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AnswerRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 9:27
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 9:27 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 8:07
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 8:07 
AnswerRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 7:47
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 7:47 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill3-Sep-20 11:41
jackngill3-Sep-20 11:41 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 22:29
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 22:29 
AnswerRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 4:08
Victor Nijegorodov3-Sep-20 4:08 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill4-Sep-20 2:11
jackngill4-Sep-20 2:11 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 7:59
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 7:59 
jackngill wrote:
I have been researching further & I have found this snippet of code from (To reveal the source click on the link below)
C++/CLI Code Snippet - Access current environment directories and logical drives[^]

The sample from CPP-CLI source has nothing to do with the native C++ code that you seem to be using!
Try this:
TCHAR buffer[30] = {0};
    if (::GetEnvironmentVariable(_T("SYSTEMDRIVE"), buffer, _countof(buffer)))
        TCHAR path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
        _stprintf(path, _T("%s\windows\system32\calc.exe"), buffer);
        TRACE(path); // just to be sure it is what we supposed...
        SetSfcFileException(0, path, -1);

GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill4-Sep-20 10:06
jackngill4-Sep-20 10:06 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 21:37
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 21:37 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill4-Sep-20 23:05
jackngill4-Sep-20 23:05 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 23:19
Victor Nijegorodov4-Sep-20 23:19 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill4-Sep-20 23:54
jackngill4-Sep-20 23:54 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov5-Sep-20 0:07
Victor Nijegorodov5-Sep-20 0:07 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
jackngill5-Sep-20 2:34
jackngill5-Sep-20 2:34 
GeneralRe: Windows XP Convert SystemDrive Variable e.g. %SystemDrive% - into equivelant C++ code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov5-Sep-20 4:32
Victor Nijegorodov5-Sep-20 4:32 
QuestionHi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
vinay10829-Aug-20 17:54
vinay10829-Aug-20 17:54 
AnswerRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
Greg Utas30-Aug-20 2:06
professionalGreg Utas30-Aug-20 2:06 
GeneralRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
vinay10830-Aug-20 7:01
vinay10830-Aug-20 7:01 
GeneralRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
Greg Utas30-Aug-20 7:06
professionalGreg Utas30-Aug-20 7:06 
AnswerRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
Mircea Neacsu30-Aug-20 2:07
Mircea Neacsu30-Aug-20 2:07 
GeneralRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
vinay10830-Aug-20 7:05
vinay10830-Aug-20 7:05 
AnswerRe: Hi I am trying to overload >> operator for custom templated vector class but getting error Undifined Type 'T' Pin
Stefan_Lang31-Aug-20 23:53
Stefan_Lang31-Aug-20 23:53 
QuestionWhy does a letter disappear when I'm writing the following (the problem is the underlined code.) Pin
hubblee28-Aug-20 10:38
hubblee28-Aug-20 10:38 
AnswerRe: Why does a letter disappear when I'm writing the following (the problem is the underlined code.) Pin
jeron128-Aug-20 13:11
jeron128-Aug-20 13:11 

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