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AnswerRe: working around 'using wrapped MemoryStream immutability ? Pin
Richard Deeming10-Aug-17 1:16
mveRichard Deeming10-Aug-17 1:16 
GeneralRe: working around 'using wrapped MemoryStream immutability ? Pin
BillWoodruff10-Aug-17 3:47
professionalBillWoodruff10-Aug-17 3:47 
GeneralRe: working around 'using wrapped MemoryStream immutability ? Pin
Richard Deeming10-Aug-17 4:01
mveRichard Deeming10-Aug-17 4:01 
QuestionEntity Framework 4 mapping problems Pin
Member 109427609-Aug-17 13:19
Member 109427609-Aug-17 13:19 
AnswerRe: Entity Framework 4 mapping problems Pin
Gerry Schmitz11-Aug-17 5:55
mveGerry Schmitz11-Aug-17 5:55 
GeneralRe: Entity Framework 4 mapping problems Pin
Member 1094276011-Aug-17 9:11
Member 1094276011-Aug-17 9:11 
Questionquery to retrieve Gujarati Pin
Member 129573749-Aug-17 0:44
Member 129573749-Aug-17 0:44 
AnswerRe: query to retrieve Gujarati Pin
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan9-Aug-17 0:53
professionalAfzaal Ahmad Zeeshan9-Aug-17 0:53 
You do not retrieve the content based their locale, instead you retrieve the content based on the column. Laugh | :laugh:
If your table structure is — annoying — designed as the following,
PK_Table | SomeColumn | GujratiContent | ...
Then you can do something like this,
SELECT GujratiContent FROM table_name
That would return only the content from the column which contains Gujrati data. Other columns would be skipped. But, since SQL Server (or any SQL database) has no idea about the language, locale or content meaning, other than the fact that is it ASCII, Unicode or anything else... It cannot understand how to get Gujrati.

Secondly, if you meant to say that your Gujrati content gets lost, while you store the data in the database and upon retrieval it returns boxes, and question marks only. Then the problem is that you are not storing it as Unicode. Gujrati is an International language, and not English (or Latin), thus you need to use Unicode encoding instead of ASCII. One way to do that is to ensure Unicode data gets inserted, thus when you retrieve, Unicode data will be returned,
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, GujratiContent, column3)
VALUES (1, 'ABC', N'Gujrati data here', DATE());
See this article to understand how Microsoft platforms understand Unicode.

See this article of mine to cross-check, Reading and writing Unicode data in .NET, SQL Server and .NET framework both support Unicode, it is up to you to check how you are passing the data.
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~

AnswerRe: query to retrieve Gujarati Pin
BillWoodruff9-Aug-17 15:44
professionalBillWoodruff9-Aug-17 15:44 
QuestionC# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Member 128805958-Aug-17 23:22
Member 128805958-Aug-17 23:22 
AnswerRe: C# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Richard Deeming9-Aug-17 1:08
mveRichard Deeming9-Aug-17 1:08 
GeneralRe: C# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Member 128805959-Aug-17 5:23
Member 128805959-Aug-17 5:23 
QuestionHow to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
gcobza20105-Aug-17 3:56
gcobza20105-Aug-17 3:56 
AnswerRe: How to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
OriginalGriff5-Aug-17 4:40
mveOriginalGriff5-Aug-17 4:40 
AnswerRe: How to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak5-Aug-17 7:11
mveDave Kreskowiak5-Aug-17 7:11 
QuestionWhy do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 13:53
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 13:53 
AnswerRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Richard Andrew x644-Aug-17 14:56
professionalRichard Andrew x644-Aug-17 14:56 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 23:22
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 23:22 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
PIEBALDconsult4-Aug-17 15:44
mvePIEBALDconsult4-Aug-17 15:44 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 22:44
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 22:44 
AnswerRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Aug-17 0:10
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Aug-17 0:10 
QuestionC# and the media player Pin
Humberto Mariles3-Aug-17 4:28
Humberto Mariles3-Aug-17 4:28 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
Pete O'Hanlon3-Aug-17 4:40
mvePete O'Hanlon3-Aug-17 4:40 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Aug-17 10:59
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Aug-17 10:59 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
BenScharbach12-Aug-17 9:28
BenScharbach12-Aug-17 9:28 

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