hello everyone, i have done speech recognition app offline by using the speech library which call load grammer method which contains the words in code.
but it is not good if the words written in the code , because the english language is huge so it is good to make databasefor all words
but it is hard, can i store all words in database ?? and how can i make correlation between my spoken word and the saved word in database ??
can you help me, please ?
Choices SLES = new Choices();
SLES.Add(new String[] {"hello","how","are" ,"you","book","conversation","the","peace","he","translates", "text", "from","Arabic","to","English","language","exit", "everyone", "in","translator","it" });
Grammar gr = new Grammar(new GrammarBuilder(SLES));
recognizer.SpeechRecognized += recognizer_SpeechRecognized;