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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Non-MFC Colored Listbox items Pin
ScorpioMidget16-Sep-03 5:42
ScorpioMidget16-Sep-03 5:42 
Generalmfc dialog , retrieve store info Pin
Anonymous16-Sep-03 3:42
Anonymous16-Sep-03 3:42 
GeneralRe: mfc dialog , retrieve store info Pin
Jason Henderson16-Sep-03 3:44
Jason Henderson16-Sep-03 3:44 
GeneralRe: mfc dialog , retrieve store info Pin
David Crow16-Sep-03 4:08
David Crow16-Sep-03 4:08 
GeneralWriting binary data to a floppy Pin
Kuniva16-Sep-03 3:36
Kuniva16-Sep-03 3:36 
GeneralRe: Writing binary data to a floppy Pin
Nish Nishant16-Sep-03 3:50
sitebuilderNish Nishant16-Sep-03 3:50 
GeneralRe: Writing binary data to a floppy Pin
David Crow16-Sep-03 4:17
David Crow16-Sep-03 4:17 
Generalimpersonation Pin
Arik Poznanski16-Sep-03 3:35
Arik Poznanski16-Sep-03 3:35 
I want to change my process security token to another user.
basically what I need is when the app loads, it displays a user/pass dialog.
and then it changes the security token of the process as if it was run as the entered user/pass. according to what I heard, I can do something like this in two ways. 1) making another application that will display the dialog and then open my application with Api's like CreateProcessAsUser or CreateProcessWithLogon. 2) Use impersonation to change the security token of the process. I really prefer the second way, but I don't know where to start. and I don't know if it really is possible, I only found clues on how to impersonate a thread.. not a process.

Waiting for answer..

Arik Poznanski
GeneralRe: impersonation Pin
Graham Bradshaw16-Sep-03 4:33
Graham Bradshaw16-Sep-03 4:33 
GeneralRe: impersonation Pin
Steve S16-Sep-03 4:36
Steve S16-Sep-03 4:36 
GeneralPicture Control + Jpeg Pin
KKR16-Sep-03 3:27
KKR16-Sep-03 3:27 
GeneralRe: Picture Control + Jpeg Pin
David Crow16-Sep-03 6:52
David Crow16-Sep-03 6:52 
GeneralStructure Problem Pin
TheFox16-Sep-03 2:52
TheFox16-Sep-03 2:52 
GeneralRe: Structure Problem Pin
Graham Bradshaw16-Sep-03 3:09
Graham Bradshaw16-Sep-03 3:09 
GeneralArray of Structures Pin
cberam16-Sep-03 2:32
cberam16-Sep-03 2:32 
GeneralRe: Array of Structures Pin
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:47
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:47 
GeneralTLB Error - Pin
fadee16-Sep-03 2:30
fadee16-Sep-03 2:30 
GeneralRe: TLB Error - Pin
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:52
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:52 
GeneralTermiating an MFC app from a separate thread Pin
BigBen00716-Sep-03 2:24
BigBen00716-Sep-03 2:24 
GeneralRe: Termiating an MFC app from a separate thread Pin
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:39
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:39 
GeneralRe: Termiating an MFC app from a separate thread Pin
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:43
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 2:43 
GeneralRe: Termiating an MFC app from a separate thread Pin
BigBen00716-Sep-03 4:04
BigBen00716-Sep-03 4:04 
GeneralRe: Termiating an MFC app from a separate thread Pin
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 7:15
Jagadeesh VN16-Sep-03 7:15 
GeneralScreensaver with Mpeg problem Pin
Mortis16-Sep-03 2:08
Mortis16-Sep-03 2:08 
GeneralCMemDC help Pin
Zizilamoroso16-Sep-03 1:28
Zizilamoroso16-Sep-03 1:28 

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