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AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? PinPopular
Chris Quinn22-Aug-17 23:09
Chris Quinn22-Aug-17 23:09 
AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
OriginalGriff22-Aug-17 23:23
mveOriginalGriff22-Aug-17 23:23 
AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon23-Aug-17 0:00
mvePete O'Hanlon23-Aug-17 0:00 
AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Gerry Schmitz23-Aug-17 6:38
mveGerry Schmitz23-Aug-17 6:38 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Eddy Vluggen23-Aug-17 7:01
professionalEddy Vluggen23-Aug-17 7:01 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Gerry Schmitz24-Aug-17 5:26
mveGerry Schmitz24-Aug-17 5:26 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Aug-17 5:50
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Aug-17 5:50 
GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Gerry Schmitz26-Aug-17 8:08
mveGerry Schmitz26-Aug-17 8:08 
Nowhere did I encourage running in "stealth" mode.

I patiently pointed out "my" user had access and the software runs "unobtrusive" (in the taskbar).

In the one case it was "Nanny software"; the other case an "owner" productivity tool.

Part of putting up an effective defence is knowing the techniques you want to protect against.

A "discusssion" is not an invitation to participate in a particular activity.

Some of you are so busy trying to make "points", you completely miss any opportunity to gain relevant knowledge.

Even if the OP's intentention was "malware", a better approach would be to "discourage" that behaviour instead of everyone riding off on their high horses.

If I call everything you produce "crap", it doesn't make it so.

And everyone trying to understand "key logging", etc, is not intent on making "malware".

Get a grip.
"(I) am amazed to see myself here rather than there ... now rather than then".
― Blaise Pascal

GeneralRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Eddy Vluggen24-Aug-17 6:38
professionalEddy Vluggen24-Aug-17 6:38 
AnswerRe: How would I go about implementing this in my code/program? Pin
Bernhard Hiller23-Aug-17 21:16
Bernhard Hiller23-Aug-17 21:16 
Questionintel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:31
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:31 
QuestionRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Aug-17 21:37
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Aug-17 21:37 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 21:41
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 21:41 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:48
Psudonym21-Aug-17 21:48 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 22:20
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 22:20 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Luc Pattyn21-Aug-17 23:14
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn21-Aug-17 23:14 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 1:31
Psudonym22-Aug-17 1:31 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
OriginalGriff22-Aug-17 1:48
mveOriginalGriff22-Aug-17 1:48 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 17:22
Psudonym22-Aug-17 17:22 
GeneralRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Luc Pattyn22-Aug-17 1:56
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn22-Aug-17 1:56 
AnswerRe: intel Hex file creator from Txt File Pin
Psudonym22-Aug-17 18:13
Psudonym22-Aug-17 18:13 
GeneralI want to display this method into graphics form inside Private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Graphics graphics){} Pin
Member 1321093321-Aug-17 8:09
Member 1321093321-Aug-17 8:09 
GeneralRe: I want to display this method into graphics form inside Private void VtfGraphicalViewMode(Graphics graphics){} Pin
OriginalGriff21-Aug-17 20:04
mveOriginalGriff21-Aug-17 20:04 
Questionhow can I add data to datatable and bind it to datagridview c# Pin
ali nagi20-Aug-17 17:27
ali nagi20-Aug-17 17:27 
AnswerRe: how can I add data to datatable and bind it to datagridview c# Pin
Mycroft Holmes20-Aug-17 20:38
professionalMycroft Holmes20-Aug-17 20:38 

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