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Work Issues

AnswerRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft PinPopular
Richard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:27
mveRichard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:27 
GeneralRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
dexterama16-Sep-15 11:29
professionaldexterama16-Sep-15 11:29 
AnswerRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
Roger Wright16-Apr-16 21:29
professionalRoger Wright16-Apr-16 21:29 
QuestionArticles on software development disaster Pin
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 8:55
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 8:55 
AnswerRe: Articles on software development disaster Pin
Richard Andrew x6425-Aug-15 9:35
professionalRichard Andrew x6425-Aug-15 9:35 
GeneralRe: Articles on software development disaster Pin
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 11:40
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 11:40 
AnswerRe: Articles on software development disaster Pin
F-ES Sitecore8-Sep-15 4:56
professionalF-ES Sitecore8-Sep-15 4:56 
GeneralRe: Articles on software development disaster Pin
John J. Xenakis8-Sep-15 5:29
John J. Xenakis8-Sep-15 5:29 
I've already discussed all that with my lawyer, and besides that, many readers of my web site are lawyers, and would have written to me about it.

The reality today is that the corruption and criminality in Washington and on Wall Street are at enormous levels, at levels so high that they were unthinkable prior to the rise of Generation-X in the 2000s.

So the other side of that is nobody gets sued because almost everyone is a criminal, and criminality is the norm, so no one goes to jail.

It's possible that someone will try to sue me, but for what purpose? I have almost no money, I'm old enough that I don't give a sh*t, and suing me would just cause me to write about the people suing me, which would give more publicity to their crimes. They know that, so they'll just ignore me.

By the way, the whistleblowers that I wrote about have also given evidence to the FBI, which is investigating the same crimes. These are people who took hundreds of millions of dollars, knowing that their programming staff were too incompetent to even implement a network connection, and the results speak for themselves -- The Greatest IT Disaster in World History.

QuestionI have 3 months to train. What tool(s) can I learn that will most likely lead to a job? Pin
rcswofford28-Jul-15 13:21
rcswofford28-Jul-15 13:21 
AnswerRe: I have 3 months to train. What tool(s) can I learn that will most likely lead to a job? Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Jul-15 13:30
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Jul-15 13:30 
GeneralRe: I have 3 months to train. What tool(s) can I learn that will most likely lead to a job? Pin
Power Puff Boy6-Aug-15 4:53
Power Puff Boy6-Aug-15 4:53 
AnswerRe: I have 3 months to train. What tool(s) can I learn that will most likely lead to a job? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon6-Aug-15 5:10
mvePete O'Hanlon6-Aug-15 5:10 
QuestionWindows 8 Exam Pin
Kanel Roath22-Jul-15 2:23
Kanel Roath22-Jul-15 2:23 
AnswerRe: Windows 8 Exam Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Jul-15 6:33
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Jul-15 6:33 
NewsHigh School Curriculum Pin
Blboyd17-Jul-15 18:56
Blboyd17-Jul-15 18:56 
GeneralRe: High School Curriculum Pin
Stefto8-Sep-15 4:01
professionalStefto8-Sep-15 4:01 
QuestionHow to take over a project ?? Pin
Django_Untaken16-May-15 9:39
Django_Untaken16-May-15 9:39 
AnswerRe: How to take over a project ?? Pin
ConstantlySeeking18-Oct-15 6:01
ConstantlySeeking18-Oct-15 6:01 
QuestionHow to better perform at work?? Pin
AmbiguousName9-May-15 10:46
AmbiguousName9-May-15 10:46 
AnswerRe: How to better perform at work?? Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-May-15 21:14
mveRichard MacCutchan9-May-15 21:14 
AnswerRe: How to better perform at work?? Pin
jschell10-May-15 6:52
jschell10-May-15 6:52 
AnswerRe: How to better perform at work?? Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-May-15 10:15
professionalEddy Vluggen10-May-15 10:15 
AnswerRe: How to better perform at work?? Pin
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan10-May-15 10:45
professionalAfzaal Ahmad Zeeshan10-May-15 10:45 
QuestionHow a Fresher get a Job (in Software development)? Pin
JayantaChatterjee17-Feb-15 5:21
professionalJayantaChatterjee17-Feb-15 5:21 
AnswerRe: How a Fresher get a Job (in Software development)? Pin
Richard MacCutchan17-Feb-15 5:26
mveRichard MacCutchan17-Feb-15 5:26 

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