There's a library called
Newtonsoft JSON.Net that you can use to easily serialize and serialize JSON string back and forth to C#/VB.NET object. Take a look at this article for example:
Convert JSON to a DataTable with C# or VB.Net -[
The idea if to stream your JSON file to a string, and then convert that JSON string into an object. This object can be a collection, array or datatable in which you can use as data source for your GridView.
Modifying the underlying JSON file is another story as you need to parse the data from your GridView back to a JSON object or JArray, do the modification and then write the changes back to a file. Here's one example:[
The example above is written in C#. If you are having a hard time interpreting the code, you can use this online free converter tool to translate C# to VB.NET:
Code Converter C# to VB and VB to C# – Telerik[