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Question.Net Core 6 - IMongoCollection, Suppression State Warning CS8602 Dereference of a possibly null reference. Pin
jkirkerx16-May-23 17:56
professionaljkirkerx16-May-23 17:56 
AnswerI think I got it Pin
jkirkerx16-May-23 19:22
professionaljkirkerx16-May-23 19:22 
GeneralRe: I think I got it Pin
Graeme_Grant16-May-23 21:35
mvaGraeme_Grant16-May-23 21:35 
GeneralRe: I think I got it Pin
jkirkerx17-May-23 6:36
professionaljkirkerx17-May-23 6:36 
QuestionHttpUtility.UrlEncode in Pin
muad AHMED dr3-May-23 20:56
muad AHMED dr3-May-23 20:56 
AnswerRe: HttpUtility.UrlEncode in Pin
Richard Deeming3-May-23 21:59
mveRichard Deeming3-May-23 21:59 
QuestionVB Linq - Group invoices by store, and include all the invoice items Pin
jkirkerx19-Apr-23 9:20
professionaljkirkerx19-Apr-23 9:20 
AnswerRe: VB Linq - Group invoices by store, and recalculate margin Pin
jkirkerx19-Apr-23 10:00
professionaljkirkerx19-Apr-23 10:00 
Interesting, I didn't know we can run functions inside a Linq GroupBy. Hmm ... This opens up some new possibilities for me.
I'll attack the invoice items again, report almost done now
'Group the Store Invoices by Store to Average out the Freight/Shipping Margins
Dim gFreightInvoicesGrouped As List(Of AtdFreightInvoiceReport) = gFreightInvoicesAll _
.OrderBy(Function(ob) ob.FSTORECODE) _
.Where(Function(a) a.FSTORECODE <> String.Empty Or a.FSTORECODE.ToLower() <> "unknown") _
.GroupBy(Function(inv) inv.FSTORECODE).Select(Function(cl) New AtdFreightInvoiceReport() With {
    .FINVNO = cl.First().FINVNO,
    .FLOCATION = cl.First().FLOCATION,
    .FAMOUNT = cl.Sum(Function(x) x.FAMOUNT),
    .FSHIPCOST = cl.Sum(Function(x) x.FSHIPCOST),
    .FSHIPPRICE = cl.Sum(Function(x) x.FSHIPPRICE),
    .FMARGINPERCENT = AmCommon.CalculateShippingPercentageFormattedToString(cl.Sum(Function(x) x.FSHIPCOST), cl.Sum(Function(x) x.FAMOUNT)),
    .FREDFLAG = False
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QuestionLanguage specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Tablet510-Apr-23 11:25
Tablet510-Apr-23 11:25 
AnswerRe: Language specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Richard Deeming10-Apr-23 21:36
mveRichard Deeming10-Apr-23 21:36 
AnswerRe: Language specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Richard Deeming11-Apr-23 2:20
mveRichard Deeming11-Apr-23 2:20 
QuestionWeird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Maximilien22-Mar-23 6:49
Maximilien22-Mar-23 6:49 
AnswerRe: Weird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Richard Deeming27-Mar-23 0:42
mveRichard Deeming27-Mar-23 0:42 
GeneralRe: Weird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Maximilien27-Mar-23 6:12
Maximilien27-Mar-23 6:12 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
19-Mar-23 17:21
samflex19-Mar-23 17:21 
QuestionNeed to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
Member 159385451-Mar-23 0:58
Member 159385451-Mar-23 0:58 
AnswerRe: Need to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
Richard Deeming1-Mar-23 1:07
mveRichard Deeming1-Mar-23 1:07 
AnswerRe: Need to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
jschell20-Mar-23 6:40
jschell20-Mar-23 6:40 
QuestionUsing the WebControlAdapter class with WinForms and ASP.NET 4.5.2 Pin
WhoPinchedMyName28-Feb-23 7:43
WhoPinchedMyName28-Feb-23 7:43 
QuestionI want to show the first lettter of token to be upercase in my code, but it then show the page name and not the token name Pin
hendrikbez23-Feb-23 0:25
hendrikbez23-Feb-23 0:25 
AnswerRe: I want to show the first lettter of token to be upercase in my code, but it then show the page name and not the token name Pin
hendrikbez26-Feb-23 3:24
hendrikbez26-Feb-23 3:24 
Questionhow to auto print label in vb to be in the database Pin
IsdKirti L&tSou20-Feb-23 0:06
IsdKirti L&tSou20-Feb-23 0:06 
AnswerRe: how to auto print label in vb to be in the database Pin
Richard Deeming20-Feb-23 0:45
mveRichard Deeming20-Feb-23 0:45 
QuestionIs it possible to use OData in local mode? Pin
Alex Wright 202217-Feb-23 21:28
Alex Wright 202217-Feb-23 21:28 
QuestionHow to enable nested json result in OData (ASP.NET Core API) Pin
Alex Wright 202214-Feb-23 20:57
Alex Wright 202214-Feb-23 20:57 

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