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GeneralRe: How to open file with single quote in its name? Pin
Jochen Arndt24-Jul-16 0:20
professionalJochen Arndt24-Jul-16 0:20 
GeneralRe: How to open file with single quote in its name? Pin
liquid_24-Jul-16 0:21
liquid_24-Jul-16 0:21 
GeneralRe: How to open file with single quote in its name? Pin
Jochen Arndt24-Jul-16 0:34
professionalJochen Arndt24-Jul-16 0:34 
GeneralRe: How to open file with single quote in its name? Pin
liquid_27-Jul-16 8:06
liquid_27-Jul-16 8:06 
GeneralRe: How to open file with single quote in its name? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Jul-16 1:26
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Jul-16 1:26 
Questioncode Pin
Member 1222782612-Jun-16 21:24
Member 1222782612-Jun-16 21:24 
AnswerRe: code Pin
Jochen Arndt12-Jun-16 22:38
professionalJochen Arndt12-Jun-16 22:38 
AnswerRe: code Pin
Patrice T17-Feb-17 13:47
mvePatrice T17-Feb-17 13:47 
We do not do your HomeWork.
HomeWork is not set to test your skills at begging other people to do your work, it is set to make you think and to help your teacher to check your understanding of the courses you have taken and also the problems you have at applying them.
Any failure of you will help your teacher spot your weaknesses and set remedial actions.
So, give it a try, reread your lessons and start working. If you are stuck on a specific problem, show your code and explain this exact problem, we might help.

As programmer, your job is to create algorithms that solve specific problems and you can't rely on someone else to eternally do it for you, so there is a time where you will have to learn how to. And the sooner, the better.
When you just ask for the solution, it is like trying to learn to drive a car by having someone else training.
Creating an algorithm is basically finding the maths and make necessary adaptation to fit your actual problem.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein

QuestionSending raw data to a chinese POS58 thermal printer Pin
sdancer757-Jun-16 8:42
sdancer757-Jun-16 8:42 
AnswerRe: Sending raw data to a chinese POS58 thermal printer Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Jun-16 8:59
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Jun-16 8:59 
QuestionDatabase Migration in C++ and Oracle Pin
Donguy197611-May-16 11:30
Donguy197611-May-16 11:30 
AnswerRe: Database Migration in C++ and Oracle Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-May-16 20:29
mveRichard MacCutchan11-May-16 20:29 
QuestionLinking my first DLL Pin
bkelly1328-Feb-16 14:53
bkelly1328-Feb-16 14:53 
AnswerRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Feb-16 21:35
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Feb-16 21:35 
GeneralRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
bkelly1329-Feb-16 15:50
bkelly1329-Feb-16 15:50 
GeneralRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
Richard MacCutchan29-Feb-16 21:52
mveRichard MacCutchan29-Feb-16 21:52 
GeneralRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
bkelly131-Mar-16 12:46
bkelly131-Mar-16 12:46 
GeneralRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Mar-16 15:01
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Mar-16 15:01 
GeneralRe: Linking my first DLL Pin
Richard MacCutchan1-Mar-16 21:58
mveRichard MacCutchan1-Mar-16 21:58 
QuestionDLL article question Resolved Pin
bkelly1327-Feb-16 11:10
bkelly1327-Feb-16 11:10 
AnswerRe: DLL article question Pin
Richard Andrew x6427-Feb-16 13:32
professionalRichard Andrew x6427-Feb-16 13:32 
GeneralRe: DLL article question Pin
bkelly1328-Feb-16 3:18
bkelly1328-Feb-16 3:18 
QuestionDLL Questions Pin
bkelly1324-Feb-16 13:34
bkelly1324-Feb-16 13:34 
AnswerRe: DLL Questions Pin
Richard Andrew x6424-Feb-16 14:17
professionalRichard Andrew x6424-Feb-16 14:17 
GeneralRe: DLL Questions Pin
Kenneth Haugland24-Feb-16 15:40
mvaKenneth Haugland24-Feb-16 15:40 

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