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I am trying to retrieve data from MS Access in vb6 and its showing error as 3021
I am converting my data into hex in database and wanted to retrieve the table according to the name but when the name matches i am getting run time 3021 error

pls help me!!
Thank You

What I have tried:

Private Sub view_Click()

Dim a1 As String
a1 = rs!nameoftest
rs.Open "Select * from Table1 where NameofTest='" + Label26.Caption + "'", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
str = a1
For x = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
str1 = str1 & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(str, x, 2)))

If Label26.Caption = str1 Then
MsgBox "Record not Found..!!", vbInformation
Label26.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Updated 16-Feb-18 2:44am

1 solution

Your code makes no sense: You are assigning a1 from rs, close the recordset, open it again with a new query, but never use the data from that query.

I would expect something like
rs.Open "Select * from Table1 where NameofTest='" + Label26.Caption + "'", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
If Not rs.EOF
    a1 = rs.nameoftest
    ' ...
End If
' ...
' EDIT: Close here
If NameofTest is not unique, you have to use a loop instead:
While Not rs.EOF
    a1 = rs.nameoftest
    ' ...
End While
Why do you hold the recordset opened?
Close it when not using it anymore. Because the code is called upon a user event (click) you can't use it in other functions where you don't know the state.
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Member 13396059 17-Feb-18 4:25am    
i have modified my program but am still getting the error
Jochen Arndt 17-Feb-18 5:45am    
You should not get the error when using my code example (accessing rs only after checking for not EOF). However, you may also check for not BOF.
Member 13396059 19-Feb-18 2:07am    
i have modified my code as u said

rs.Open "Select * from Table1 where NameofTest='" + Label26.Caption + "'", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
While Not rs.EOF
a1 = rs!nameoftest
Label26.Caption = a1
str = a1
For x = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
str1 = str1 & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(str, x, 2)))
Label26.Caption = str1

but still i'm unable to retrieve the data
Jochen Arndt 19-Feb-18 2:54am    
Do you get an error or just no data?
If you get no data, check your query (and if your table contains a recordset where NameOfTest has the value of your label).
Member 13396059 19-Feb-18 5:52am    
Dim a1, sqlstr As String
con.Open "PROVIDER= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=C:\Users\Raghava\Desktop\Database\artoss.mdb;"
sqlstr = "Select * from Table1"
rs.Open sqlstr, con, adOpenKeyset
a1 = rs!NameofTest
str = a1
For x = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
str1 = str1 & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(str, x, 2)))
If str1 = Label26.Caption Then
While Not rs.EOF
x = x + 1
End If

if i write like this i'm able to retrieve the data but its not checking entire database it is checking only first row of the db file
Is there any problem in my code??

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