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GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen14-Sep-24 7:25
trønderen14-Sep-24 7:25 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu14-Sep-24 15:10
Mircea Neacsu14-Sep-24 15:10 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen14-Sep-24 17:27
trønderen14-Sep-24 17:27 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:26
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:26 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:16
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:16 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 21:08
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 21:08 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu16-Sep-24 2:41
Mircea Neacsu16-Sep-24 2:41 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
jschell17-Sep-24 12:29
jschell17-Sep-24 12:29 
trønderen wrote:
If you just send it the entire string, leaving to the display unit to discard what won't fit, for one: You may upset the display device.

To be fair however your example is suggesting that developer has no idea what the business space even is.

So for example if I expect the uses to use a PC with a larger display, and they use a phone, then it is not going to work very well. But if I expect them to use a phone also then I should account for that and test/develop for that also.

trønderen wrote:
This software may put restrictions on the lengths of both prompt strings and data values.

That isn't true. Such data is always limited. Nothing in computing is unlimited. Doesn't matter how it is used. If a developer is not considering that from initial creation then that will cause problems. Display problems is just one case. It is similar to a very naive developer that designs a database and makes every text field into a blob just on the chance that the extra space might be needed.
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan14-Sep-24 21:34
mveRichard MacCutchan14-Sep-24 21:34 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:45
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:45 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 2:58
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 2:58 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:19
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:19 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu17-Sep-24 13:49
Mircea Neacsu17-Sep-24 13:49 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
jschell17-Sep-24 12:22
jschell17-Sep-24 12:22 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
CPallini13-Sep-24 0:06
mveCPallini13-Sep-24 0:06 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Calin Negru13-Sep-24 1:32
Calin Negru13-Sep-24 1:32 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
CPallini13-Sep-24 1:34
mveCPallini13-Sep-24 1:34 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen14-Sep-24 6:48
trønderen14-Sep-24 6:48 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Calin Negru14-Sep-24 9:18
Calin Negru14-Sep-24 9:18 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
k505414-Sep-24 10:15
mvek505414-Sep-24 10:15 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
markkuk14-Sep-24 11:15
markkuk14-Sep-24 11:15 
QuestionREMOVED Pin
jana_hus7-Sep-24 7:12
jana_hus7-Sep-24 7:12 
AnswerRe: Addendum how to build real time events in Qt? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Sep-24 21:29
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Sep-24 21:29 
QuestionLooking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
Jeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 8:20
professionalJeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 8:20 
GeneralRe: Looking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
k50542-Sep-24 11:16
mvek50542-Sep-24 11:16 

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