Hi Team
i am trying to get a query for below ask
Find all objects (like View, table, functions ,parameters and variable ,variable values ) in Stored procedure
but finding the query ,seems its not possible .anyone could you please help me
Script :
create procedure dbo.Sp_Person_var (@loaddate int)
DECLARE @SPName NVARCHAR(200)='using Sp',
@Source NVARCHAR(200) = 'loading from view',
@Target NVARCHAR(200) = 'to table',
@SPName2 NVARCHAR(200)
IF(@loaddate IS NULL)
SET @SPName2 = 'full load'
SET @SPName2 = 'data loaded in ' + CAST(@loaddate AS nvarchar(10))
insert into [AdventureWorks2017].[Person].[Person2] ([BusinessEntityID], [PersonType])
SELECT [BusinessEntityID] ,[PersonType] FROM [AdventureWorks2017].Person.viewPerson
create view [Person].[viewPerson]
SELECT [BusinessEntityID] ,[PersonType] FROM [AdventureWorks2017].[Person].[Person]
here i need to get out put like below
'Name' 'values' 'type' 'SPname' 'Data taken' 'datataken source'
'SPName' 'using Sp' 'V' 'dbo.Sp_Person_var' 'Person.viewPerson' 'Person.Person'
Source loading from view V
Source to table V
SPName2 'Full or loaddate
will get from
last run' V
Note : every run we will save the @SPName2 values in a 'RESULT' separate tables.so we need to take @Spname2 value from 'RESULT' table
Note : some times SPname ,Data taken ,datataken source column values text some time completely different ..
Could you please help me with a sql query .
Thanks in Advance
What I have tried:
Get list of tables used in a stored procedure – SQLServerCentral[