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Survey Results

Would you recommend Visual Studio Code to a non-Windows developer?

Survey period: 18 Jul 2016 to 25 Jul 2016

Visual Studio code is cross-platform and supports tons of "non-windows" languages. Would you recommend it to a non-Windows developer?

Yes, absolutely32425.80
Yes, probably32225.64
I don't know29423.41
Probably not15412.26
No way766.05
It depends866.85

GeneralRe: It tries hard, but... Pin
Super Lloyd18-Jul-16 18:55
Super Lloyd18-Jul-16 18:55 
GeneralRe: It tries hard, but... Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Jul-16 14:41
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Jul-16 14:41 
GeneralRe: It tries hard, but... Pin
Anurag Gandhi18-Jul-16 19:26
professionalAnurag Gandhi18-Jul-16 19:26 
GeneralRe: It tries hard, but... Pin
simion31418-Jul-16 21:48
simion31418-Jul-16 21:48 
GeneralRe: It tries hard, but... Pin
Nathan Minier19-Jul-16 1:01
professionalNathan Minier19-Jul-16 1:01 
GeneralIt hasn't changed my life ... Pin
PeejayAdams18-Jul-16 1:40
PeejayAdams18-Jul-16 1:40 
GeneralProbably... Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter18-Jul-16 1:33
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter18-Jul-16 1:33 
GeneralBad experience Pin
KarstenK17-Jul-16 23:38
mveKarstenK17-Jul-16 23:38 
To give a shot I tried VS Code on the Mac, but now staying away from using it. It starts slowly and doesnt work fine. So I like using Text Wrangler if XCode doesnt the job for some txt or xml files.

I am surprised (or not) that the VS Code has the same problems as on Windows: slow and glutty. Looks like it is the standard for developing software at Microsoft Mad | :mad:
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany

GeneralRe: Bad experience Pin
wolfgang steininger18-Jul-16 23:06
wolfgang steininger18-Jul-16 23:06 
GeneralBloody Python Pin
Mycroft Holmes17-Jul-16 23:12
professionalMycroft Holmes17-Jul-16 23:12 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Rob Grainger17-Jul-16 23:18
Rob Grainger17-Jul-16 23:18 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Jul-16 1:59
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Jul-16 1:59 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Ryan Peden19-Jul-16 3:31
professionalRyan Peden19-Jul-16 3:31 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Kevin McFarlane19-Jul-16 3:42
Kevin McFarlane19-Jul-16 3:42 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Ryan Peden19-Jul-16 3:46
professionalRyan Peden19-Jul-16 3:46 
GeneralRe: Bloody Python Pin
Kevin McFarlane19-Jul-16 6:58
Kevin McFarlane19-Jul-16 6:58 
GeneralMissing option: Pin
Johnny J.17-Jul-16 21:53
professionalJohnny J.17-Jul-16 21:53 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
RugbyLeague17-Jul-16 21:58
RugbyLeague17-Jul-16 21:58 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Rob Grainger17-Jul-16 23:22
Rob Grainger17-Jul-16 23:22 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Rob Philpott18-Jul-16 22:10
Rob Philpott18-Jul-16 22:10 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Rob Grainger19-Jul-16 3:03
Rob Grainger19-Jul-16 3:03 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Anurag Gandhi18-Jul-16 19:29
professionalAnurag Gandhi18-Jul-16 19:29 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Dar Brett20-Jul-16 1:15
Dar Brett20-Jul-16 1:15 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Johnny J.20-Jul-16 1:24
professionalJohnny J.20-Jul-16 1:24 
GeneralRe: Missing option: Pin
Dar Brett20-Jul-16 1:38
Dar Brett20-Jul-16 1:38 

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