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Survey Results

Who would you rather partner with?

Survey period: 16 Dec 2013 to 23 Dec 2013

Assume it's a team of 2. You and them, and you know enough to complete the current project yourself.

A really smart fast learner who has a vast depth and breadth of experience but doesn't know the main technology of the current project1,15768.50
An expert in the technology used in the current program who knows nothing of anything else and doesn't want to learn.1508.88
Neither. I'll do his part of the project myself.38222.62

GeneralMissing options PinPopular
Pablo Aliskevicius17-Dec-13 4:22
Pablo Aliskevicius17-Dec-13 4:22 
GeneralRe: Missing options Pin
♥…ЯҠ…♥17-Dec-13 18:21
professional♥…ЯҠ…♥17-Dec-13 18:21 
GeneralRe: Missing options Pin
piyush_singh18-Dec-13 20:00
piyush_singh18-Dec-13 20:00 
GeneralRe: Missing options Pin
Moshe Katz19-Dec-13 16:11
Moshe Katz19-Dec-13 16:11 
GeneralThis should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
Marc Clifton17-Dec-13 2:58
mvaMarc Clifton17-Dec-13 2:58 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-13 9:02
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-13 9:02 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
Marc Clifton17-Dec-13 9:13
mvaMarc Clifton17-Dec-13 9:13 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
OriginalGriff17-Dec-13 9:41
mveOriginalGriff17-Dec-13 9:41 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
agolddog19-Dec-13 4:14
agolddog19-Dec-13 4:14 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
peterchen19-Dec-13 22:42
peterchen19-Dec-13 22:42 
GeneralRe: This should get the "dumb question of the year" award. Pin
Marc Clifton20-Dec-13 2:03
mvaMarc Clifton20-Dec-13 2:03 
GeneralIt doesn't matter what industry or field Pin
DaveAuld16-Dec-13 20:06
professionalDaveAuld16-Dec-13 20:06 
GeneralSingle definable project vs long term partner/employee Pin
peter horwood16-Dec-13 8:03
professionalpeter horwood16-Dec-13 8:03 
GeneralRe: Single definable project vs long term partner/employee Pin
AlexCode16-Dec-13 13:26
professionalAlexCode16-Dec-13 13:26 
GeneralRe: Single definable project vs long term partner/employee Pin
devvvy16-Dec-13 14:21
devvvy16-Dec-13 14:21 
GeneralBeing a fast learner is the key here. Pin
JasonMacD16-Dec-13 7:13
JasonMacD16-Dec-13 7:13 
Generalso-called software devleoper Pin
Blubbo16-Dec-13 7:01
Blubbo16-Dec-13 7:01 
My manager has kept on assigning me to work with a specific co-worker (name withheld to protect the innocent)... He does almost nothing to do anything with the software development projects... Just slackening (surfing) and using his "boss mode" (data storage server - web-based version) whenever he hears anyone walking toward his office. He tends to wait for me to complete my tasks then hand over his tasks to me. All he does was to "give command", nod his head, and looking "busy" at his office. ARGH!

I rather to work with someone who has good knowledge (like other co-worker who has been seriously working on the project with me - but now is in other group Frown | :( )
GeneralPronoun in option 3 Pin
Nicholas Robert16-Dec-13 6:38
Nicholas Robert16-Dec-13 6:38 
GeneralRe: Pronoun in option 3 Pin
PIEBALDconsult16-Dec-13 13:33
mvePIEBALDconsult16-Dec-13 13:33 
GeneralRe: Pronoun in option 3 Pin
Nicholas Robert16-Dec-13 16:10
Nicholas Robert16-Dec-13 16:10 
GeneralRe: Pronoun in option 3 Pin
mikepwilson17-Dec-13 3:59
mikepwilson17-Dec-13 3:59 
GeneralNo brainer Pin
A1 Dev16-Dec-13 6:21
A1 Dev16-Dec-13 6:21 
GeneralRe: No brainer Pin
AlexCode16-Dec-13 13:22
professionalAlexCode16-Dec-13 13:22 
GeneralRe: No brainer Pin
A1 Dev17-Dec-13 8:13
A1 Dev17-Dec-13 8:13 
GeneralExperts don't exist Pin
Dennis E White16-Dec-13 5:00
professionalDennis E White16-Dec-13 5:00 

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