I keep getting theese errors when i run Face Recognition
in codeproject.ai, i'm using it with Ble Iris.
19:31:59:Started Face Processing module
19:31:59:face.py: Traceback (most recent call last):
19:31:59:face.py: File "C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\modules\FaceProcessing\intelligencelayer\face.py", line 16, in
19:31:59:face.py: from codeproject_ai_sdk import RequestData, ModuleRunner, LogMethod, JSON
19:31:59:face.py: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'codeproject_ai_sdk'
19:31:59:Module FaceProcessing has shutdown
19:31:59:face.py: has exited
Bengt.Ove Peltz
What I have tried:
I'm on a new and clean Windows 10 pro installation, hope someone can help me with this, i've tried to reinstall codeproject twice.