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AnswerI think I got it Pin
jkirkerx16-May-23 19:22
professionaljkirkerx16-May-23 19:22 
GeneralRe: I think I got it Pin
Graeme_Grant16-May-23 21:35
mvaGraeme_Grant16-May-23 21:35 
GeneralRe: I think I got it Pin
jkirkerx17-May-23 6:36
professionaljkirkerx17-May-23 6:36 
QuestionHttpUtility.UrlEncode in Pin
muad AHMED dr3-May-23 20:56
muad AHMED dr3-May-23 20:56 
AnswerRe: HttpUtility.UrlEncode in Pin
Richard Deeming3-May-23 21:59
mveRichard Deeming3-May-23 21:59 
QuestionVB Linq - Group invoices by store, and include all the invoice items Pin
jkirkerx19-Apr-23 9:20
professionaljkirkerx19-Apr-23 9:20 
AnswerRe: VB Linq - Group invoices by store, and recalculate margin Pin
jkirkerx19-Apr-23 10:00
professionaljkirkerx19-Apr-23 10:00 
QuestionLanguage specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Tablet510-Apr-23 11:25
Tablet510-Apr-23 11:25 
Im trying to trick my startup to add AddIISUrlRewrite by different domains, I not sure it's possible, any ideas?
I'm Not really sucessfull. Laugh | :laugh:

var options = new RewriteOptions(); 
bool blnsiteA = false;

var tempoptions = new RewriteOptions();
tempoptions.Add(rewriteContext =>
   var request = rewriteContext.HttpContext.Request;
   if (request.Host.Host == "")
       blnsiteA = true;
if (blnsiteA)
    options.AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "RewritesSiteA.xml");
    options.AddIISUrlRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, "RewritesSiteB.xml");


AnswerRe: Language specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Richard Deeming10-Apr-23 21:36
mveRichard Deeming10-Apr-23 21:36 
AnswerRe: Language specific UseRewriter i startup .net core 7 Pin
Richard Deeming11-Apr-23 2:20
mveRichard Deeming11-Apr-23 2:20 
QuestionWeird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Maximilien22-Mar-23 6:49
Maximilien22-Mar-23 6:49 
AnswerRe: Weird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Richard Deeming27-Mar-23 0:42
mveRichard Deeming27-Mar-23 0:42 
GeneralRe: Weird issue with input form on a simple ASP.NET core web application Pin
Maximilien27-Mar-23 6:12
Maximilien27-Mar-23 6:12 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
19-Mar-23 17:21
samflex19-Mar-23 17:21 
QuestionNeed to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
Member 159385451-Mar-23 0:58
Member 159385451-Mar-23 0:58 
AnswerRe: Need to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
Richard Deeming1-Mar-23 1:07
mveRichard Deeming1-Mar-23 1:07 
AnswerRe: Need to Integrate Swipe Machine in my C# Application for billing Pin
jschell20-Mar-23 6:40
jschell20-Mar-23 6:40 
QuestionUsing the WebControlAdapter class with WinForms and ASP.NET 4.5.2 Pin
WhoPinchedMyName28-Feb-23 7:43
WhoPinchedMyName28-Feb-23 7:43 
QuestionI want to show the first lettter of token to be upercase in my code, but it then show the page name and not the token name Pin
hendrikbez23-Feb-23 0:25
hendrikbez23-Feb-23 0:25 
AnswerRe: I want to show the first lettter of token to be upercase in my code, but it then show the page name and not the token name Pin
hendrikbez26-Feb-23 3:24
hendrikbez26-Feb-23 3:24 
Questionhow to auto print label in vb to be in the database Pin
IsdKirti L&tSou20-Feb-23 0:06
IsdKirti L&tSou20-Feb-23 0:06 
AnswerRe: how to auto print label in vb to be in the database Pin
Richard Deeming20-Feb-23 0:45
mveRichard Deeming20-Feb-23 0:45 
QuestionIs it possible to use OData in local mode? Pin
Alex Wright 202217-Feb-23 21:28
Alex Wright 202217-Feb-23 21:28 
QuestionHow to enable nested json result in OData (ASP.NET Core API) Pin
Alex Wright 202214-Feb-23 20:57
Alex Wright 202214-Feb-23 20:57 
AnswerRe: How to enable nested json result in OData (ASP.NET Core API) Pin
Richard Deeming14-Feb-23 22:11
mveRichard Deeming14-Feb-23 22:11 

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