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Using recursion, I need to display the consonant letters and the total number of consonant letters from the user's input. Thank you in advance.

What I have tried:

a = input("Enter your string:")
print("Your string:", a.split())

def isCons(ch):
    ch = ch.upper()
    return not (ch == 'A' or ch == 'E' or
                ch == 'I' or ch == 'O' or
                ch == 'U') and ord(ch) >= 65 and ord(ch) <= 90
def totalCons(string, n):
    if n == 1:
        return isCons(string[0])
    return totalCons(string, n - 1) + isCons(string[n-1])
print(totalCons(a, len(a)))
Updated 21-Apr-21 0:21am

Don't use recursion - it's not a suitable method for processing this kind of request, and it may cause your app to fail.

This is an iterative problem, that just requires a simple loop: nothing in the "structure" of s string of characters is recursive, unlike the definition of factorial for example:
f(N) = N <= 1 ? 1 : N * f(N - 1)
Where the function is defined in terms of the function.

Use a simple for loop instead. Remember, each time you call a function, you use stack space, and that is very limited. A long string will exhaust the stack space in a recursive solution, where the looping version needs almost no stack at all. When you stack runs out, your app crashes.
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lil_mint 21-Apr-21 20:50pm    
Thank you very much for the explanation. I did think for loop seems more ideal but my assignment was to use recursion. Again thank you.
for letter in string:
    if letter not in 'aeiouAEIOU':
        print(letter, 'is a consonant')
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CPallini 21-Apr-21 3:56am    
That would classify '%' as a consonant.
Richard MacCutchan 21-Apr-21 4:08am    
It is an over simplification, and OP is expected to consider all cases. Unfortunately few people seem capable of independent though these days.
If you have to use recursion then, recursively building the string of consonants should do the trick
a = input("Enter your string:")
print("Your string:", a.split())

def cons(ch):
    uch = ch.upper()
    if  ( ord(uch) >= 65 and ord(uch) <=90 and not ( uch in "AEIOU")):
        return ch
    return ''

def totalCons(string, n):
    if n == 1:
        return cons(string[0])
    return totalCons(string, n - 1) + cons(string[n-1])

totcons = totalCons(a, len(a))
print( totcons, len(totcons))
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lil_mint 21-Apr-21 21:07pm    
This gave me new knowledge. Again Thank you very much.
CPallini 22-Apr-21 1:56am    
You are welcome.
I would rather search for letters I want.
Consonant= "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"

and check each char from input against this string.
Using recursion

In this case, recursion complicate things. It is easier to use a loop.
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lil_mint 21-Apr-21 20:52pm    
Thank you. I also think for loop was more easier but my assignment was to use recursion. Thank you very much.

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