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I want to save the values given in vb6 into a text file in hex format

Present I'm using MSACCESS as database but want to use text file avoiding MSACCESS

For example the format of hex should be like this


Please help me

[edit]Code block added - OriginalGriff[/edit]

What I have tried:

Option Explicit
Dim con As New adodb.Connection
Dim rs As New adodb.Recordset
Dim str As String
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim i, fil1 As Integer
Dim x As Long
Dim strng, hexcod, methd, fil2, slpe, prntr, usrloc, str1 As String
Dim temp, unit, stndrd, reagvol, smplevol, aspvol, conc, factr, read, delta, delay, linear, minval, maxval As Double

Private Sub glucose_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & glucose.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub chol_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & chol.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub bun_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & bun.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub crtn_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & crtn.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub urea_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & urea.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub trig_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & trig.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub sgot_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & sgot.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub sgpt_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & sgpt.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub hdl_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & hdl.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ldl_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ldl.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ck_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ck.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ckmb_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ckmb.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub d_bil_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & d_bil.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub t_bil_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & t_bil.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ldh_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ldh.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub aklp_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & aklp.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub alb_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & alb.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub tpr_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & tpr.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub a_amy_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & a_amy.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub g_gt_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & g_gt.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ca_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ca.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub phos_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & phos.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub fe_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & fe.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub cl_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & cl.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub uric_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & uric.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub ghb_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & ghb.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub na_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & na.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub k_Click()
Label26.Caption = "" & k.Caption
End Sub

Sub display()

    Dim a As Long
    Dim meth, filt1, filt2, tem, prnt, loc, slp, unt, stnd, regvol, fctr, readtme, dly, dlta, lin, normin, normax, asp, smple, concen As String
    'If Label26.Caption = rs!nameoftest Then
    Combo1.Text = rs!method
    methd = Combo1.Text
    For a = 1 To Len(methd) Step 2
        meth = meth & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(methd, a, 2)))
    Combo1.Text = meth
    Combo2.Text = rs!filter1
    fil1 = Combo2.Text
    filt1 = CInt("&H" & fil1)
    Combo2.Text = filt1
    Combo3.Text = rs!filter2
    fil2 = Combo3.Text
    For a = 1 To Len(fil2) Step 2
        filt2 = filt2 & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(fil2, a, 2)))
    Combo3.Text = filt2
    Combo4.Text = rs!temperature
    temp = Combo4.Text
    tem = CInt("&H" & temp)
    Combo4.Text = tem
    Text5.Text = rs!units
    unit = Text5.Text
    unt = CInt("&H" & unit)
    Text5.Text = unt
    Text6.Text = rs!nostandards
    stndrd = Text6.Text
    stnd = CInt("&H" & stndrd)
    Text6.Text = stnd
    Text7.Text = rs!reagentvolume
    reagvol = Text7.Text
    regvol = CInt("&H" & reagvol)
    Text7.Text = regvol
    Text8.Text = rs!samplevolume
    smplevol = Text8.Text
    smple = CInt("&H" & smplevol)
    Text8.Text = smple
    Text9.Text = rs!aspirationvolume
    aspvol = Text9.Text
    asp = CInt("&H" & aspvol)
    Text9.Text = asp

    Text10.Text = rs!concentration
    conc = Text10.Text
    concen = CInt("&H" & conc)
    Text10.Text = concen
    Text11.Text = rs!factor
    factr = Text11.Text
    fctr = CInt("&H" & factr)
    Text11.Text = fctr
    Text12.Text = rs!readtime
    read = Text12.Text
    readtme = CInt("&H" & read)
    Text12.Text = readtme
    Text13.Text = rs!deltatime
    delta = Text13.Text
    dlta = CInt("&H" & delta)
    Text13.Text = dlta
    Text14.Text = rs!delaytime
    delay = Text14.Text
    dly = CInt("&H" & delay)
    Text14.Text = dly
    Text15.Text = rs!linearity
    linear = Text15.Text
    lin = CInt("&H" & linear)
    Text15.Text = lin
    Text16.Text = rs!normalminvalue
    minval = Text16.Text
    normin = CInt("&H" & minval)
    Text16.Text = normin
    Text17.Text = rs!normalmaxvalue
    maxval = Text17.Text
    normax = CInt("&H" & maxval)
    Text17.Text = normax
    Text18.Text = rs!printeronoff
    prntr = Text18.Text
    For a = 1 To Len(prntr) Step 2
        prnt = prnt & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(prntr, a, 2)))
    Text18.Text = prnt
    Text19.Text = rs!UserLocation
    usrloc = Text19.Text
    For a = 1 To Len(usrloc) Step 2
        loc = loc & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(usrloc, a, 2)))
    Text19.Text = loc
    Combo5.Text = rs!slope
    slpe = Combo5.Text
    For a = 1 To Len(slpe) Step 2
        slp = slp & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(slpe, a, 2)))
    Combo5.Text = slp
    'End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    con.Open "PROVIDER= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=C:\Users\Raghava\Desktop\Database\artoss.mdb;"
    rs.Open "Select * from Table1", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
    'rs.Open "Select * from Table1 where NameofTest='" & Label26.Caption & "'", con, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

End Sub

Private Sub save_data_Click()
    '          //////name of test///////
    str = Label26.Caption
    bytes = StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode)
    str = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        str = str & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
        'Print #1, "DOM" & <fs> & TempList.Fields("TLGRef").Value & <fs> & <lf>
    Next i
    Label26.Caption = str
    str = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("NameofTest").Value = Label26.Caption
    '         ////method////////
    methd = Combo1.Text
    bytes = StrConv(methd, vbFromUnicode)
    methd = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        methd = methd & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo1.Text = methd
    methd = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Method").Value = Combo1.Text
        '       ////filter1////////
    fil1 = Combo2.Text
    Do While fil1 > 0
        strng = fil1 Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        fil1 = fil1 / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Filter1").Value = hexcod
            '       ////filter2////////
    fil2 = Combo3.Text
    bytes = StrConv(fil2, vbFromUnicode)
    fil2 = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        fil2 = fil2 & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo3.Text = fil2
    fil2 = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Filter2").Value = Combo3.Text
    '       ////temperature/////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    temp = Combo4.Text
    Do While temp > 0
        strng = temp Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        temp = temp / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Temperature").Value = hexcod

   '       /////units//////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    unit = Text5.Text
    Do While unit > 0
        strng = unit Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        unit = unit / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Units").Value = hexcod
     '       ////no.of standards////////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    stndrd = Text6.Text
    Do While stndrd > 0
        strng = stndrd Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        stndrd = stndrd / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NoStandards").Value = hexcod
    '       ////reagent vol/////////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    reagvol = Text7.Text
    Do While reagvol > 0
        strng = reagvol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        reagvol = reagvol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("ReagentVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ////sample vol/////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    smplevol = Text8.Text
    Do While smplevol > 0
        strng = smplevol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        smplevol = smplevol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("SampleVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ////aspiration volume////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    aspvol = Text9.Text
    Do While aspvol > 0
        strng = aspvol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        aspvol = aspvol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("AspirationVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ///concentration///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    conc = Text10.Text
    Do While conc > 0
        strng = conc Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        conc = conc / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Concentration").Value = hexcod
    '       ///factor///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    factr = Text11.Text
    Do While factr > 0
        strng = factr Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        factr = factr / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Factor").Value = hexcod
    '       ///read time////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    read = Text12.Text
    Do While read > 0
        strng = read Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        read = read / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("ReadTime").Value = hexcod
    '       ///delta time///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    delta = Text13.Text
    Do While delta > 0
        strng = delta Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        delta = delta / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("DeltaTime").Value = hexcod
    '       ////delay time////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    delay = Text14.Text
    Do While delay > 0
        strng = delay Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        delay = delay / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("DelayTime").Value = hexcod
'         ////slope////
    slpe = Combo5.Text
    bytes = StrConv(slpe, vbFromUnicode)
    slpe = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        slpe = slpe & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo5.Text = slpe
    slpe = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("slope").Value = Combo5.Text

 '        ///linearity////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    linear = Text15.Text
    Do While linear > 0
        strng = linear Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        linear = linear / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Linearity").Value = hexcod
    '        ////nor min val////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    minval = Text16.Text
    Do While minval > 0
        strng = minval Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        minval = minval / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NormalMinValue").Value = hexcod
    '       ////nor max val////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    maxval = Text17.Text
    Do While maxval > 0
        strng = maxval Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng) + 55)
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        maxval = maxval / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NormalMaxValue").Value = hexcod
    '       ///printer on/off////
    prntr = Text18.Text
    bytes = StrConv(prntr, vbFromUnicode)
    prntr = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        prntr = prntr & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Text18.Text = prntr
    prntr = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Printeronoff").Value = Text18.Text
    '       /////user location////
    usrloc = Text19.Text
    bytes = StrConv(usrloc, vbFromUnicode)
    usrloc = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        usrloc = usrloc & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Text19.Text = usrloc
    usrloc = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("UserLocation").Value = Text19.Text

    MsgBox "Data is saved successfully...!!", vbInformation

End Sub

Sub clear()

    Label26.Caption = ""
    Combo1.Text = "Select a Method"
    Combo2.Text = "Nil"
    Combo3.Text = "Nil"
    Combo4.Text = "Nil"
    Combo5.Text = "Nil"
    Text5.Text = ""
    Text6.Text = ""
    Text7.Text = ""
    Text8.Text = ""
    Text9.Text = ""
    Text10.Text = ""
    Text11.Text = ""
    Text12.Text = ""
    Text13.Text = ""
    Text14.Text = ""
    Text15.Text = ""
    Text16.Text = ""
    Text17.Text = ""
    Text18.Text = ""
    Text19.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub delete_Click()
Dim confirm
    confirm = MsgBox("Do You want to delete the data?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Deletion Confirmation")
    If confirm = vbYes Then
        rs.delete adAffectCurrent
        MsgBox "Record has been deleted successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
        MsgBox "Data not deleted...!!", vbInformation, "Message"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub view_Click()

    Label26.Caption = rs!NameofTest
    'con.Open "PROVIDER= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=C:\Users\Raghava\Desktop\Database\artoss.mdb;"
    'con.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rs.Open "Select * from Table1 where NameofTest='" + Label26.Caption + "'", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
    str = Label26.Caption
    For x = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
        str1 = str1 & Chr(Val("&H" & Mid$(str, x, 2)))
    Label26.Caption = str1
    If Not rs.EOF Then
        MsgBox "Record not Found..!!", vbInformation
        Label26.Caption = ""
    End If
    'Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ok_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cancel_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub update_Click()

    '         ////method////////
    methd = Combo1.Text
    bytes = StrConv(methd, vbFromUnicode)
    methd = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        methd = methd & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo1.Text = methd
    methd = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Method").Value = Combo1.Text
        '       ////filter1////////
    fil1 = Combo2.Text
    Do While fil1 > 0
        strng = fil1 Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        fil1 = fil1 / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Filter1").Value = hexcod
            '       ////filter2////////
    fil2 = Combo3.Text
    bytes = StrConv(fil2, vbFromUnicode)
    fil2 = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        fil2 = fil2 & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo3.Text = fil2
    fil2 = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Filter2").Value = Combo3.Text
    '       ////temperature/////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    temp = Combo4.Text
    Do While temp > 0
        strng = temp Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        temp = temp / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Temperature").Value = hexcod

   '       /////units//////
   strng = ""
   hexcod = ""
    unit = Text5.Text
    Do While unit > 0
        strng = unit Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        unit = unit / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Units").Value = hexcod
     '       ////no.of standards////////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    stndrd = Text6.Text
    Do While stndrd > 0
        strng = stndrd Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        stndrd = stndrd / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NoStandards").Value = hexcod
    '       ////reagent vol/////////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    reagvol = Text7.Text
    Do While reagvol > 0
        strng = reagvol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        reagvol = reagvol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("ReagentVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ////sample vol/////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    smplevol = Text8.Text
    Do While smplevol > 0
        strng = smplevol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        smplevol = smplevol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("SampleVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ////aspiration volume////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    aspvol = Text9.Text
    Do While aspvol > 0
        strng = aspvol Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        aspvol = aspvol / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("AspirationVolume").Value = hexcod
    '       ///concentration///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    conc = Text10.Text
    Do While conc > 0
        strng = conc Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        conc = conc / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Concentration").Value = hexcod
    '       ///factor///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    factr = Text11.Text
    Do While factr > 0
        strng = factr Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        factr = factr / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Factor").Value = hexcod
    '       ///read time////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    read = Text12.Text
    Do While read > 0
        strng = read Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        read = read / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("ReadTime").Value = hexcod
    '       ///delta time///
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    delta = Text13.Text
    Do While delta > 0
        strng = delta Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        delta = delta / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("DeltaTime").Value = hexcod
    '       ///delay time////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    delay = Text14.Text
    Do While delay > 0
        strng = delay Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        delay = delay / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("DelayTime").Value = hexcod
'         ////slope////
    slpe = Combo5.Text
    bytes = StrConv(slpe, vbFromUnicode)
    slpe = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        slpe = slpe & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Combo5.Text = slpe
    slpe = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("slope").Value = Combo5.Text

 '        ///linearity////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    linear = Text15.Text
    Do While linear > 0
        strng = linear Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        linear = linear / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("Linearity").Value = hexcod
    '        ////nor min val////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    minval = Text16.Text
    Do While minval > 0
        strng = minval Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        minval = minval / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NormalMinValue").Value = hexcod
    '       ////nor max val////
    strng = ""
    hexcod = ""
    maxval = Text17.Text
    Do While maxval > 0
        strng = maxval Mod 16
        If strng > 9 Then
            strng = Chr(CInt(strng))
        End If
        hexcod = hexcod & strng
        maxval = maxval / 16
    hexcod = StrReverse(hexcod)
    rs.Fields("NormalMaxValue").Value = hexcod
    '       ///printer on/off////
    prntr = Text18.Text
    bytes = StrConv(prntr, vbFromUnicode)
    prntr = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        prntr = prntr & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Text18.Text = prntr
    prntr = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    rs.Fields("Printeronoff").Value = Text18.Text
    '       /////user location////
    usrloc = Text19.Text
    bytes = StrConv(usrloc, vbFromUnicode)
    usrloc = ""
    For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
        usrloc = usrloc & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
    Next i
    Text19.Text = usrloc
    usrloc = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
    MsgBox "Data is updated successfully...!!", vbInformation
End Sub
Updated 11-Feb-18 23:30pm
OriginalGriff 12-Feb-18 4:16am    
Couple of things here:
1) That's a code dump - and that's rude. YOu're saying "I don't care, you wade through this undocumented pile and work out what the heck I mean, because I can't be bothered". Use the "Improve question" widget, and cut out all the irrelevant code - show us only the stuff that is relevant to your problem.
2) Stop using default names for things. Your code is undocumented, so "Label1" to "Label26", and "Text1" through "Text19" inclusive is useless to anyone except you - and in three weeks it'll be useless to you as well. Use proper names and help your code become more readable.
3) Asking questions is a skill: you have to remember that the person you are asking has no context for your question - he only gets exactly what you tell him. So we have no idea what you have tried (and aren't going to wade through that pile of junk looking for what it might be) and what problems you met doing it!

Help us to help you!

1 solution

It seems you can use Hex$() for this, see example here: convert ascii to hex form - Visual Basic 4 / 5 / 6[^]
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