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SQL Server 2008R2


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by Debabrata_Das
This article will talk about how to update multiple records in a GridView on a single button click using JSON in ASP.NET
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Glimpse Extension for server side debugging and diagnostic information of ASP.NET applications
by PIEBALDconsult
A stored procedure I use to find duplicate records in tables and views.
by AhsanAhmed
A brief introduction on how to use FOR XML clause in AUTO mode in Microsoft SQL Server to return data in XML format

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by DiponRoy
A utility query to find table generations in SQL Server relational database
by Mahsa Hassankashi
This is the simplest tutorial on AngularJS and Repository Pattern for developing professional MVC applications. It includes a source code about practical permission management project.
by DiponRoy
How to do string split and join in SQL Server
by Micah Nikkel
SQL script that dynamically generates the DR scripts for failing over/back all Log Shipped databases. While it makes even a single database failover/failback a more streamlined process, it's most helpful for servers with multiple databases, such as SharePoint, consolidated SQL Servers, etc.

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SQL Server 2008R2 

20 Jun 2014 by Debabrata_Das
This article will talk about how to update multiple records in a GridView on a single button click using JSON in ASP.NET
11 Jan 2015 by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Glimpse Extension for server side debugging and diagnostic information of ASP.NET applications
13 Dec 2014 by PIEBALDconsult
A stored procedure I use to find duplicate records in tables and views.
2 Jun 2017 by AhsanAhmed
A brief introduction on how to use FOR XML clause in AUTO mode in Microsoft SQL Server to return data in XML format
19 Feb 2019 by DiponRoy
How to do string split and join in SQL Server
28 Dec 2014 by Snesh Prajapati
In this article series, I am sharing how to create report using Report Builder by fetching data from Oracle DB.
29 Aug 2018 by Micah Nikkel
SQL script that dynamically generates the DR scripts for failing over/back all Log Shipped databases. While it makes even a single database failover/failback a more streamlined process, it's most helpful for servers with multiple databases, such as SharePoint, consolidated SQL Servers, etc.
29 Sep 2015 by Wendelius
You can't use case just like that but there are several ways to do the comparison. For example:SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT Table.users) FROM Table WHERE Table.Age BETWEEN CASE @cat WHEN 1 THEN 18 ELSE 21 END AND CASE @cat WHEN 1 THEN 20 ELSE 42 END;ADDITION:If...
22 Jul 2014 by OriginalGriff
Use the SqlBulkCopy[^] class.
15 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, you can never have two primary keys:[^].Don't confuse this statement with the situation when you can have a compound key, which can be uses as a primary key, but it still has to be unique:...
28 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Uploading the files - HTML5 and jQuery way
15 Feb 2015 by Bohdan Stupak
This tip shows some primary issue which puts a serious limitation on SQL Server MONEY data type.
26 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
12 Apr 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Do not store passwords in the first place, but a kind of a one-way hash, better with some salt (and pepper) added...[^][^]
29 Apr 2015 by CPallini
You don't need anything: text box content (that is the Text property) is already a string.
13 Nov 2015 by OriginalGriff
The best solution is: don't. Store the values separately in a separate table that uses the student table roll no and Citylist table ID as foreign keys, and each row references a pair of keys - you can then use JOIN to populate your result.You can do what you want using your method, but it's...
18 Dec 2015 by Md. Marufuzzaman
This tip shows you an easy way to split Microsoft SQL Server table row data.
6 Feb 2016 by CHill60
As suggested by PIEBALDconsult replace the WHERE with a joine.g. LEFT join Last_Authorised_Range lar on lar.Range_Event_Id = srg.Range_Event_Id WHERE lar.Range_Event_Id is nullIndexes on the ID fields in the tables should also help.As Member 10454138 points...
4 Apr 2014 by Schatak
you can Usegridview.Columns[Index].visible=false;note: index of columns start from 0
22 May 2014 by DamithSL
you can do it with Linq GridView1.DataSource = dtExcelRecords.AsEnumerable().Skip(6).CopyToDataTable();Ref:[^]
15 Jul 2014 by Maciej Los
It's impossible!Please, have a look at past discussion[^]
19 Jul 2014 by Tim Golisch
The Master database often seems to be the "Lost & Found" bin of the SQL Server world. There are two popular ways for preventing this kind of problem. Read on...
30 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to handle database scheme changes with normal SQL scripts, without migration in Entity Framework code first
9 Sep 2014 by Gihan Liyanage
Try Google first.You Answer is here. Execution plan[^]
31 Jan 2015 by CPallini
Is is the hexadecimal representation of a 64 bit number.
18 May 2015 by Maciej Los
Replace this:select distinct(SingleUser),(sum(Quality)/COUNT(SingleUser)) as QualityPercentage, 100-sum(Quality)/COUNT(SingleUser ) as ErrorPercentagefrom UserTotalswith:SELECT SingleUser, AVG(Quality) as QualityPercentage, 100-AVG(Quality) as ErrorPercentageFROM UserTotalsGROUP BY...
23 Jul 2015 by Wendelius
Datetime2 is more accurate than datetime which has only accuracy for milliseconds.From datetime2 (Transact-SQL)[^]: When the fractional precision of the datetime2(n) value is greater than three digits, the value will be truncated.The following example shows the results of converting a...
11 Aug 2015 by Maciej Los
Try this:SELECT [Name], CASE WHEN [Designation]='Director' THEN 'Authorisedsignatory' ELSE [Designation] END AS NewDesignationFROM Designation orSELECT [Name], CASE WHEN [Headtype]=1 THEN 'Authorisedsignatory' ELSE [Designation] END AS NewDesignationFROM Designation
18 Aug 2015 by OriginalGriff
Try:SELECT * FROM MyTable mJOIN (SELECT MAX(Id) AS MaxId FROM MyTable GROUP BY ForeignId) jON m.Id = j.MaxId
29 Sep 2015 by DotNetSteve
Variety is the spice of life - rewarding PDF AcroForm reader
28 Oct 2015 by phil.o
A regular expression seems to be what you need here:using System.Text.RegularExpressions;Regex regex = new Regex(@"^(?[0-9]+)(?[^0-9]+)$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);string input = "12pcs";Match m = regex.Match(input);int quantity =...
21 Apr 2016 by Matt T Heffron
Since your comments don't match the names of the variables to which you are assigning, I'd guess that you're putting the wrong values into your update statement. (See **MISMATCH** comments below!)Also, your where clause is wrong. You aren't using the ID value from the row of the GridView.I...
25 Apr 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
You can use UPDATE with JOIN to do this.Check something like following-UPDATE S SET S.salary=S.salary+(S.salary*(CASE WHEN R.[role]='a' THEN 0.2 WHEN R.[role]='c' THEN 0.3 ELSE 0 END))FROM sal SINNER JOIN map M ON S.empid=M.empidINNER JOIN rolemaster R ON R.roleid=M.roleidI...
23 Jun 2016 by Maciej Los
The simplest way is to use COALESCE function[^].SELECT COALESCE(tel, mob) as Saleable FROM ProductUsing CASE ... WHEN ... END statement:SELECT CASE WHEN tel IS NULL THEN mob ELSE tel END as Saleable FROM Product
16 Apr 2017 by Member 10914736
Hi There,I have one stage server database in which consists of 20 tables. These to be transferred from this server to another server, say to production server. Previously, our dba’s are replicated those and they have scheduled hourly and daily snapshots replication, so every hour and daily a...
1 Jun 2017 by AhsanAhmed
A brief introduction on how to use FOR XML clause in EXPLICIT mode in Microsoft SQL Server to return data in XML format
27 May 2013 by Maciej Los
It should works:SELECT t1.ID, t1.SKU, t1.PriceFROM YourTable AS t1 RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT SKU, MAX(ID) AS ID FROM YourTable GROUP BY SKU ) AS t2 ON t1.ID = t2.IDORDER BY ID
4 Apr 2014 by Schatak
TRY THIS:DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX);DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX);select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(Worked_dte) FROM User_Timesheet FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') , 1, 1, '');SELECT @query = 'SELECT *...
14 Apr 2014 by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
This tip shows you a T/SQL function to split a string concatenated by a delimiter.
22 May 2014 by Maciej Los
Alternatively to solution1 by Sergey Vaselenko, you can join two pivots:DECLARE @Questions TABLE (QID INT IDENTITY(1,1), Question VARCHAR(300))INSERT INTO @Questions (Question)VALUES('select fruits:'),('select animals:'),('Select flowers:')DECLARE @QuestionOptions TABLE (QOID...
27 May 2014 by Awadhendra Tripathi
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GetLastDayOfMonth]( @Date DATETIME)RETURNS DATETIMEASBEGIN RETURN DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, @Date) + 1, 0))ENDQuery:DECLARE @date DATETIMESELECT @date = '2013-05-31 15:04:10.027'SELECT DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m,...
9 Jul 2014 by Jason Parms
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Injection
12 Aug 2014 by PIEBALDconsult
Try using VARCHAR rather than CHAR.char and varchar (Transact-SQL)[^]•Use char when the sizes of the column data entries are consistent.•Use varchar when the sizes of the column data entries vary considerably.
13 Aug 2014 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Don't do it directly from the webpage is my advice. Why is that so, you might ask. Simples:Worker processes are recycled regularily and thus your threads will also stop running and you won't even know how much of the work has been done and where to resume (if this has been coded into the...
13 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Your dad needs to install the SQL server, period. Moreover, even though deployment of database service with the application is the acceptable practice, it all heavily depends on licensing models, actually available licenses and maybe business setting. Therefore, the choice #1 is still just...
25 Aug 2014 by CHill60
Well I found a way to get most of the way there using PIVOT and PARTITION and a temporary table but it's not elegant and it doesn't exactly match your expected outputs ...Firstly, the id in your expected results seems meaningless as you want to combine multiple ids into a single set of...
24 Sep 2014 by Gihan Liyanage
Use This Query ,SELECT C.student_id, C.studentname, M.Guardian_NameFROM TableStudent C OUTER APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM TableGuardian M WHERE M.student_id = C.student_id ) mSince you want to get any guardian I use Top...
12 Oct 2014 by Rajesh waran
Refer this,[^][^][^]
15 Oct 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Quote:for example a drop down for city and a drop down for province ?This is very simple. Two tables that's it.1. City - CityId, CityName2. Province - ProvinceId, FK_CityId, ProvinceNameWhile binding DropDownList for City, directly bind from City Table. The DropDownList for Province...
15 Oct 2014 by User 11060979
A self referencing table is a table which has a field which is defined as foreign key to the same table's primary key.CREATE TABLE DBREGISTRY( ID INTEGER, PARENT INTEGER, // PARENT references ID of table DBREGISTRY DESCRIPTION CHAR(30), INTVALUE INTEGER, ...
28 Oct 2014 by PhilLenoir
It is all there in the T-SQL documentation:Update ([^]):An update query is always effectively for multiple rows for a set of rows defined by the WHERE clause (or FROM clause join). UPDATE table set field = value will update every row in...
30 Oct 2014 by Maddy selva
DECLARE @ID intDECLARE @cnt intDECLARE IDs CURSOR LOCAL FOR select advid from #tableCreate table #table1(advId int ,name nvarchar(100),cont bigint)OPEN IDsFETCH NEXT FROM IDs into @IDWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN with cte (AdvId,ReferId,Level)as( select AdvId,ReferId,1...
30 Oct 2014 by Maciej Los
The simplest way:SELECT advId, name, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #table WHERE ReferId = t1.advId AND ReferalRank = 'MGR') AS CountOfMgrFROM #table AS t1[EDIT]Sorry, King_Fisher, because above query does not meets your needs. It counts the employees in direct relationship to its chief ;)...
1 Nov 2014 by DamithSL
it seems you need to search based on input str, but your method expect integer value and that RollNumber is not defined. try below ( assume you have numbers as input str)int RollNumber = Convert.ToInt32(str);ds = objdal.FindRecord(RollNumber);
9 Nov 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
SQL Server has no knowledge about the fonts. What it knows is only the data type and the encoding of the text.What you can do is define a columns of NVARCHAR [^]type.What it means is that NVARCHAR can store Unicode [^]data. Thus, it's upto you if you want to store the text in Hindi,...
22 Nov 2014 by Tomas Takac
As Andre pointed out your input data seems to be incorrect. I took the liberty of changing the modified time stamps for the last two records. Now to get the results you need, first assign a sequence number based on the time stamp. Descending order will help you identify the current schedule...
25 Nov 2014 by PIEBALDconsult
Maybe this will help. LEFT JOIN the list of DISTINCT names to the data and use ISNULL:(take two)DECLARE @yr INTEGER = 2014DECLARE @mn INTEGER = 10DECLARE @ym INTEGER = @yr*100+@mn;WITH src AS( SELECT 'John' [name] , 0.50 [value] , 11 [month] , 2014 [year]UNION ALL ...
25 Nov 2014 by Maciej Los
Here is a basic idea:Dynamic PIVOT in Sql Server[^]T-SQL: Dynamic Pivot on Multiple Columns[^]Script to create dynamic PIVOT queries in SQL Server[^]Pivots with Dynamic Columns in SQL Server 2005[^]
1 Dec 2014 by Maciej Los
There is a bit difference between char and varchar[^] data types:char [ ( n ) ] Fixed-length, non-Unicode character data with a length of n bytes. n must be a value from 1 through 8,000. The storage size is n bytes. The SQL-2003 synonym for char is character.varchar [ ( n | max ) ] ...
4 Jan 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Oh dear ! No need to write 720 if else conditions. Only a single line of code can do the same job. A small trick to be implemented using logical OR operator.query="select * from table1 where ('"+txt1.Text+"'='' OR col1='"+txt1.Text+"') and ('"+txt2.Text+"'='' OR col2='"+txt2.Text+"') and...
19 Jan 2015 by Thinira
In this tip, we discuss how to pass report parameters from web page to Telerik report programmatically.
26 Jan 2015 by Peter Leow
Try this:select isnull(firstname, '') + isnull(middlename, '') + isnull(lastname, '') as result from table1Read: ISNULL (Transact-SQL)[^]
28 Jan 2015 by jaket-cp
Doing a Google search with "What is the maximum number of databases that an sql server 2008r2 can hold", the results of the search should direct you to:Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server - MSDN[^]From the page:Databases per instance of SQL Server 32/64...
11 Feb 2015 by Abhinav S
You can use a cursor -[^].
14 Feb 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
1) Here is my advice: don't learn any technological or scientific subjects for the interview, don't wast time on it. Show what you really know and can do; this is not what you can learn just before the interview.2) You need to think the way you potential employer think: why do they want to...
4 Mar 2015 by Peter Leow
Among other things, "CONTAINS" returns synonym, note the last item:Quote:CONTAINS can search for:A word or phrase.* The prefix of a word or phrase.* A word near another word.* A word inflectionally generated from another (for example, the word drive is the inflectional stem of drives,...
14 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
Use UNPIVOT:SELECT MAX(vx) FROM MyTable AS aUNPIVOT (vx FOR Value IN (Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4)) AS up[edit]Typo: missed "AS a"[/edit]
14 Mar 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
17 Mar 2015 by Sergey Kizyan
This article explains how to merge your local SQL DB content to Azure DB from scratch
30 Mar 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
A simple left/inner join can helpTry this-select t1.USER_NAME as UserName, test1, test2from( select b.UserName as USER_NAME, sum(a.TotalCount)*2 as test1 from [database].[dbo].table1 a ,[database].[dbo].table2 b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.WorkAreaID = '2' group by b.UserName)...
11 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There are no concerns at all, except just one: your code itself. Simply copy all source code from one computer to any directory of another computer. You need to have all the build tools and all dependencies to be installed on that computer, including SQL server and all libraries you use. Now,...
21 Apr 2015 by CHill60
First you need a function to split that column - there are loads out there but I like this one from[^]CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplitString] ( @string NVARCHAR(MAX), @delimiter CHAR(1) ) RETURNS @output TABLE(splitdata NVARCHAR(MAX) ) BEGIN ...
9 May 2015 by Mehdi Gholam
Google is your friend, search for " tutorials" and you will find a lot of information.
13 May 2015 by Maciej Los
Check this:DECLARE @tmp TABLE (Username VARCHAR(250), WorkArea VARCHAR(50), Scope VARCHAR(50), Quality INT)INSERT INTO @tmp (Username, WorkArea, Scope, Quality)VALUES('aa,bb,cc,ee,ff,gg,hh,ii', 'xyz', 'zyx', '100'),('aa,bb,dd,ii,kk', 'xyz', 'zyx', '99'),('cc,gg,ee,hh,kk', 'xyz',...
22 Jul 2015 by _Asif_
You don't need to have a loop for getting a serial number 1..9999. This can be done without any loop/iteration at all. See below for a sampel code. CREATE PROCEDURE writeNoASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO [dbslno].[dbo].tblslno(slno) SELECT n FROM ( SELECT TOP (9999) n =...
22 Jul 2015 by Andy Lanng
I'd prefer something a little more self reliant:CREATE PROCEDURE writeNoASBEGIN WITH mycte AS ( SELECT 1 AS number UNION ALL SELECT number + 1 FROM mycte WHERE number
20 Aug 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
This happens as on page refresh, it fires the same button click event and thus causing duplicate inserts. There are many ways to do this.1. Redirect to the same page after insert is done.Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);2. Put RequiredFieldValidator and clear all the form fields...
26 Aug 2015 by CHill60
An alternative would be to union the email addresses e.g. DECLARE @Result int--Dummy datadeclare @tbl1 table (id1 int identity(1,1), email1 varchar(30))declare @tbl2 table (id2 int identity(1,1), email2 varchar(30))insert into @tbl1 values('email1'),('email2'),('email3')insert into...
28 Sep 2015 by Wendelius
SQL Server doesn't have a split function out-of-the-box so one easy way is to build your own and use it inside SQL statements. For example have a look at An Easy But Effective Way to Split a String using Transact-SQL[^]If you don't want to use a function there are alternative approaches such...
29 Sep 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
You can use a tricky solution as follows-SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT Table.users) FROM Table WHERE (@cat1 OR (Tabl.age between 18 and 20))AND (@cat=1 OR (Tabl.age between 21 and 42))For the first condition,It will check if @cat not equals to 1 then skip the 2nd part of the expression...
29 Sep 2015 by Maciej Los
If you want to count users based on age category, you have to create helper-table to define age categories. Then you'll be able to join data from users table. Have a look at example:DECLARE @users TABLE(UserId INT IDENTITY(1,1), UName VARCHAR(30), BirthDate DATE)INSERT INTO @users(UName,...
8 Oct 2015 by OriginalGriff
The problem is that unless you have a WHERE clause or similar SQL will delete all records - so to restrict your input to just "any 1000 records" you would need some kind of filtering.I'm pretty sure that you are trying to do something that would be better handled elsewhere, because deleting...
29 Mar 2016 by CHill60
select MAX(reg_num) + 1 from Student_DetailsIf you are using this method to assign id's to the students then don't do it this way. Use an IDENTITY column on your database table
21 Apr 2016 by ZurdoDev
There is a built-in report that shows this. From Sql Management Studio right-click your db, choose Reports, Standard Reports, Schema Changes History. That will show who changed it last.
5 May 2016 by CHill60
Declare the cursor before the CTE i.e.DECLARE A CURSOR FORWITH C AS( SELECT MC_id FROM CM_MaterialCategory WHERE MC_id IN (SELECT id FROM @id) UNION ALL SELECT T.MC_id FROM CM_MaterialCategory AS T INNER JOIN C ON T.MC_parent = C.MC_id)SELECT DISTINCT MC_id FROM...
22 Jun 2016 by Maciej Los
You don't need UNION's! You have to use CASE WHEN ... END.So, the simplest way is:SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(4), dateofentry, 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), dateofentry, 120) as 'monthyear', SUM(CASE WHEN accountid=4 THEN amount ELSE 0 END) as 'Amount1', SUM(CASE WHEN accountid=3 THEN amount...
1 Mar 2017 by Bryian Tan
I think, for now, this query should work. SELECT bank, branch, chqno, SUM(Amount) Amount ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(ReceiptNo AS VARCHAR(10)) [text()] FROM dbo.code1 WHERE bank = FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'...
6 Jan 2019 by Wendelius
You can use for example recursive CTE to generate desired dates. Consider the following example CREATE TABLE Person ( PersonId int ); CREATE TABLE Attendance ( PersonId int, InTime datetime, OutTime datetime ); INSERT INTO Person (PersonId) VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT...
3 Feb 2019 by Maciej Los
Quote: currently am using SqlConnection. is that fine? Yes, yes, yes! Because SqlConnection Class (System.Data.SqlClient)[^] is designed for SQL server database.
19 Jul 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions[^] - particularly DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP.This will allow you to monitor who is dropping the column.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
27 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
How to Sort Alphanumeric Data in SQL[^]Sort AlphaNumeric Data in Sql[^]Alphanumeric sorting in sql[^]
17 May 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
I already posted you a link to the File.Copy page in your other question. Please don't repost.
2 Dec 2013 by Animesh Datta
Hello ,you have to use SUBSTRING in your query to get first 3 letters of the month.modify the query SELECT SUBSTRING(DATENAME(MONTH, CAST(CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR)+ '-' + CAST('2' AS VARCHAR) + '-01' AS DATETIME)),1,3) AS MonthNameFor more details on substring go through...
5 Aug 2014 by saurav ray
Article determines how to bind a crystal report with a virtual database
3 Apr 2014 by Jörgen Andersson
Andrius Leonavicius writes that you have to check the check the subselect starting with:ISNULL ((SELECT xl.InvoiceForeignUnitPriceWell, it's actually that specific line that is the problem. You need to aggregate it using Min(), Max(), Avg() or whatever is making best sense for your business...
5 Apr 2014 by Maciej Los
Try this:DECLARE @src TABLE(col1 VARCHAR(30), col2 VARCHAR(30), col3 VARCHAR(30))INSERT INTO @src (col1, col2, col3)VALUES('a', 'b', 'c')DECLARE @dst TABLE(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), col VARCHAR(30))INSERT INTO @dst (col)SELECT colValue AS colFROM ( SELECT colValue,...
3 Apr 2014 by King Fisher
try this:DECLARE @Year INT = 2011, @Month INT = 2DECLARE @dtDate DATETIMEset @dtDate= CONVERT(DATE, CAST((@Year*100+@Month) AS VARCHAR(6))+'01') SELECT DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@dtDate)+1,0))LastDay_AnyMonth
4 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju