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by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by The Zakies
Part 3 of a tutorial to show a graphics program using C# using GDI and SVG drag and drop and delete objects
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands

Latest Articles

by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by The Zakies
Part 3 of a tutorial to show a graphics program using C# using GDI and SVG drag and drop and delete objects
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands

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by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by darkoman
An article on creating 2D animated charts using Windows GDI.
by Dr. Vinayak Ashok Bharadi
Two dimensional Fast Fourier Transform of an image in C#.
by auralius manurung
An article on designing your own robot simulator
by Anthony Mushrow
Create and edit 2D maps using tiles
by veen_rp
Smooth a 2D polyline through interpolation (Catmull-Rom) or approximation (Chaikin)
by darkoman
This article is about the 3D software rendering engine.
by MikeTheDwarf
Helper class to display 3D data
by Itay Sagui
Introduction to the basic idea of the particle systems, and how to create basic effects such as explosions and water fountains.
by see1see
A practice of using Windows GDI and Winsock.
by ucc801
A cool GDI pattern brush tool with C++ source code. You can create a new office XP style pattern fill mode quickly.
by Davidwu
A Cool Vista Sidebar Gadget Style CPUInfo Animate Control! (Fixed)
by Naveen Karamchetti
Creation of a custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class.
by realtang
A free draw you can use my example to do
by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
by Paul M Watt
Guide to understand the three different types of clipping regions, and how they relate to the Device Context
by yonken
A multi-select tree control that is based on Richard's implementation
by Mohammed Abd Alla
This is a simple class that can view scroll and zoom pictures
by YoungJin Shin
This function makes for you to draw a fancy text easy.
by P.Sandgren
A simple custom progressbar.
by Aric Wang
Just a simple digital LCD class and do not use an external bitmap.You can use and change it.
by BadJerry
Drawing HTML text onto a device context
by Polymorpher
Animate and control sprites using GDI+.
by Dave Franco
Adding Lightbox effect to Winform Applications
by Stefan Kuhr
Adding Aero Glass to Windows applications while keeping them backwards-compatible with legacy Windows versions
by Patrik Mlekuž
Image Control for viewing most common image formats with advanced features included (Import Image, Preview, Resize, Position, Pan, Zoom, Export Image, Extract Resource Icon).
by lano1106
Exploring the MFC GDI classes' inner working and proposing an alternative
by Jeff J Anderson
An alpha channel composited form for image based Window frames
by YangXiaoWang
An apple style docking bar implemented by eGui lib
by Gustavo Ricardi
A Remote Desktop software built on AJAX, JSON and HTML5
by Terry O'Nolley
An article using GDI to create a scalable periodic table of the elements
by Anton Stuck
A class that provides some simple, yet spectacular window animation effects. Try the demo!
by syed shanu
Animated Image Slide Show for Winforms using C#
by Hoang Khanh Nguyen
A highly object-oriented ListView control with varying-height items and support of complex data types
by darkoman
An article on a simple but efficient method to do antialiasing using plain Windows GDI
by .Suchit
Generating smooth lines with antialiasing; sample code for animation is included
by Barretto VN
Article on changing screen resolution
by Jason Henderson
Draw and animate ASCII characters to a window using this COM object.
by brochpirate
Audio player designed specifically for listening to audio books
by Jamie Nordmeyer
A class to make working with LOGFONTs easier
by Maximilian Pasternak
Autopan within your own application
by Barretto VN
An article showing methods of screen capture
by codiemorgan
Basics for setting up a 2D Game using GDI+, Renderloop, and Threading. And a few tips.
by peterchen
Using boost, we can write "almost perfect" wrappers for GDI and other resource handles, in a few lines of code.
by Michael Dunn
No, that's not a typo
by shynet
Stream a live camera video stream or single images between applications using the TCP protocol.
by Giawa
Implements a Rubber Rectangle in C#.
by Ertan Tike
A calendar DayView control.
by Franc Morales
A simple wrapper to dynamically install/uninstall application specific fonts from compiled resources.
by Chris Becke
Notes on TrackMouseEvent, and SetCapture on Win32
by Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
CAutoPen Class - a CPen that is correctly destroyed
by darkoman
An article on a free C++ bitmap manipulation class
by Elia Sarti
A CPaintDC replacement in OnPaint painting. Simply change CPaintDC dc(this) in CBufferDC dc(this), and you're done.
by auralius manurung
A reusable class for drawing a simple graph
by Andrzej Markowski
An owner-draw bitmap button and a frame for the caption bar, in one class.
by lgaudouen
A ListBox which could display and allow selection of fonts, with special features.
by PPresedo
This article demonstrates a tool for previewing foreground and background color combinations.
by David Hall
An article describing the CColor class - an RGB encapsulation which supports named colors, system colors and translation to HSV values.
by Emmanuel Arun Vinod
Creates a full screen window and shows a color gradient on it
by Chrisi476
This article describes ColorTextBox, a customizable User Control which was written completely from scratch and is intended to fill the gap between the TextBox and RichTextBox controls found in the .NET 2.0 library.
by Jeremy Falcon
Aids developers with color intensities
by Alberto_Martinez
Very addictive game that demonstrates some GDI, sound, and 100% solvable puzzle creation (from all the testing so far).
by PJ Arends
Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
by syed shanu
USL/LSL Control Chart using .NET for Quality Control
by rld1971
How to draw and manage shapes onscreen via mouse gestures
by Elia Sarti
A c++ function which uses GDI to create a channel based version of an icon. Using all the channels you can create a gray scale one
by Yuriy Zaporozhets
Very primitive function that creates region from *.bmp files
by MaxHacker
A fix for creating pens using PS_DOT.
by Keith Rule
Create visually complex, yet programmatically simple, non-rectangular GUIs
by Amir Zalzberg
How to create a window with holes in it
by Paul C Smith
Apply a translucent watermark to a JPEG image using VB.NET.
by JtR1977
A self drawing, round button for different styles and usages.
by Henry Tan Setiawan
A simple SpeedoMeter class based on CStatic base class.
by darkoman
An article on anti-aliased C++ drawing.
by T.Kojima
Suggestion about another curve representation
by Dave Lorde
Simple customised Window captions, including multi-line captions
by valdok
Regions encapsulation in light-weight C++ objects.
by kenearle
Put anything you want in a ToolTip
by Mike O'Neill
How to use custom draw to change the appearance of a Track Bar control and CSliderCtrl.
by Randy More
Provides a memory based DC into which an image may be drawn using standard GDI calls.
by Alaa Ben Fatma
Use your skills as a designer to create gorgeous control
by Hadi Dayvary
A Desktop puzzle game.
by Chen Su
Simple function to enable you to programmatically detect the user-selected font at runtime
by Jason Troitsky
A class that encapsulates some useful, GUI related, static functions
by maciejr
A resolution changer to get per-user resolution settings
by Barretto VN
Digital analog clock
by Dr. Vinayak Ashok Bharadi
Digitzer device interface using VBTablet in C#.
by Bernd Wißler
Demonstrates how to use an animated gif stored in your resource file as an animated cursor
by lucy
How to achieve flicker-free drawing when using the methods MFC provides
by Alex Kolesnichenko
CDC descendant with double buffering abilities
by Paula Scholz
Using pure Win32, WinInet, and STL Vectors, we open an Internet connection, download, and display a Google map on a Windows Mobile phone.
by Gerald Degeneve
Draw or render a Windows Form directly over the Wallpaper, behind the Desktop Icons in Windows 8+10
by Wooseok Seo
You can implement skin control by returning a brush from the OnCtlColor() method.
by Thiadmer Riemersma
A drop-in replacement for the DrawText() SDK function with minimal HTML support
by Jamie Hale
How to draw arrows (with arrowheads) to an arbitrary DC
by Ray K
Visual Style-like image stretching for custom skinning
by Davide Pizzolato
Quick reference to draw lines, shapes, or text on bitmaps
by Henrik Pettersson
Functions for drawing Bezier splines on Pocket PC. Since they are missing in GDI for Pocket PC.
by Andy De Filippo
Render Rich Text with GDI+ by tapping into the power of API hooking
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to effectively draw your dialogs
by Waldermort
An extension to the GDI DrawText
by David O'Neil
Everybody Loves the Mandelbrot Set! Here's a browser for it!
by Craig Henderson
A Device Context class to draw on a window outside of a WM_PAINT handler
by Toufiqur Rahman Chowdhury (TRC)
This article is about an application that parses a XML Configuration File and creates Menus and ToolBar dynamically.
by Ardavan Sharifi
in this Article we following how to dynamic validation data with defind validation type and use of regular expression
by Tammam Koujan
Demonstrates creating EAN-13 Barcodes with VB.NET
by LeisureBamboo
Randomly read any embedded_mono_matrix in TTF file, export it to bitmap files (in package)
by Yang XiaoWang
A easy-to-use widget libary to develop the animation GUI based on Windows GDI
by Catalin Stavaru
This light, yet very usable, application notifies users when new mail is received on multiple GMail (and other) accounts. Written in C++/MFC. No .NET framework, no browser instances launched, low system resource requirements!
by AntounPG
Send E-mail via Application with an HTML editor and a drawer to draw your own attachments and send them immediately.
by Devin
EMF record rotation for EMR_POLYGON16
by otigli
An article about how to enhance current image characteristics
by Michael Hodel
Enigma Puzzle – a game as difficult as the Rubik's cube
by Chris Boss
OpenGL based 3D learning software
by Novar Striker
Multi technics in one application, for an extreme relaxation moment
by Yang Kok Wah
Implementing the all time favourite game as .NET custom controls, complete with animation and sound for full gaming experience
by Igor Tolmachev
This article explains how to create an application that makes it snow on the desktop.
by ediazc
Describes the summed area table algorithm of Franklin Crow.
by OlegKrivtsov
This article demonstrates a file preview control in a WTL application.
by Shao Voon Wong
Tracing GDI Leaks with Windows Debugger
by Hans Dietrich
How to find the name of a font file, given the display name of a font
by Mohamed Elzahaby
how to get the Font File Name from the Font Name
by Keith Rule
A simple animation example which is used to show CMemDC in several modes
by ringphone
Flicker free drawing without using double buffer
by Ernst Versteeg
Two classes that make double buffering simple
by JanKotowski
This dynamically reziable control does not flicker. The article describes the problem and the technique used to solve the flickering.
by Windmiller
This graphical application will play and display frequencies and mix them together so that you can analyze what's really going on with sounds that we call intone. Handling a basic DFT version that will prove to us which frequencies are involved. It was originally made in plain C.
by Mattias Högström
Learn the basics of how to draw with GDI on screen and to printer. We will look closer at the different GDI map modes, and how to do proper adjustments when you need to send the output to a printer. We will also create a metafile and load it back in again.
by Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
This is useful mainly in CAD/GIS and allied applications where there is a need for customized line types.
by ejor
Get icons from Exe or DLL the PE way or how to emulate PrivateExtractIcons.
by darkoman
An article on creating glow and shadow effects using plain Windows GDI
by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
by trident99
GtProject is intended to provide the user a Microsoft Project equivalent control to use for scheduling tasks.
by Paul M Watt
With respect to Image Composition, your imagination is your only limit.
by Paul M Watt
Guide to creating and using Memory Device Contexts (DC) in Win32.
by Paul M Watt
Beginner's guide to understanding how to paint to a window in the WIN32 SDK environment
by Paul M Watt
Guide to understanding how Windows generates WM_PAINT messages, manages the update region for a window, and how to use all common type DCs.
by Paul M Watt
Guide to understanding how to create and use regions with the WIN32 SDK
by Randy More
Using Hershey vector fonts for faster rendering
by Zoran M. Todorovic
A technique for changing the font for all child windows in your main application
by Shao Voon Wong
How to use a font without installing it first on user systems
by ChaoJui
To learn the usages of TrueType structures, TTPOLYGONHEADER and TTPOLYCURVE.
by T.Ashraf
How to use sharepoint webservices in web application
by mariscn
Capture an HTML document as an image.
by Terence Wallace
This is an alternative for "HTML to Image in C#"
by Smart K8
A set of handy extension methods to help you with quick Image modifications
by Maxim_Barsuk
Algorithm for easy transformation images
by ihaml
A generic class to import Adobe's Photoshop (.psd) images.
by gricardi
As users are migrating from traditional desktops to mobile devices, transitioning your Windows application to the web is the next step to increasing your exposure. Thinfinity VirtualUI delivers your Windows applications to users on any device, anywhere.
by Syed Hasan Hyder
Internal supply chain management system's objective is to visualize organization's activities and events spawn during its work flow and offers panoramic view of upstream and downstream activities
by Syed Hasan Hyder
This article focuses on internal supply chain management systems visibility via chart reports, and provides assessment apparatus to manage and monitor activities spawned during business processes, hence paves the way for timely and precise business decisions.
by William T. Block
A simple introduction to using DCs to draw in Windows
by vikas maan
Convert rectangular bitmap into non rectangular bitmap (.ppg)
by darkoman
Article about the 2D isometric game engine
by Eric Crahen
Display Chinese & Japanese characters on unicode & non-unicode systems
by Jeremy Falcon
A beginner's guide to talking like a computer.
by Aniket Nayak
This cursor can magnify...
by PJ Arends
A C++ class that makes it easy to print text in clearly defined rows and columns
by Manoj K Bhoir
MBGlassPanel with Microsoft Office Ribbon Visual Style
by tumbledDown2earth
Method for edge detection in color images, using 1-Dimensional liner image or scan line, sampled at 1 pixel intervals, at any arbitary angle
by Don Kackman
Class wrappers around the Win32 multi-monitor API
by darkoman
A modified version of the Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
by JOHN11
This article shows how to process one or many MSI packages just by providing a configuration file. It gives also many useful hints and tricks that can be used in other projects.
by Matjaz-xyz
A simple and useful viewer of multipage TIF/TIFF images
by Ales Krajnc
An include file that allows you to specify colors by name instead of RGB value
by Tarmo Kalda
Nice Libraries offers you a set of libraries and helper applications
by Santhosh G_
Applying oil painting effect on an image.
by Samuel Teixeira
Why simple if we can be complex?
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
PDF MERGER and PROTECTOR is the best pdf merger software which is fast and powerful way to join(Merge) PDF files with password protection as well as you can apply stamper with either any type of image or text. Using this utility you don’t required installation of Adobe Acrobat. Looks Exciting ???
by Rui Lopes
Demonstrates how to create per pixel alpha blending windows
by D.K.Wang
This article tries to find a way to show standard controls, ActiveX controls, translucent controls on layered windows. Native MFC source code provided.
by Michael Mangelsdorf
A DLL implemented in assembler featuring a console GUI component
by Horia Tudosie
Produces color sets by adveraging areas of colors from scanned pictures
by wduros1
A small utility that splits an image into two images for use with dual monitor wallpaper setups.
by CPallini
A small DLL providing two functions to resample GDI-based bitmap
by jackyxinli
An article to show how to play audio file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time accurately
by jackyxinli
An article to show how to play a Wave file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time.
by jackyxinli
An article to show how to play a Wave file with DirectSound and display its spectrum in real time.
by Nibu babu thomas
Lists out the details of running processes in a system, loaded drivers, loaded dlls, version of each dll and process, process times, command line, owner, priority, GDI resource usage, privileges, loaded symbols, window heirarchy, autostart app finding and more.
by Mohd Arshad Malik
.NET provides extensive support for image conversion. Any image can be processed from one format to another. The most common formats which .NET support are .BMP, .EMF, .GIF, .ICO, .JPG, .PNG, .TIF and .WMF.
by Mohd Arshad Malik
This article guides about optimization of the size of an image file (in bytes) and resizing its dimensions (in pixels).
by Mohd Arshad Malik
To uniquely identify the images from our storage, we watermark them with some text (usually company / portal name)
by gggustafson
This article presents code for a WinForms implementation of the Google-like compact progress indicator.
by Simon Hart
Ever wanted to create a standard look and feel property header type control as seen in many Microsoft applications on Windows Mobile? Well, here is the code to do it.
by ihaml
A generic class to import Adobe's Photoshop (.psd) images under PocketPC Windows Mobile 2003.
by CaldasGSM
Non-affine transformations, four-point distortions, or whatever you want to call it.
by Rotted Frog
A library for creating simple dialogs declaratively with minimal overhead
by John R. Shaw
Design and implementation of efficient flood fill algorithms.
by Inaki Ayucar
Why not building your own C# Maths library instead of using the ones included in APIs like DirectX or XNA?
by Durga Prasad Dhulipudi
Rendering ESRI Shapefiles(.shp) using OpenGL
by David Crow
Rendering text on top of a bitmap
by #realJSOP
Copy a bitmap over a portion of another bitmap
by Shahzad Khan
How to replace the default MFC icon in your application
by Philip Patrick
Explains how to retrieve a font name from TrueType or OpenType files (.ttf)
by Ziad Elmalki
The game Reversi for Windows Mobile using the Compact Framework.
by kellyonlyone
To help you build Rich Text Drawing, Print Preview, Printing to paper support report application quickly and easily, includes source code
by Hans Bühler
A memory DC that allows you to rotate your graphics
by T1TAN
Simplicity Is Virtue : how do draw a simple pie chart almost anywhere
by Joseph M. Newcomer
GDI objects selected in a DC can't be deleted - even when you call DeleteObject. This handy class makes these potential leaks a thing of the past.
by mittaltarsem
Utility to capture full or part of screen with support for multiple screens.
by Florin Vasilescu
A simple application that retrieves the color codes from any area of your screen, with some cool options.
by JJMatthews
Screenshot Tool
by Mark Kruger
API which shows a Selection Overlay and notifies the caller when it's resizing and notifies the final rectangle.
by Alex Blekhman
A simple Calendar utility that demonstrates basic Shell extensibility techniques: desk band, tray notification icon, locales.
by Lalith Bommera
A simple AJAX approach that includes an HTML page client, and a JavaScript making an AJAX call and receiving a response. A remote page will receive the parameter information and respond to the JavaScript call method with the necessary information.
by Maxim_Barsuk
How to build and visualize IF-systems.
by iucon
A simple function to rotate text around its center point within a rectangle
by HotSoftG
Automation framework application development, realize the software functions and software frame separation. Support plug-in support theme
by Paolo Martinoli
A program to play Solitaire puzzle and to seek solutions using backtracking.
by Ravimal Bandara
A C# code for solving eight queens puzzle using genetic algorithm
by Bharath NS
Multithreaded GUI solution for starvation in Dining Philosopher problem
by Sonic Guan
A convenient and high-powered GUI engine with plenty of tricks
by Jeff Morton
Audio event processing with visual display
by Jeff Morton
Simple sound sampler with visualization
by syed shanu
XBAR and Range Chart using C#
by Mohammad Dehghan
Creating special 'Graphics' objects to draw anywhere on your window, including non-client area
by Michael Haephrati
How Target Eye's screen capturing mechanism works
by Shakeel Iqbal
Manage your daily tasks and To-Do list using some exciting features of Windows 7.
by Thales P. Carvalho
A class that helps writing owner-drawn controls with text formatting capabilities
by wheregone
Drawing with VSYNC locked and low CPU usage
by selom ofori
This is a simple text display view with wordwrapping and text selection capabilities.
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing an extension to customize the icons displayed for a file type.
by Dr.Sai
A multi-threaded GDI simulation of the famous problem
by darkoman
An article on rendering reflections and shadows using Windows GDI
by Richard de Oude
Creating non-rectangular dialog boxes
by Michael Dunn
This article shows how to control various Ribbon and command properties at runtime
by Michael Dunn
This article demonstrates new button and menu features of the Ribbon
by Evgeniy Stepanow
Control to display the time progress line
by Johnny J.
A ToggleSwitch that presents on/off values in a more interesting way than a standard CheckBox
by Redwan Albougha
Shows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzle visually using Win32 and C++
by Mostafa Kaisoun
View one row numeric data of MSFlexGrid as Graph Chart
by Bob Carboni
Code for creating transparent, blended bitmapped buttons.
by christ_A
How to make your customized UI using transparent components?
by TwinLane
A non rectangular/transparent splash screen control that starts life before the Application Form
by yetibrain
Unicode Buddy is a tool to inspect unicode files. It can detect orphaned surrogates and invalid utf-8 sequences. It is able to show the encoding/decoding of a certain codepoint. It is not an editor but a viewer.
by Vietdungiitb
UPV – UNIPEN online handwriting recognition database viewer control
by jedyking
Functions for tiling region and stretching region.
by Amazing LED Display
High Performance Method for Capturing Screen
by SergStrashko
Introduce the algorithm and technique for pre-drawing process speed up.
by Chris Copeland
Making use of buffering techniques to efficiently and flawlessly render large quantities of items in list controls
by Nish Nishant
Beginner article that shows how you can create horizontal, vertical and diagonal backgrounds. Also tells you what to watch out for, to avoid flickering when doing complicated drawing.
by einst992
How to create a color gradient as a background in a SDK application.
by lucy
How to use SetWorldTransform() to draw basic shapes rotated by any angle
by Victor Ricklefs
Extended version of ExtTextOut supporting subscripts and superscripts
by Wooseok Seo
A sample application that uses the AlphaBlend function to produce a transparent splash screen
by William E. Kempf
Presents a class to wrap the BeginDeferWindowPos/EndDeferWindowPos/DeferWindowPos APIs
by Chris Maunder, NormDroid, Santosh Rao
Shows how to use the DrawAnimatedRects function to improve the look of your apps.
by Michael Dunn
How to use power status notifications to make your applications conserve power when necessary.
by Michael Dunn
How to add glass to your application's main window.
by Maxim_Barsuk
An add-on for the Fortune's algorithm.
by Alaa Ben Fatma
Inherits the awesome style of Visual Studio's TabControl for better exploiting
by Zaur Nasibov
An article on webcamera frame-grabbing in a multi-thread environment
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn about who owns the GUI definition and pitfalls of GUI programming
by Alexandru Matei
Shows an alternative to GetCharABCWidths and GetCharABCWidthsFloat
by Michael Dunn
Create custom tasks in your app's jump list on Windows 7
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial that shows how to get started using the Ribbon in your applications
by Michael Dunn
An intro to using jump lists with your Windows 7 applications
by Michael Dunn
An intro to using Taskbar progress bars and overlay icons with your Windows 7 applications
by IndioX86
An article explaining several Win32 reverse engineering techniques applied to Live Messenger research and plug-in development.
by João Paulo Figueira
Control your Windows Mobile device from your desktop.
by Vlasta_
Describes changes in .ico format in Windows Vista and explains how to compile Vista icons into your applications.
by Rizwan Qureshi
How to create a Windows Shutdown effect in Windows Forms using C# and .NET.
by Vladimir Svyatski
How to correctly draw WinForms Tab Control with bottom alignment when visual styles are enabled
by Zakaria Butskhrikdize
A very simple owner-draw button using the GdiDrawStream function.
by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
by Jon Person, A. Philip Smith
In part three of the series, the authors of the "GIS.NET" mapping component for .NET explain how to write a geographic mapping engine which can display geographic coordinates. Source code is provided which can pan and zoom a sample geographic object (the state of Nebraska), in C# and VB.NET.
by _Asif_
Article that helps writing SQL in XML to provide better support
by Michael Dunn
Using the new WTL classes that implement advanced dialog UI elements
by Hans Dietrich
XBreadCrumbBar is a windowless non-MFC class that allows you to display a breadcrumb trail as HTML text, with support for web links and APP: links.
by Hans Dietrich
XFont retrieves the name of the font file from the regsitry, and the font name from the font file
by Hans Dietrich
XFontCombo demonstrates the use of IsOpenType(), a function that determines if a font is OpenType
by Hans Dietrich
XHtmlDraw allows you to display a single line HTML text as easily as using DrawText(), including web links and APP: links, no MFC
by Mathew Hall
A fully customisable ListView style control based on Java's JTable.
by Santhosh G_
Implementation of different interpolations[Bi-Linear and Bi-Cubic] with OpenGL.