Hello !
When I trying to make a call in the api using “https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/token” an "error" error is returned: "invalid_scope".
I provide the authentication correctly and the scope on the dashboard is correctly configured as well as the permission grants.
parameter explanation:
client_id (string) The Client ID of your application.
client_secret (string) The Client Secret of your application.
grant_type (string) In this step, this should be set to client_credentials.
scope (string) The space delimited list of scopes.
An integration always worked, but this scope error started to occur. I followed documents Here the documentation about that :
Uber Get Order Details.
I emphasize that the scope on the dashboard is correctly configured as well as the permission grants.
What I have tried:
I have tried the scope which is on the documentation but nothing work. In postman, I put my params in the Body > x-www-form-urlencoded.