiring deep analysis, planning and use of efficient algorithms and data structures.