You do realize VB 6 has been dead for about 10 years, right? Also, this site isn't a place where people just hand over code.
"I've seen more information on a frickin' sticky note!" - Dave Kreskowiak
Try check in
I still use vb6 its not dead yet. Still alive and rocks. 👍😀
That you use it does not mean it is a supported scenario.
Some people still use ancient Latin; it might never go away completely, but it is not alive; it is not being updated, it is actively phased out.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
This question is wide and you do not expect anyone to give out such application source code just like that. Vb6 is not widely supported but luckily for you, I have written this application for some of my clients in vb6 and .net. The best I can do for you is
1. Sit, think on how hotel manual system works
2. Implement it into automated system. While trying to implement, call for help in any of the module if you get stuck. Or better still, place an order for the complete project.
I have HUAWEI E1550 USB modem with Sim card, this modem connects COM3 virtually, what i need is a vb.net small app that has combo box to navigate with COM port has the USB virtually connected, a listview which shows messages that the sim received, and this listview must get the message immediately without clicking any event or refreshing the app. when new sms comes it appears the list immediately.
more thanks
If you need help, you'd need to ask a specific question. If you are looking for someone to build this for you, then you'd need another site.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
I wanted to develop a code in VB inside MS Excel that allows the user to select his name from a drop down menu placed in an Excel Cell. Then the code asks the user for a password against his username and further unlock selected columns for him to edit.
I have created a drop down list via this help:
How to proceed further for asking the user for a password?
Excel has a built in system for password protecting worksheets or specific cells.
Yes I discovered that previously. What I want to do is to create a multiple user access inside the excel sheet.
Then you would need to write a VBA macro which runs automatically when the spreadsheet is opened. Try one of the Excel forums that Google will find for you.
I wrote this a month and it seemed to work fine. Perhaps I didn't have enough data to test it against at the time.
So I finally finished my program conversion to SQL Linq and Entity Framework 6
But Now I have a few statements that are failing.
This one is suppose to sum all the invoices on a single day into 5 columns for a report and bring back 1 row of data, but I get a row for each invoice. I thought I had the groups right for the sum, but it doesn't sum the columns. So It gets the count of invoices, and then the totals.
I've been messing with it for over 2 hours now and I can't figure out how to write it correctly.
Dim m_startDate As DateTime = New DateTime(2015, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Dim m_stopDate As DateTime = New DateTime(2015, 9, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999)
Dim context As New hx5Context()
Dim pResult = _
From oh In context.Order_History
Where oh.OrderDate >= m_startDate _
And oh.OrderDate <= m_stopDate _
And oh.OrderStatus = "COMPLETED"
Group By oh = New With
} Into Group
Group.Sum(Function(m) m.SubTotal),
Group.Sum(Function(m) m.Shipping),
Group.Sum(Function(m) m.SalesTax),
Group.Sum(Function(m) m.GrandTotal)
You're creating a group for each unique set of values in the SubTotal, Shipping, SalesTax and GrandTotal columns. Since multiple invoices are unlikely to have the same values in those fields, you're going to get a group for each invoice.
If you want to group the invoices by day, then you need to use the TruncateTime method[^] in your group:
Dim pResult = _
From oh In context.Order_History
Where oh.OrderDate >= m_startDate
And oh.OrderDate <= m_stopDate
And oh.OrderStatus = "COMPLETED"
Group oh By OrderDay = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(oh.OrderDate) Into Group
Select New With {
.OrderDay = OrderDay,
.Count = Group.Count(),
.SubTotal = Group.Sum(Function(m) m.SubTotal),
.Shipping = Group.Sum(Function(m) m.Shipping),
.SalesTax = Group.Sum(Function(m) m.SalesTax),
.GrandTotal = Group.Sum(Function(m) m.GrandTotal)
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I would of never thought of that.
I ended up grabbing the records I needed into a result, and ran functions against each value I needed into the target.
You do realize that's the only valid answer on the internet right now?
I'll give that a spin today and see how it goes in Fiddler first and answer back.
I finished my conversion and published it last weekend. I had so many that didn't work that I had to rethink over the last 7 days. But I'm glad I made the change. I think I have eliminated 99.9% of all my database errors now.
Can you please send me some codings in visual c++
Welcome to the VB.NET forum. C++ is another forum. If you need some random sourcecode, Google can help.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Wrong forum, this is the Visual Basic forum...
"I've seen more information on a frickin' sticky note!" - Dave Kreskowiak
printf("%s \n", "Just effing Google it!");
I'm an optoholic - my glass is always half full of vodka.
Can you please send me a coding for image recognition program with output images
Hello, There
I have a problem when I'm returned masked number in datagrid it show like this in columns http://i58.tinypic.com/x4qf6q.jpg
I want to show Like this (000) -(0000-0000) And I'm using vb.net Thanks
Then you need to correct your code. But since you have not shown any of it, there is no way anyone here can guess what you have done.
I do hope that is not a telephone-number that I am looking at. Change the formatting; it will be different for a DataGridView (WinForms) and a DataGrid.
Explained here[^].
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
i used the 2 grid in my project..
the dgv1 and dgv2
suppose the dgv1 line no is 1 and (dgv2 has contain line 10)dgv2 line is 1. so that dgv1 line details are viseble,another line deatails are hide how is it possible pls help me..
I have 5 datatables which having each 3 columns (ID, Brand, Quanitiy) to derive the opening, purchase, sales and closing stock. The First 3 datatables should be merged and sum up to derive the opening stock as on given period. 4 th datatable is for Purchases done for the given period. The last one Datatable is for Sales done for the given period.
Here is my question: 1. How can i merge the 3 datatables and using the first 2 columns and summing the values? 2. How can i use the tables in crystal reports?
Dim con As New ClassConnection
If con.Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then con.Conn.Open()
Dim sql As String = "SELECT tblBrand.B_ID AS ID, tblBrand.B_Name AS Brand," & _
" Sum (tblOp_Details.Net_Qty) AS Quantity FROM tblOp_Stock INNER JOIN (tblBrand INNER JOIN" & _
" tblOp_Details ON tblBrand.B_ID = tblOp_Details.B_ID) ON tblOp_Stock.Stk_ID = tblOp_Details.Stk_ID" & _
" WHERE tblOp_Stock.God_ID = @GID GROUP BY tblBrand.B_ID, tblBrand.B_Name"
Dim sql1 As String = "SELECT tblBrand.B_ID AS ID, tblBrand.B_Name AS Brand," & _
" Sum (tblPur_Details.Net_Qty) AS Quantity FROM tblPurchase INNER JOIN (tblBrand INNER JOIN" & _
" tblPur_Details ON tblBrand.B_ID = tblPur_Details.B_ID) ON tblPurchase.Pur_ID = tblPur_Details.Pur_ID" & _
" WHERE tblPurchase.God_ID = @GID AND tblPurchase.Rec_Date < @SDate GROUP BY tblBrand.B_ID, tblBrand.B_Name"
Dim sql2 As String = "SELECT tblBrand.B_ID AS ID, tblBrand.B_Name AS Brand," & _
" Sum (tblSales_Details.Net_Qty) AS Quantity FROM tblSales INNER JOIN (tblBrand INNER JOIN" & _
" tblSales_Details ON tblBrand.B_ID = tblSales_Details.B_ID) ON tblSales.Sale_ID = tblSales_Details.Sale_ID" & _
" WHERE tblSales.God_ID = @GID AND tblSales.Sale_Date < @SDate GROUP BY tblBrand.B_ID, tblBrand.B_Name"
Dim sql3 As String = "SELECT tblBrand.B_ID AS ID, tblBrand.B_Name AS Brand," & _
" Sum(tblPur_Details.Net_Qty) AS Quantity FROM tblBrand INNER JOIN (tblPurchase INNER JOIN" & _
" tblPur_Details ON tblPurchase.Pur_ID = tblPur_Details.Pur_ID) ON tblBrand.B_ID = tblPur_Details.B_ID" & _
" WHERE tblPurchase.God_ID = @GID And tblPurchase.Rec_Date >= @SDate And tblPurchase.Rec_Date" & _
" <= @EDate GROUP BY tblBrand.B_ID, tblBrand.B_Name"
Dim sql4 As String = "SELECT tblBrand.B_ID AS ID, tblBrand.B_Name AS Brand," & _
" Sum(tblSales_Details.Net_Qty) AS Quantity FROM tblBrand INNER JOIN (tblSales INNER JOIN" & _
" tblSales_Details ON tblSales.Sale_ID = tblSales_Details.Sale_ID) ON tblBrand.B_ID = tblSales_Details.B_ID" & _
" WHERE tblSales.God_ID = @GID And tblSales.Sale_Date >= @SDate And tblSales.Sale_Date <= @EDate" & _
" And tblSales_Details.S_Active = @SAct GROUP BY tblBrand.B_ID, tblBrand.B_Name"
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con.Conn)
Dim da1 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql1, con.Conn)
Dim da2 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql2, con.Conn)
Dim da3 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql3, con.Conn)
Dim da4 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql4, con.Conn)
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GID", Me.stBar_G_ID.Text)
da1.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GID", Me.stBar_G_ID.Text)
da1.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SDate", Me.dtpStart.ToString)
da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GID", Me.stBar_G_ID.Text)
da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SDate", Me.dtpStart.ToString)
da3.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GID", Me.stBar_G_ID.Text)
da3.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SDate", Me.dtpStart.ToString)
da3.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EDate", Me.dtpEnd.ToString)
da4.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GID", Me.stBar_G_ID.Text)
da4.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SDate", Me.dtpStart.ToString)
da4.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EDate", Me.dtpEnd.ToString)
da4.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SAct", "Yes")
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dt1 As New DataTable
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
Dim dt3 As New DataTable
Dim dt4 As New DataTable
Thanks in advance.