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Can anyone tell me what us wrong with this code? The error "Path not found" was thrown.
uSQL = "SELECT soa_month FROM DMF_SocsoArrears WHERE SOA_PAYMONTH = " & Month(dtpSocsoDate.Value) & " AND " & _
       "SOA_PAYYEAR = " & Year(dtpSocsoDate.Value) & " AND (SOA_SOAMTEE+SOA_SOAMTER) > 0 "

   RS1.Open vSQL, Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
   RS2.Open uSQL, Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
   'If RS2.RecordCount > 0 Then
   'While Not RS2.EOF
    If uSQL = "1" Then
       tFileName = "January.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "2" Then
       tFileName = "February.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "3" Then
       tFileName = "March.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "4" Then
       tFileName = "April.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "5" Then
       tFileName = "May.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "6" Then
       tFileName = "June.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "7" Then
       tFileName = "July.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "8" Then
       tFileName = "August.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "9" Then
       tFileName = "September.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "10" Then
       tFileName = "October.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "11" Then
       tFileName = "November.TXT"
    ElseIf uSQL = "12" Then
       tFileName = "December.TXT"
    End If
   'End If
   'tFileName = "January.TXT"
   intFileHandle2 = FreeFile

   Dim sPath As String
   sPath = txtSocsoLoc.Text & tFileName
   MsgBox "" & tFileName, vbInformation, Me.Caption
   'If Dir(spath) <> "" Then spath = txtSocsoLoc.Text & "NOMANTH.TXT"
   Open sPath For Output As #intFileHandle2

What I have tried:

So I tried to see the outcome of the tFileName via a msg box it returns nothing.
Updated 23-May-18 21:57pm

You are checking uSQL which is the SQL query string. You have to check the recordset field values instead (untested):
If RS2.RecordCount > 0 Then
    While Not RS2.EOF
        If RS2!soa_month = "1"
            ' January
End If
Instead of the short (bang) syntax form RS2!soa_month you can also use RS2.Fields("soa_month").Value, RS2("soa_month").Value, or RS2.Fields(0).Value (here the zero is the zero based index of the returned recordset fields which must be zero here because you are querying only a single field).
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Member 12609377 24-May-18 3:47am    
THANKS A LOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SAVED MY LIFE! I'm really new to vb6 and sql and still learning, sorry if I asked something silly, I guess I did.
Some weird things in your code:
- uSQL contains the text of your SQL query, not the answer.
- one can expect the result to be in RS2
- one can expect a month number to be numeric, and not a string
To know what is what, use the debugger and inspect variables
Your code do not behave the way you expect, and you don't understand why !

There is an almost universal solution: Run your code on debugger step by step, inspect variables.
The debugger is here to show you what your code is doing and your task is to compare with what it should do.
There is no magic in the debugger, it don't know what your is supposed to do, it don't find bugs, it just help you to by showing you what is going on. When the code don't do what is expected, you are close to a bug.
To see what your code is doing: Just set a breakpoint and see your code performing, the debugger allow you to execute lines 1 by 1 and to inspect variables as it execute.
Debugger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^]

Debugging in Excel VBA - EASY Excel Macros[^]
MS Excel 2013: VBA Debugging Introduction[^]
How to debug Excel VBA - YouTube[^]

The debugger is here to only show you what your code is doing and your task is to compare with what it should do.
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AS CPallini pointed out you are comparing uSql to other string values that are not even close to what uSql is.
For example, if tpSocsoDate is 01/01/2018 the uSql will be


This is never equal to the conditions in your if else if ladder.

What you want to do is execute the command string in uSql on the database and store the value returned inside a local variable. Then compare that variable in the if else if ladder not the sql command.

On another note, never concatenate strings to make an SQL command. It makes your code vulnerable to sql injection attacks. Use parametrized queries instead.
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Well, the answer is simple: the uSQL string doesn't match any of the expected conditions. That's not a surprise, since it is just the SQL QUERY text.
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Member 12609377 24-May-18 3:38am    
Thanks for replying. But the problem is, even when i didn't put any condition ( uSQL = "SELECT soa_month FROM DMF_SocsoArrears ) the output is still the same. For the conditions, (1-12) there is a line in the database where the soa_month = 1 and its an int column. please help thanks.
GKP1992 24-May-18 3:38am    
Too subtle a hint I think. :D
Maciej Los 24-May-18 4:17am    
So here is what i changed and the problem was solved. Thanks everyone!

    uSQL = "SELECT soa_month FROM DMF_SocsoArrears WHERE SOA_PAYMONTH = " & Month(dtpSocsoDate.Value) & " AND " & _
        "SOA_PAYYEAR = " & Year(dtpSocsoDate.Value) & " AND (SOA_SOAMTEE+SOA_SOAMTER) > 0 "
    RS1.Open vSQL, Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    RS2.Open uSQL, Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    If RS2.RecordCount > 0 Then
     While Not RS2.EOF
        If RS2!soa_month = "1" Then
           tFileName = "January.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "2" Then
           tFileName = "February.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "3" Then
           tFileName = "March.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "4" Then
           tFileName = "April.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "5" Then
           tFileName = "May.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "6" Then
           tFileName = "June.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "7" Then
           tFileName = "July.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "8" Then
           tFileName = "August.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "9" Then
           tFileName = "September.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "10" Then
           tFileName = "October.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "11" Then
           tFileName = "November.TXT"
        ElseIf RS2!soa_month = "12" Then
           tFileName = "December.TXT"
        End If
    End If
    'tFileName = "January.TXT"
    intFileHandle2 = FreeFile
    Dim sPath As String
    sPath = txtSocsoLoc.Text & tFileName
    MsgBox "" & tFileName, vbInformation, Me.Caption
    'If Dir(spath) <> "" Then spath = txtSocsoLoc.Text & "NOMANTH.TXT"
    Open sPath For Output As #intFileHandle2
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