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I have create the following code
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;

namespace ImageProperties
  class ExifUtil

    // Sample usage:
    // ExifUtil.EXIFReader exif = new ExifUtil.EXIFReader(@"c:\pathtoimage.jpg");
    // Console.WriteLine(exif[ExifUtil.PropertyTagId.EquipMake].ToString());
    // Console.WriteLine(exif[ExifUtil.PropertyTagId.EquipModel].ToString());

    public enum PropertyTagId
      GpsVer = 0x0000,
      GpsLatitudeRef = 0x0001,
      GpsLatitude = 0x0002,
      GpsLongitudeRef = 0x0003,
      GpsLongitude = 0x0004,
      GpsAltitudeRef = 0x0005,
      GpsAltitude = 0x0006,
      GpsGpsTime = 0x0007,
      GpsGpsSatellites = 0x0008,
      GpsGpsStatus = 0x0009,
      GpsGpsMeasureMode = 0x000A,
      GpsGpsDop = 0x000B,
      GpsSpeedRef = 0x000C,
      GpsSpeed = 0x000D,
      GpsTrackRef = 0x000E,
      GpsTrack = 0x000F,
      GpsImgDirRef = 0x0010,
      GpsImgDir = 0x0011,
      GpsMapDatum = 0x0012,
      GpsDestLatRef = 0x0013,
      GpsDestLat = 0x0014,
      GpsDestLongRef = 0x0015,
      GpsDestLong = 0x0016,
      GpsDestBearRef = 0x0017,
      GpsDestBear = 0x0018,
      GpsDestDistRef = 0x0019,
      GpsDestDist = 0x001A,
      NewSubfileType = 0x00FE,
      SubfileType = 0x00FF,
      ImageWidth = 0x0100,
      ImageHeight = 0x0101,
      BitsPerSample = 0x0102,
      Compression = 0x0103,
      PhotometricInterp = 0x0106,
      ThreshHolding = 0x0107,
      CellWidth = 0x0108,
      CellHeight = 0x0109,
      FillOrder = 0x010A,
      DocumentName = 0x010D,
      ImageDescription = 0x010E,
      EquipMake = 0x010F,
      EquipModel = 0x0110,
      StripOffsets = 0x0111,
      Orientation = 0x0112,
      SamplesPerPixel = 0x0115,
      RowsPerStrip = 0x0116,
      StripBytesCount = 0x0117,
      MinSampleValue = 0x0118,
      MaxSampleValue = 0x0119,
      XResolution = 0x011A,
      YResolution = 0x011B,
      PlanarConfig = 0x011C,
      PageName = 0x011D,
      XPosition = 0x011E,
      YPosition = 0x011F,
      FreeOffset = 0x0120,
      FreeByteCounts = 0x0121,
      GrayResponseUnit = 0x0122,
      GrayResponseCurve = 0x0123,
      T4Option = 0x0124,
      T6Option = 0x0125,
      ResolutionUnit = 0x0128,
      PageNumber = 0x0129,
      TransferFunction = 0x012D,
      SoftwareUsed = 0x0131,
      DateTime = 0x0132,
      Artist = 0x013B,
      HostComputer = 0x013C,
      Predictor = 0x013D,
      WhitePoint = 0x013E,
      PrimaryChromaticities = 0x013F,
      ColorMap = 0x0140,
      HalftoneHints = 0x0141,
      TileWidth = 0x0142,
      TileLength = 0x0143,
      TileOffset = 0x0144,
      TileByteCounts = 0x0145,
      InkSet = 0x014C,
      InkNames = 0x014D,
      NumberOfInks = 0x014E,
      DotRange = 0x0150,
      TargetPrinter = 0x0151,
      ExtraSamples = 0x0152,
      SampleFormat = 0x0153,
      SMinSampleValue = 0x0154,
      SMaxSampleValue = 0x0155,
      TransferRange = 0x0156,
      JPEGProc = 0x0200,
      JPEGInterFormat = 0x0201,
      JPEGInterLength = 0x0202,
      JPEGRestartInterval = 0x0203,
      JPEGLosslessPredictors = 0x0205,
      JPEGPointTransforms = 0x0206,
      JPEGQTables = 0x0207,
      JPEGDCTables = 0x0208,
      JPEGACTables = 0x0209,
      YCbCrCoefficients = 0x0211,
      YCbCrSubsampling = 0x0212,
      YCbCrPositioning = 0x0213,
      REFBlackWhite = 0x0214,
      Gamma = 0x0301,
      ICCProfileDescriptor = 0x0302,
      SRGBRenderingIntent = 0x0303,
      ImageTitle = 0x0320,
      ResolutionXUnit = 0x5001,
      ResolutionYUnit = 0x5002,
      ResolutionXLengthUnit = 0x5003,
      ResolutionYLengthUnit = 0x5004,
      PrintFlags = 0x5005,
      PrintFlagsVersion = 0x5006,
      PrintFlagsCrop = 0x5007,
      PrintFlagsBleedWidth = 0x5008,
      PrintFlagsBleedWidthScale = 0x5009,
      HalftoneLPI = 0x500A,
      HalftoneLPIUnit = 0x500B,
      HalftoneDegree = 0x500C,
      HalftoneShape = 0x500D,
      HalftoneMisc = 0x500E,
      HalftoneScreen = 0x500F,
      JPEGQuality = 0x5010,
      GridSize = 0x5011,
      ThumbnailFormat = 0x5012,
      ThumbnailWidth = 0x5013,
      ThumbnailHeight = 0x5014,
      ThumbnailColorDepth = 0x5015,
      ThumbnailPlanes = 0x5016,
      ThumbnailRawBytes = 0x5017,
      ThumbnailSize = 0x5018,
      ThumbnailCompressedSize = 0x5019,
      ColorTransferFunction = 0x501A,
      ThumbnailData = 0x501B,
      ThumbnailImageWidth = 0x5020,
      ThumbnailImageHeight = 0x5021,
      ThumbnailBitsPerSample = 0x5022,
      ThumbnailCompression = 0x5023,
      ThumbnailPhotometricInterp = 0x5024,
      ThumbnailImageDescription = 0x5025,
      ThumbnailEquipMake = 0x5026,
      ThumbnailEquipModel = 0x5027,
      ThumbnailStripOffsets = 0x5028,
      ThumbnailOrientation = 0x5029,
      ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel = 0x502A,
      ThumbnailRowsPerStrip = 0x502B,
      ThumbnailStripBytesCount = 0x502C,
      ThumbnailResolutionX = 0x502D,
      ThumbnailResolutionY = 0x502E,
      ThumbnailPlanarConfig = 0x502F,
      ThumbnailResolutionUnit = 0x5030,
      ThumbnailTransferFunction = 0x5031,
      ThumbnailSoftwareUsed = 0x5032,
      ThumbnailDateTime = 0x5033,
      ThumbnailArtist = 0x5034,
      ThumbnailWhitePoint = 0x5035,
      ThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities = 0x5036,
      ThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients = 0x5037,
      ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling = 0x5038,
      ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning = 0x5039,
      ThumbnailRefBlackWhite = 0x503A,
      ThumbnailCopyRight = 0x503B,
      LuminanceTable = 0x5090,
      ChrominanceTable = 0x5091,
      FrameDelay = 0x5100,
      LoopCount = 0x5101,
      GlobalPalette = 0x5102,
      IndexBackground = 0x5103,
      IndexTransparent = 0x5104,
      PixelUnit = 0x5110,
      PixelPerUnitX = 0x5111,
      PixelPerUnitY = 0x5112,
      PaletteHistogram = 0x5113,
      Copyright = 0x8298,
      ExifExposureTime = 0x829A,
      ExifFNumber = 0x829D,
      ExifIFD = 0x8769,
      ICCProfile = 0x8773,
      ExifExposureProg = 0x8822,
      ExifSpectralSense = 0x8824,
      GpsIFD = 0x8825,
      ExifISOSpeed = 0x8827,
      ExifOECF = 0x8828,
      ExifVer = 0x9000,
      ExifDTOrig = 0x9003,
      ExifDTDigitized = 0x9004,
      ExifCompConfig = 0x9101,
      ExifCompBPP = 0x9102,
      ExifShutterSpeed = 0x9201,
      ExifAperture = 0x9202,
      ExifBrightness = 0x9203,
      ExifExposureBias = 0x9204,
      ExifMaxAperture = 0x9205,
      ExifSubjectDist = 0x9206,
      ExifMeteringMode = 0x9207,
      ExifLightSource = 0x9208,
      ExifFlash = 0x9209,
      ExifFocalLength = 0x920A,
      ExifMakerNote = 0x927C,
      ExifUserComment = 0x9286,
      ExifDTSubsec = 0x9290,
      ExifDTOrigSS = 0x9291,
      ExifDTDigSS = 0x9292,
      ExifFPXVer = 0xA000,
      ExifColorSpace = 0xA001,
      ExifPixXDim = 0xA002,
      ExifPixYDim = 0xA003,
      ExifRelatedWav = 0xA004,
      ExifInterop = 0xA005,
      ExifFlashEnergy = 0xA20B,
      ExifSpatialFR = 0xA20C,
      ExifFocalXRes = 0xA20E,
      ExifFocalYRes = 0xA20F,
      ExifFocalResUnit = 0xA210,
      ExifSubjectLoc = 0xA214,
      ExifExposureIndex = 0xA215,
      ExifSensingMethod = 0xA217,
      ExifFileSource = 0xA300,
      ExifSceneType = 0xA301,
      ExifCfaPattern = 0xA302

    public enum PropertyTagType
      PixelFormat4bppIndexed = 0,
      Byte = 1,
      ASCII = 2,
      Short = 3,
      Long = 4,
      Rational = 5,
      Undefined = 7,
      SLONG = 9,
      SRational = 10

    public class Fraction
      #region Class constructor

      public Fraction(int numerator, int denumerator)
        Numerator = numerator;
        Denumerator = denumerator;

      public Fraction(uint numerator, uint denumerator)
        Numerator = Convert.ToInt32(numerator);
        Denumerator = Convert.ToInt32(denumerator);

      public Fraction(int numerator)
        Numerator = numerator;
        Denumerator = 1;


      #region Numerator

      private int numerator;
      public int Numerator
          return numerator;
          numerator = value;


      #region Denumerator

      private int denumerator;
      public int Denumerator
          return denumerator;
          denumerator = value;


      #region ToString override

      public override string ToString()
        if (Denumerator == 1)
          return String.Format("{0}", Numerator);
          return String.Format("{0}/{1}", Numerator, Denumerator);


    public class PropertyTagValue
      public static object GetValueObject(PropertyItem property)
        if (property == null)
          return null;
        switch ((PropertyTagType)property.Type)
          case PropertyTagType.ASCII:
            ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
            return encoding.GetString(property.Value, 0, property.Len - 1);
          case PropertyTagType.Byte:
            if (property.Len == 1)
              return property.Value[0];
              return property.Value;
          case PropertyTagType.Long:
            uint[] resultLong = new uint[property.Len / 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < resultLong.Length; i++)
              resultLong[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(property.Value, i * 4);
            if (resultLong.Length == 1)
              return resultLong[0];
              return resultLong;
          case PropertyTagType.Short:
            ushort[] resultShort = new ushort[property.Len / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < resultShort.Length; i++)
              resultShort[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(property.Value, i * 2);
            if (resultShort.Length == 1)
              return resultShort[0];
              return resultShort;
          case PropertyTagType.SLONG:
            int[] resultSLong = new int[property.Len / 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < resultSLong.Length; i++)
              resultSLong[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(property.Value, i * 4);
            if (resultSLong.Length == 1)
              return resultSLong[0];
              return resultSLong;
          case PropertyTagType.Rational:
            Fraction[] resultRational = new Fraction[property.Len / 8];
            uint uNumerator;
            uint uDenumerator;
            for (int i = 0; i < resultRational.Length; i++)
              uNumerator = BitConverter.ToUInt32(property.Value, i * 8);
              uDenumerator = BitConverter.ToUInt32(property.Value, i * 8 + 4);
              resultRational[i] = new Fraction(uNumerator, uDenumerator);
            if (resultRational.Length == 1)
              return resultRational[0];
              return resultRational;
          case PropertyTagType.SRational:
            Fraction[] resultSRational = new Fraction[property.Len / 8];
            int sNumerator;
            int sDenumerator;
            for (int i = 0; i < resultSRational.Length; i++)
              sNumerator = BitConverter.ToInt32(property.Value, i * 8);
              sDenumerator = BitConverter.ToInt32(property.Value, i * 8 + 4);
              resultSRational[i] = new Fraction(sNumerator, sDenumerator);
            if (resultSRational.Length == 1)
              return resultSRational[0];
              return resultSRational;
            if (property.Len == 1)
              return property.Value[0];
              return property.Value;

    public class EXIFReader
      #region EXIFReader constructors

      public EXIFReader(Image image)
        this.image = image;
        props = image.PropertyItems;

      public EXIFReader(string path)
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
          this.image = Image.FromStream(fs);
          props = image.PropertyItems;

      public EXIFReader(Stream stream)
        this.image = Image.FromStream(stream);
        props = image.PropertyItems;


      #region Image

      public Image image;
      private PropertyItem[] props;


      #region EXIF property indexers

      public object this[int Id]
            PropertyItem property = props.Where(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(Id.ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
            return PropertyTagValue.GetValueObject(property);
            return null;

      public object this[PropertyTagId TagId]
            PropertyItem property = props.Where(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(((int)TagId).ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
            return PropertyTagValue.GetValueObject(property);
            return null;



but i did'd call it into my pages .

i using this but not able to call it on my page?
// ExifUtil.EXIFReader exif = new ExifUtil.EXIFReader(@"c:\pathtoimage.jpg");
 // Console.WriteLine(exif[ExifUtil.PropertyTagId.EquipMake].ToString());
 // Console.WriteLine(exif[ExifUtil.PropertyTagId.EquipModel].ToString());
Updated 16-Jun-14 19:06pm
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 17-Jun-14 1:02am    
Before writing anything, it's good to read at least something. There is no such notion as "call a namespace", "call a class".
What do you want to achieve?
@p@richit 17-Jun-14 1:04am    
Ohk i'll improve my question :) but what is the solution i am not able to call ExifUtil in my pages please help ?
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 17-Jun-14 1:53am    
Use its full name or "using" of the namespace. There is no such thing as "call a class", and a method or property is called in two different way, depending if this member is static or instance. Do you know the syntax of the call? The notion of instance? This is the basics of .NET and C# which you should read before writing code, to avoid big frustration...
future2015 17-Jun-14 1:09am    
do you write statement 'using ImageProperties'
@p@richit 17-Jun-14 1:11am    
yes i have to use using ImageProperties.

1 solution

I think you got an error for access specifier m i right?
As i show your code for class ExifUtil, i just wanted to say that just declare your class ExifUtil as public class ExifUtil and try to execute your code. just remember one thing that when ever you want to use this class you need to import your ImageProperties namespace.
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Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 17-Jun-14 1:49am    
No, it does not have to be public, enough to be external. There is no such thing as "import namespace". Assemblies are referenced, namespace can be "used" or not, it does not affect anything but top-level type naming. Namespaces don't matter much, in contrast to referencing. This is a common confusing of the beginners. You need to understand the matter yourself before you decide to give an advice.

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