Hi Experts,
I have a vba application which I have to maintain.
I'm not really a vba expert, but trying!
the application basically receives data from DB and send this data to outlook to create an appointment.
the data is first displayed to the user in windows form then the user has to click a button to create an appointment/reminder in outlook calendar.
when running the app. it gives this error (-2147467259 You must enter a positive duration). not really sure why but what I'm sure about is all the dates are correct. I made sure that the order date is before arrival date also appointment date is always today's date.
I didn't build this app. but I tracked down the code and all the entries for the outlook object look correct. Even the app. works on other machines which i can't access to test. If it does work on other machines is it some outlook configurations?
It would also be great if anyone suggest a sample of code using VBA to create outlook appointment.
Please advise.
What I have tried:
Dim appOutLook As Object
Dim olAppt As Object
Dim olApptFind As Object
Dim objNameSpace As Object
Dim objOutlookFolder As Object
Dim sFilter As String
Dim objAppointment As Object
Dim FoldersArray As Variant
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim sUserCalendar As String
Dim myRecipient As Object
Dim iCalType As Integer
Dim sSharedCalendar As String
iCalType = 1
RS.Open "SELECT * FROM Container WHERE isnull(UserName,'') = '" & SQLSafe(UCase(Trim(macForm.ConnInfo.User))) & "'", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If Not RS.EOF Then
sUserCalendar = Trim(F_CFNS(RS.Fields("CalendarLocation")))
iCalType = F_CFND(RS.Fields("CalendarType"))
sSharedCalendar = Trim(F_CFNS(RS.Fields("SharedCalendarLocation")))
End If
If Trim(sUserCalendar) = "" And Trim(sSharedCalendar) = "" Then
MsgBox "Cannot add Calendar Appointment as the Outlook options have not been setup yet."
Exit Function
End If
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNameSpace = appOutLook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
If iCalType = 1 Then
FolderPath = Trim(sUserCalendar)
If Trim(FolderPath) = "" Then Exit Function
FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "/")
Select Case UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
Case 0
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.Folders(FoldersArray(0))
Case 1
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.Folders(FoldersArray(0)).Folders(FoldersArray(1))
Case 2
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.Folders(FoldersArray(0)).Folders(FoldersArray(1)).Folders(FoldersArray(2))
Case 3
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.Folders(FoldersArray(0)).Folders(FoldersArray(1)).Folders(FoldersArray(2)).Folders(FoldersArray(3))
Case 4
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.Folders(FoldersArray(0)).Folders(FoldersArray(1)).Folders(FoldersArray(2)).Folders(FoldersArray(3)).Folders(FoldersArray(4))
Case Else
MsgBox "Error Getting Outlook Folder. Cannot Continue."
Exit Function
End Select
Set myRecipient = objNameSpace.CreateRecipient(Trim(sSharedCalendar))
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Set objOutlookFolder = objNameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, 9)
MsgBox "Erorr Accessing Shared Calendar"
Exit Function
End If
End If
sSubject = ""
RS.Open "SELECT * FROM Container WHERE isnull(UserName,'') = '" & SQLSafe(UCase(Trim(macForm.ConnInfo.User))) & "'", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If Not RS.EOF Then
For j = 1 To 5
If UCase(Trim(F_CFNS(RS.Fields("cboSubjectTab" & j)))) <> "" Or F_CFNS(RS.Fields("SubjectPrefix" & j)) <> "" Then
sSubject = sSubject & F_CFNS(RS.Fields("SubjectPrefix" & j)) & f_GetSubjectFromOutlookField(UCase(Trim(sContainerNo)), UCase(Trim(F_CFNS(RS.Fields("cboSubjectTab" & j)))), F_CFND(RS.Fields("SubjectField" & j))) & F_CFNS(RS.Fields("SubjectSuffix" & j)) & F_CFNS(RS.Fields("SubjectSeperator"))
End If
Next j
End If
Dim sPOs As String
sPOs = "Order No | Line No | Item No" & vbCrLf
RS.Open "SELECT * FROM ORDLIN WHERE ltrim(rtrim(isnull(POORDLIN_SQL.User_Def_Fld_4,''))) = '" & SQLSafe(sContainerNo) & "' ORDER BY Ord_NO, Line_No", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Do While Not RS.EOF
sPOs = sPOs & F_CFNS(RS.Fields("Ord_No")) & " | " & F_CFND(RS.Fields("Line_NO")) & " | " & F_CFNS(RS.Fields("Item_No")) & vbCrLf
If Trim(sSubject) = "" Then
sSubject = "Container ETA Appointment: " & sContainerNo
End If
sFilter = "[Mileage] = Container:" & sContainerNo & ""
Set objAppointment = objOutlookFolder.Items.Find(sFilter)
If Not TypeName(objAppointment) = "Nothing" Then
With objAppointment
.start = DateValue(dDate) + TimeValue("08:00")
.End = DateValue(dDate) + TimeValue("09:00")
.alldayevent = False
.Subject = sSubject
.body = "CONTAINTER CALENDAR APPOINTMENT" & vbCrLf & "Container: " & sContainerNo & vbCrLf & "Auto UPDATED: " & Now() & " By User: " & UCase(Trim(macForm.ConnInfo.User)) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sPOs
If Trim(sCatValue) <> "" Then
.Categories = Trim(sCatValue)
End If
End With