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I have a user control MembersFoundControl.ascx that is loaded into the MembersControl.ascx when duplicate members are found. The MembersFoundControl control definition is:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireUp="true" CodeBehind="MembersFoundControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="MemberTrack2016.ControlClasses.MembersFoundControl" %>

It is registered in MembersControl as:
<%@ Register Src="~/ControlClasses/MembersFoundControl.ascx" TagPrefix="mfctrl" TagName="MembersFoundControl" %>

It is loaded into a placeholder in the MembersControl as
MembersFoundControl memberListControl = LoadControl("~/ControlClasses/MembersFoundControl.ascx") as MembersFoundControl;

the control events are defined in the MembersFoundControl as:
<div id="MemberListActionDiv" class="ButtonDivStyle" style="width: 36em; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 0.5em">
        <asp:button id="UseNewMemberButon" cssclass="MemberButtonStyleLarge" text="Use New Member" runat="server" onclick="OnUseNewMember">
        <asp:button id="MFC_CancelButton" cssclass="MemberButtonStyle" text="Cancel" runat="server" onclick="OnMFCCancel" style="margin-left: .625em">

And the Event operations are in the MembersFoundControl.ascx.cs file
protected void OnUseNewMember(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MembersFoundEventArgs args = new MembersFoundEventArgs();
            args.nRetType = IDUSENEWMEMBER;
            args.MemberRec = null;
            args.nRelation = nRelationType;
            onUseThisMember(this, args);

        protected void OnMFCCancel(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MembersFoundEventArgs args = new MembersFoundEventArgs();
            args.nRetType = IDCANCEL;
            args.MemberRec = null;
            args.nRelation = nRelationType;
            onUseThisMember(this, args);

When the control is loaded in the place holder the buttons are named and given the ids as follows:
<div id="MemberListActionDiv" class="ButtonDivStyle" style="width: 36em; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 0.5em"></div>

The event is not fired in either MembersFoundControl or in MembersControl.

This is built in Visual Studio 2017 (2019 has problems).

Does anyone have any suggestions? THANKS

What I have tried:

I have tried everything I can think of.
Updated 27-Jan-21 8:37am

You need to recreate the controls on every postback. The best place to do that would be the Init event of the placeholder you're adding them to.

Dynamically Adding Wired Controls to Web Forms[^]

Remember, your page and the entire control hierarchy only exists until the HTML is rendered and returned to the user. The only controls which are automatically recreated when the page posts back are those which are declared in the markup. Any dynamically added controls will need to be recreated on every request.
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I am not sure what you mean. The initialization of a control is OnInit. This would meant that this would fire everytime the MembersContol is refreshed. And the lifecycle of the MembersFoundControl is only for the duration of selecting one of the members found. However, that said, I have tried that and it did not work because the ids of the buttons are attached to the MembersControl not the MembersFoundControl.

Can you give a further explanation regarding your solution, I may have missed something when I tried it?
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Richard Deeming 28-Jan-21 4:15am    
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