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AnswerRe: query to retrieve Gujarati Pin
BillWoodruff9-Aug-17 15:44
professionalBillWoodruff9-Aug-17 15:44 
QuestionC# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Member 128805958-Aug-17 23:22
Member 128805958-Aug-17 23:22 
AnswerRe: C# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Richard Deeming9-Aug-17 1:08
mveRichard Deeming9-Aug-17 1:08 
GeneralRe: C# writing to a csv file, adds an extra column Pin
Member 128805959-Aug-17 5:23
Member 128805959-Aug-17 5:23 
QuestionHow to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
gcobza20105-Aug-17 3:56
gcobza20105-Aug-17 3:56 
AnswerRe: How to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
OriginalGriff5-Aug-17 4:40
mveOriginalGriff5-Aug-17 4:40 
AnswerRe: How to implement an existing methods in Visual Studio? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak5-Aug-17 7:11
mveDave Kreskowiak5-Aug-17 7:11 
QuestionWhy do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 13:53
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 13:53 
Hello everyone,

I want ask about very old libraries / snippers
- CommandLine Parser,
- NDesk Console ( ManyConsole )
- PowerArgs
- CommandLine
and more...
Why do they not work for me? I tried libraries but they are not successful. Just I have idea own parameters like mkbundle.cs from Github. I already read. mkbundle is great helper and you think mkbundle's example parameters better than hard understandable libraries: Is it correct?

I found mkbundle.cs from Github and shows how do I understand like I create arguments / parameters.

I write example:
class Program
    private SDLWindow game;

    static int Main(string[] args)
        int argIndex = args.Length;
        game = new SDLWindow();
        for (int i = 0; i < argIndex; i++)
            switch (args[i])
                case "-width":
                case "-w":
                    game.Width = int.Parse(args[++i]);

                case "-height":
                case "-h":
                    game.Height = int.Parse(args[++i]);

                case "-game":
                    // baseDir into modDir

        return argIndex;

class SDLWindow : GameWindow // From OpenTK 2.0 or 3.0pre
    public SDLWindow()
        WindowBorder = WindowBorder.Fixed;

Just example like game's parameters

game -w 1024 -h 600

Is it correct? If I understand parameters like hl.exe -game for example changes current game directory:
/basedir is default directory - If I use "-game" than /othergamedir -> "-game othergamedir"

Thanks for answer!
Example of game's parameters like hl.exe -w 1200 -h 600, etc any game with parameters

modified 4-Aug-17 21:47pm.

AnswerRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Richard Andrew x644-Aug-17 14:56
professionalRichard Andrew x644-Aug-17 14:56 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 23:22
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 23:22 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
PIEBALDconsult4-Aug-17 15:44
mvePIEBALDconsult4-Aug-17 15:44 
GeneralRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 22:44
Jens Eckervogt 4-Aug-17 22:44 
AnswerRe: Why do libraries not help me? If I want to write parameter like myapp.exe -param1 <value> -param2 <value> .. Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Aug-17 0:10
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Aug-17 0:10 
QuestionC# and the media player Pin
Humberto Mariles3-Aug-17 4:28
Humberto Mariles3-Aug-17 4:28 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
Pete O'Hanlon3-Aug-17 4:40
mvePete O'Hanlon3-Aug-17 4:40 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Aug-17 10:59
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Aug-17 10:59 
AnswerRe: C# and the media player Pin
BenScharbach12-Aug-17 9:28
BenScharbach12-Aug-17 9:28 
GeneralRe: C# and the media player Pin
Humberto Mariles22-Aug-17 8:26
Humberto Mariles22-Aug-17 8:26 
QuestionTool or style help to manage coding Pin
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 18:17
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 18:17 
AnswerRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
BillWoodruff2-Aug-17 18:34
professionalBillWoodruff2-Aug-17 18:34 
GeneralRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 18:47
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 18:47 
GeneralRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-17 20:43
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-17 20:43 
GeneralRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 21:26
Kanel Roath2-Aug-17 21:26 
AnswerRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Aug-17 22:00
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Aug-17 22:00 
AnswerRe: Tool or style help to manage coding Pin
Gerry Schmitz4-Aug-17 11:21
mveGerry Schmitz4-Aug-17 11:21 

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