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Spam and Abuse Watch

This board allows members to report the accounts of spammers and others who abuse the forums in order to give other members the chance to vote to close the offending account.

GeneralSpammer from moderation: ap automation Pin
Richard MacCutchan10-Jul-24 4:02
mveRichard MacCutchan10-Jul-24 4:02 
GeneralSpam article (*** Best boarding school) Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-Jul-24 2:28
mvePete O'Hanlon10-Jul-24 2:28 
GeneralPrivate message bot - Member 16302065 Pin
CHill6010-Jul-24 2:12
mveCHill6010-Jul-24 2:12 
GeneralSpammer in Lounge - welshrivera29 Pin
CHill6010-Jul-24 2:11
mveCHill6010-Jul-24 2:11 
GeneralMore from the same idiot (Adam4503) Pin
Richard Deeming9-Jul-24 23:02
mveRichard Deeming9-Jul-24 23:02 
GeneralSpammer from moderation queue (Member 16301986) Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA9-Jul-24 22:56
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA9-Jul-24 22:56 
GeneralSpam article: ERP Systems development Pin
GKP19929-Jul-24 22:38
professionalGKP19929-Jul-24 22:38 
GeneralRe: Spam article: ERP Systems development Pin
Graeme_Grant9-Jul-24 22:44
mvaGraeme_Grant9-Jul-24 22:44 
It's ChatGPT generated, so I flagged it as Plagiarised.


"I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks one time, but I fear the man that has practiced one kick ten thousand times!" - Bruce Lee

GeneralRe: Spam article: ERP Systems development Pin
Richard Deeming9-Jul-24 22:46
mveRichard Deeming9-Jul-24 22:46 
GeneralSpammer from moderation:Member 16301991 Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Jul-24 22:34
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Jul-24 22:34 
GeneralSpammer in mod queue - Member 16301983 Pin
CHill609-Jul-24 22:13
mveCHill609-Jul-24 22:13 
GeneralSpammer in QA - Brandon14 Pin
CHill609-Jul-24 22:04
mveCHill609-Jul-24 22:04 
GeneralSpam article: Online drug store Pin
GKP19929-Jul-24 22:02
professionalGKP19929-Jul-24 22:02 
GeneralRe: Spam article: Online drug store Pin
Richard Deeming9-Jul-24 22:12
mveRichard Deeming9-Jul-24 22:12 
GeneralSpammers in mod queue - Members 16301862, mmsjo mmsjo, 16301927 Pin
CHill609-Jul-24 21:59
mveCHill609-Jul-24 21:59 
GeneralSpam article: Getting Remote Root Shell on devices running portainer Pin
GKP19929-Jul-24 21:48
professionalGKP19929-Jul-24 21:48 
GeneralSpammer in article moderate(Idreddyanna, Get Your Reddy Anna Book...) Pin
Sandeep Mewara9-Jul-24 21:00
mveSandeep Mewara9-Jul-24 21:00 
GeneralRe: Spammer in article moderate(Idreddyanna, Get Your Reddy Anna Book...) Pin
GKP19929-Jul-24 21:04
professionalGKP19929-Jul-24 21:04 
GeneralSpam would be article: Rose sharbat Pin
GKP19929-Jul-24 19:53
professionalGKP19929-Jul-24 19:53 
GeneralSpammer from the moderation queue (Member 16301843) Pin
OriginalGriff9-Jul-24 19:29
mveOriginalGriff9-Jul-24 19:29 
GeneralSpammer from the moderation queue (Member 16301837) Pin
OriginalGriff9-Jul-24 19:29
mveOriginalGriff9-Jul-24 19:29 
GeneralSpammer from the moderation queue (Member 16301816) Pin
OriginalGriff9-Jul-24 18:28
mveOriginalGriff9-Jul-24 18:28 
GeneralSpammer from the moderation queue (Member 16301800) Pin
OriginalGriff9-Jul-24 18:27
mveOriginalGriff9-Jul-24 18:27 
GeneralSite drivers : Member 16301688 , Member 16301716 Pin
PIEBALDconsult9-Jul-24 14:49
mvePIEBALDconsult9-Jul-24 14:49 
GeneralSpammer from moderation queue (Member 16301707) (Birthday Surprise Bangalore) Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA9-Jul-24 14:38
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA9-Jul-24 14:38 

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