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I made a table hobby, in that i took an array named hid[].
In that i passed hid and hnm.
I have another table employee and I take hid as an foreign key.
When I passes the hid from front end as :
hid :
[0] -> 1
[1] -> 2
[2] -> 3
When I passes the hnm from front end as :
[0] -> Reading
[1] -> Swimming
[2] -> Dancing

Code :
Controller code :
class Employee extends CI_Controller
	public function __construct()
		# code...
	//save data
	public function add()

		$data['ctr_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('country')->get()->result();
		$data['st_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('state')->get()->result();
		$data['ct_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('city')->get()->result();
		$data['hid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('hobby')->get()->result();
		$data['mid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('meal_preference')->get()->result();
		$data['pid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('payment_mode')->get()->result();
		/*echo "<pre>";
		return $this->load->view('employee_add',$data);

	public function save()

			$oidVal = implode(", ", $this->input->post('hid'));
			$data = array('oidVal' => $oidVal);
			echo "<pre>"; print_r($_POST);die; 
			$output = $this->Employee_model->saverecords($efname,$elname,$ecompany,$eadd,$ctr_id,$st_id,$ct_id,$email,$emobile,$hid,$oidVal,$mid,$pid);
			echo "Employee records saved successfully..!!";
	public function display()
		//echo "<pre>";print_r($data);die;
	public function edit($id)
		$data['ctr_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('country')->get()->result();
		$data['st_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('state')->get()->result();
		$data['ct_id'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('city')->get()->result();
		$data['hid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('hobby')->get()->result();
		$data['mid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('meal_preference')->get()->result();
		$data['pid'] = $this->db->select("*")->from('payment_mode')->get()->result();
		return $this->load->view('employee_edit',$data);
	public function update($id)
			$oidVal = implode(", ", $this->input->post('hid'));
			$data = array('oidVal' => $oidVal);
			$output = $this->Employee_model->update_records($id,$efname,$elname,$ecompany,$eadd,$ctr_id,$st_id,$ct_id,$email,$emobile,$hid,$oidVal,$mid,$pid);
			/*echo "<pre>";
			echo "Employee records Updated successfully..!!";
	public function delete($id)
		echo "Record deleted successfully !";

Model Code :
class Employee_model extends CI_Model
	function __construct()
	function saverecords($efname,$elname,$ecompany,$eadd,$ctr_id,$st_id,$ct_id,$email,$emobile,$hid,$oidVal,$mid,$pid)
		# code...
	function display_records()
		$query = $this->db->select('employee.eid,employee.efname,employee.elname,employee.ecompany,employee.eadd,country.ctr_nm,state.st_nm,city.ct_nm,,employee.emobile,hobby.hnm,employee.oidVal,meal_preference.mnm,payment_mode.pnm');
	  	$this->db->join('country', 'employee.ctr_id = country.ctr_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('state', 'employee.st_id = state.st_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('city', 'employee.ct_id = city.ct_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('hobby', 'employee.hid = hobby.hid','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('meal_preference', 'employee.mid = meal_preference.mid','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('payment_mode', ' =','LEFT');
        // $this->db->where('pid',$pid);
		return $query->result();
	function display_hobby()
		$query = $this->db->select('hobby.hid,hobby.hnm');
		return $query->result();	
	function displayrecordsById($eid)
	    $this->db->join('country', 'employee.ctr_id = country.ctr_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('state', 'employee.st_id = state.st_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('city', 'employee.ct_id = city.ct_id','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('hobby', 'employee.hid = hobby.hid','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('meal_preference', 'employee.mid = meal_preference.mid','LEFT');
	  	$this->db->join('payment_mode', ' =','LEFT');
		return $query->row();
	function update_records($eid,$efname,$elname,$ecompany,$eadd,$ctr_id,$st_id,$ct_id,$email,$emobile,$hid,$oidVal,$mid,$pid)
		$data = array
	        'efname' => $efname,
	        'elname' => $elname,
	        'ecompany' => $ecompany,
	        'eadd' => $eadd,
	        'ctr_id' => $ctr_id,
	        'st_id' => $st_id,
	        'ct_id' => $ct_id,
	        'email' => $email,
	        'emobile' => $emobile,
	        'hid' => $hid,
	        'oidVal' => $oidVal,
	        'mid' => $mid,
	        'pid' => $pid,

		$this->db->where('eid', $eid);
		$this->db->update('employee', $data);

	function deleterecords($eid)
		$this->db->where('eid', $eid);


Add Employee(Add record) code :
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<h2>Add Employees</h2>

	<form method="post" action="save">
	<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
			<td width="230">Enter First Name </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="text" name="efname"></td>
			<td width="230">Enter Last Name </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="text" name="elname"></td>
			<td width="230">Enter Company </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="text" name="ecompany"></td>
			<td width="230">Enter Adrress </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="text" name="eadd"></td>
			<td width="230">Select Country </td>
					<select name="ctr_id">
						<?php foreach ($ctr_id as $key => $value) : ?>
						<option value="<?php echo $value->ctr_id ?>"><?php echo $value->ctr_nm; ?></option>
			    		<?php  endforeach; ?>
			<td width="230">Select State </td>

				<select name="st_id">
						<?php foreach ($st_id as $key => $value) : ?>
						<option value="<?php echo $value->st_id ?>"><?php echo $value->st_nm; ?></option>
			    		<?php  endforeach; ?>
			<td width="230">Select City </td>

				<select name="ct_id">
						<?php foreach ($ct_id as $key => $value) : ?>
						<option value="<?php echo $value->ct_id ?>"><?php echo $value->ct_nm; ?></option>
			    		<?php  endforeach; ?>
			<td width="230">Enter Email </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="email" name="email"></td>
			<td width="230">Enter Mobile number </td>
			<td width="329"><input type="text" name="emobile"></td>
			<td width="230">Enter Hobby</td>
					<?php foreach ($hid as $key => $value) : ?>
					<input type="checkbox" name="hid[]"
					value="<?php echo $value->hid; ?>"><?php echo $value->hnm;?>
					<?php  endforeach; ?>
			<td width="230"> Enter Meal Preference </td>
					<select name="mid">
						<?php foreach ($mid as $key => $value) : ?>
						<option value="<?php echo $value->mid ?>"><?php echo $value->mnm; ?></option>
			    		<?php  endforeach; ?>
			<td width="230">Enter Payment Mode </td>
						<?php foreach ($pid as $key => $value) : ?>
						<input type="radio" name="pid" 
						value="<?php echo $value->pid ?>"><?php echo $value->pnm; ?>
					<?php endforeach; ?> 
			<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="save"/></td>

What I have tried:

I used Implode and Explode because hid is an array.
I can only see either hid or hnm to the view screen after save this data.
I want to store hid to my database and hnm to view screen.
help me with this.
deeeeeeeep 4-Dec-18 1:36am    
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue ?
Mohibur Rashid 4-Dec-18 2:17am    
What is hid?
deeeeeeeep 4-Dec-18 2:28am    
hid is a primary key of table hobby.
Also hid is a reference key of table employee.
Mohibur Rashid 4-Dec-18 3:36am    
You have dumped lots of code, help won't come easy, you also need to specify where your hid is returning empty
deeeeeeeep 5-Dec-18 1:17am    
issue solved.
Thank you for your response.

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