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Great Reads

by The Zakies
Tutorial 1 (how to create a vector graphics program)
by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
by veen_rp
Smooth a 2D polyline through interpolation (Catmull-Rom) or approximation (Chaikin)
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Demonstrating a few approaches to generating and plotting fractals in R and offering R scripts realizing it.

Latest Articles

by The Zakies
Tutorial 1 (how to create a vector graphics program)
by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
by veen_rp
Smooth a 2D polyline through interpolation (Catmull-Rom) or approximation (Chaikin)
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Demonstrating a few approaches to generating and plotting fractals in R and offering R scripts realizing it.

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by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
by veen_rp
Smooth a 2D polyline through interpolation (Catmull-Rom) or approximation (Chaikin)
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Demonstrating a few approaches to generating and plotting fractals in R and offering R scripts realizing it.
by Mehedi Shams
Design to scale automatically to different screen resolutions
by g96b10
Win2D provides a neat API interface, but how do you render complex sprites for your game? I provide a library and editor to make this a streamlined process.
by Will J Miller
This article describes the implementation of a custom class called MMSCropImageView. The class gives the feature of drawing and moving a rectangle over an image to identify the crop region and return it in an UIImage. It explains the considerations and solutions for cropping a bitmap.
by honey the codewitch
TinyVG is a compact vector graphics file format suitable for embedded. We explore it here.
by Conrad Kanengieter
This is a demo plot in HTML and SVG where JavaScript controls SVG.
by FaizanMubasher
This article include steps to create simple needle in android using View and Graphics. A needle like placed in Speedometers.
by John J Espiritu
An android-style notification component for .NET Framework.
by Christ Kennedy
Combine your own sprites with any MP4 you choose using this Animation Editor
by Zamrony P. Juhara
Get started with OpenGL ES 2.0 shader programming on Android
by CMalcheski
Thinking outside the box can result in critical performance gains
by Tarun Mangukiya
This project shows user how to create a screen saver Bubbles (Windows 7) in VB.NET.
by Dmitriy Glushchikov
This article describes a simple way to build an oriented graph using controls.
by Pat Dooley
Choose Images is a program for photographers to help them review and select photographs from their camera or memory card to move to their computer for processing and/or archival purposes.
by mibxue
I support a group methods to load the image to double[,]/double[][,]/T[][,], that could help to manipulate the image
by Android on Intel
In this article we are going to do a walkthrough of how to do CPU-bound offline analysis of the workflow.
by honey the codewitch
A more in-depth guide to creating drivers and other custom draw targets for GFX
by Chris H.F. Tsang
With premium quality anti- aliasing, color, thickness, and minimum CPU overhead.
by Chris H.F. Tsang
Drawing Polylines by tessellation with joints, caps, feathering and per- vertex color
by Vitaliy Sytnik
On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about creating drawings in SVG format. Often an editor is used to open an DXF and export as SVG. Looking through the SVG code it is immediately obvious that there is a lot of excess. An SVG file created in one editor may not always be corre
by honey the codewitch
How to use GFX to drive multiple screens at the same time on an ESP32
by Chuzhakin
C# source to read AutoCAD DXF files
by tugrulGtx
Accessing VRAM-cached nucleotide sequences in FASTA formatted files (*.fna, *.faa) by index
by Jakub Szymanowski
The article presents idea and implementation of Fourier Transform (DFT and FFT algorithms) in Digital Signal Processing.
by Intel
In this article I will describe the effects implemented by Gameloft in GTR2 and focus on how we managed to fit those effects into the 30 frames per second (FPS) budget we had set ourselves.
by Ryan Scott White
an assembler/compiler for AMD’s GCN (Generation Core Next Architecture) Assembly Language
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Defining and presenting Gearographic curves from the simplest to the most intriguing. Offering web-pages and R scripts used to illustrate different aspects of it.
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Continue defining and presenting Gearographic curves from the simplest to the most intriguing. Offering web-pages and R scripts used to illustrate different aspects of it.
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Understanding, designing, generating and plotting Kronecker product based fractals and offering web-pages supporting it.
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Generating and plotting random Voronoi Diagrams and offering web-page supporting it and R scripts.
by honey the codewitch
Got an embedded or IoT widget with a screen but no real memory or flash space to speak of? Read this.
by honey the codewitch
GFX is a fast and full featured replacement for standard IoT drawing libraries that is optimized to reduce bus I/O
by honey the codewitch
Explore techniques for drawing using GFX
by honey the codewitch
Use GFX effectively with e-paper/e-ink displays
by honey the codewitch
A device independent graphics library for IoT devices. Part 1 of a series.
by honey the codewitch
GFX IoT graphics library part 2 - device independent bitmaps
by honey the codewitch
Explore the basic drawing functionality provided by the GFX IoT library
by honey the codewitch
Use an ILI9341 display efficiently from an ESP32 without the Arduino framework. Load JPEGs.
by honey the codewitch
Explore the inner workings of a highly capable IoT display driver for the ESP32
by honey the codewitch
Run your IoT display driver independent of the bus it uses, whether I2C, SPI or parallel
In this article we are going to build a UserControl in WPF which is intended to make the user choose a directory in his FIleSystem
by Rojan Gh.
A brief guide for web developers, describing how to customize Twitter Bootstrap for their web designs
by Vahe Karamian
Programming in itself is no small task. Graphics programming complicate things a tab-bit more!
by Peter Huber SG
WPF design might have been too clever when using DIP (device independent pixels)
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is an effort to introduce beginners to HTML Canvas through a simple Game development.
by YevheniyK
The article describes a general approach to using Cocos2d-x on top of native components and relevant coding specifics for Cocos2d-x, iOS and Android.
by Marijan Nikic
Small tool for adding borders to image for canvas printing
by honey the codewitch
Easily embed image data into your code
by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
by Intel
In this article, we’ll walk through a quick and easy way to see whether your game is CPU-bound using a high-level system overview.
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
by b4rc0ll0
Create a smart Java component used as accordion menu. Explains how to create visual transition effects, and simple icons management. Also shows how to create a hierarchy of components with an easy cascade management.
by Joe Dillon
C# program to generate and explore the Mandelbrot set.
by Bjørn
Editing GIF colors without touching the image data within
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Addresses questions on graphics, threading with UI, form development, printing and more
by leon de boer
Native Win32 API OpenGL Tutorial - Part 1
by leon de boer
In this second part, we will create an OpenGL MDI application
by Lukasz Gwizdz (Member 2097797)
Background information about this data structure and algorithm
by Santhosh G_
Applying oil painting effect on an image.
by Samuel Teixeira
Why simple if we can be complex?
by Simon Bridge
Provides a multi-threading library and demonstrates its use by rendering the Mandelbrot Set
by Mohammad Reza Khosravi
This application uses some simple 2D methods to make 3D scenes which can be seen with Red/Cyan Anaglyph glasses.
by honey the codewitch
PianoBox is a customizable musical keyboard control for Windows Forms. This is the first part of MidiUI.
by Matt Scarpino
Using GPU Acceleration to Compute Ray-Triangle Intersection
by Bill9603
Making a pocketwatch from scratch
by altomaltes
This algorithm uses very simple integer math (add and multiply) to render arcs, lines, etc. to CNC machines or a computer surface.
by honey the codewitch
How to take your IoT graphical interface from the mid-1990s into the present
by ColleagueRiley
Tutorial for creating an accelerated opengl context for X11, Windows, and MacOS. Based on my project: RGFW.
by Matt Cavanagh
A simple and very effective way to manage navigation between UserControls in a Silverlight project.
by Uzi Granot
This program will solve a Rubik’s cube using algorithms for beginners. It is a WPF open source application written in C# for VS 2022 and .NET6 using 3D graphics and animation.
by Midi_Mick
Alleviate issues with Image objects created from streams and files.
by thanh_bkhn
A simple way to take a screenshot using the Magnification library
by Robert Umbehant
A two file graphics library for debugging otherwise graphically deficient applications.
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Presenting one kind of the exotic spiral, i.e., using big round dots, twisting polygons and, possibly, your own photo. Offering web-page used to illustrate different aspects of it.
by honey the codewitch
How to make very responsive, flicker free interactive screens without using a lot of memory
by honey the codewitch
Display automated (optionally controllable) Tetris on an LCD or Neopixel panel
by Henry Tan Setiawan
A simple trajectory simulation with SVG / KnockoutJS
by Uzi Granot
If you are a programmer that tried to introduce a kid to programming with Scratch, this article is for you. Comparing a simple game between Scratch and C#.
by Android on Intel
Unity Optimization Guide for Intel x86 Platforms: Part 3
by honey the codewitch
Take advantage of the PlatformIO repository to easily add GFX to your projects
by Farhad Reza
This article will show you how you can use the OpenGL graphics library in Google's Go language.
by gtdelarosa
Various methods for using quaternions in ways that maximize performance
by Gil Fink
The Image Optimizer extension is a promising extension if you are looking to optimize your application.
by Cloudster
Using simple Android graphics processing techniques to modify 360 images
by Igor Kushnarev
Using Vulkan API with Kotlin Native example
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
A cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Another variant of the cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file, and now this file is JavaScript
In this article we look at what data scientists should know about OpenUSD and how it can enhance their workflows.
by Marijan Nikic
An animated random string selection wheel class written in Java AWT
by Martin Mitáš
Direct2D or GDI+? Perhaps both, with a help of the right library.
by Vladimir Svyatski
How to correctly draw WinForms Tab Control with bottom alignment when visual styles are enabled
by Jack Xu, USA
This article demonstrates how to convert the WinForm version of the Microsoft chart control into a WPF and MVVM compatible chart control and how to use it to create various charts in a WPF application.
by Patrick Brunner
Examples of WPF applications using DirectX11 managed code (SharpDX and C#) based on Microsoft interop solution
by Peter Huber SG
WPF LinearGradientBrush parameters are confusing and need a proper explanation
by honey the codewitch
Implement a fancy color picker in your ESP32 WROVER or WROOM IoT applications