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QuestionRecording audio in Unity WebGL game Pin
G. Filkov19-Sep-24 14:13
G. Filkov19-Sep-24 14:13 
Questionimage scrolling Pin
Member 131084951-Sep-24 16:12
Member 131084951-Sep-24 16:12 
AnswerRe: image scrolling Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Sep-24 18:27
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Sep-24 18:27 
AnswerRe: image scrolling Pin
RedDk2-Sep-24 9:26
RedDk2-Sep-24 9:26 
AnswerRe: image scrolling Pin
Richard Deeming2-Sep-24 21:11
mveRichard Deeming2-Sep-24 21:11 
GeneralRe: image scrolling Pin
RedDk3-Sep-24 8:04
RedDk3-Sep-24 8:04 
QuestionMapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw17-Aug-24 13:38
professionalSteve Raw17-Aug-24 13:38 
AnswerRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon20-Aug-24 13:02
professionalJeremy Falcon20-Aug-24 13:02 
RantRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Richard Deeming20-Aug-24 18:54
mveRichard Deeming20-Aug-24 18:54 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 4:22
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 4:22 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Chris Maunder21-Aug-24 9:41
cofounderChris Maunder21-Aug-24 9:41 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:52
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:52 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Chris Maunder21-Aug-24 9:53
cofounderChris Maunder21-Aug-24 9:53 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:57
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:57 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw20-Aug-24 20:49
professionalSteve Raw20-Aug-24 20:49 
Jeremy Falcon wrote:
I'm not answering crap until you start recognizing my replies with at least a like.
LOL. I'm sorry about that.
Jeremy Falcon wrote:
You can manually call the user defined handlers
I tried adding touchstart, touchmove, and touchstart at the window level, the document level, body element level, web-window level, and it's too messy. Performance was poor. I have thousands of event handlers, both inline event listeners and added event listeners using the "element.addEventListener" method. Going through each one and adding their corresponding touch event handlers would create a trainwreck of a hackjob; a complete dumpster fire of code. Every idea I have tried, or considered trying doesn't work. Except for one.
Jeremy Falcon wrote:
1) You don't have to do this.
It's actually done! I finished it almost an hour ago.
It was as difficult as I had thought. It took 3+ days and about 25 hours in total. 33% was studying, another 33% was experimenting, and I spent 33% of the time testing. It works better than I had ever imagined. Thumbs Up | :thumbsup:

I told you it was going to take a lot of code. Here it is as of now:[^]
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 4:39
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 4:39 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw21-Aug-24 8:22
professionalSteve Raw21-Aug-24 8:22 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:48
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 9:48 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw21-Aug-24 17:24
professionalSteve Raw21-Aug-24 17:24 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 17:40
professionalJeremy Falcon21-Aug-24 17:40 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw21-Aug-24 17:56
professionalSteve Raw21-Aug-24 17:56 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 2:02
professionalJeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 2:02 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 2:30
professionalJeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 2:30 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Steve Raw22-Aug-24 4:21
professionalSteve Raw22-Aug-24 4:21 
GeneralRe: Mapping Touchscreen Events to Mouse Events Pin
Jeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 6:44
professionalJeremy Falcon22-Aug-24 6:44 

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