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System Admin

AnswerRe: Windows 10 on my Laptop Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Aug-15 5:24
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Aug-15 5:24 
QuestionPrevent users from creating long paths Pin
Member 1184669418-Jul-15 15:45
Member 1184669418-Jul-15 15:45 
AnswerRe: Prevent users from creating long paths Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-Jul-15 20:57
mveRichard MacCutchan18-Jul-15 20:57 
QuestionTCPView Showing alot of Process which I am not running Pin
AmbiguousName1-Jul-15 18:41
AmbiguousName1-Jul-15 18:41 
AnswerRe: TCPView Showing alot of Process which I am not running Pin
Jochen Arndt1-Jul-15 21:46
professionalJochen Arndt1-Jul-15 21:46 
AnswerRe: TCPView Showing alot of Process which I am not running Pin
TenmanS141-Jul-15 21:52
TenmanS141-Jul-15 21:52 
GeneralRe: TCPView Showing alot of Process which I am not running Pin
AmbiguousName5-Jul-15 0:30
AmbiguousName5-Jul-15 0:30 
QuestionI did something dumb (SBS 2011) Pin
TenmanS1430-Jun-15 0:39
TenmanS1430-Jun-15 0:39 
VSS wasn't starting properly and SQL backups were going astray, did the usual checks and noticed that the OS partition that it was sitting on wasn't active, so without thinking I just made it active, (DELL server with a small partition marked RECOVERY that should be the active one), soon as I did it, I looked at it properly and beat my head against the desk, question is, if I just remark the RECOVERY partition as active, should that then solve it again or am I going to have to mess about with diskpart next time I reboot the damn thing?
AnswerRe: I did something dumb (SBS 2011) Pin
TenmanS1410-Aug-15 2:43
TenmanS1410-Aug-15 2:43 
QuestionIt will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface [solved] Pin
Eddy Vluggen21-Jun-15 23:00
professionalEddy Vluggen21-Jun-15 23:00 
AnswerRe: It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Jun-15 23:49
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Jun-15 23:49 
GeneralRe: It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. Pin
Eddy Vluggen21-Jun-15 23:59
professionalEddy Vluggen21-Jun-15 23:59 
GeneralRe: It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Jun-15 0:02
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Jun-15 0:02 
GeneralRe: It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-Jun-15 0:09
professionalEddy Vluggen22-Jun-15 0:09 
QuestionShrinking disk, Windows Updates? Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:24
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:24 
AnswerRe: Shrinking disk, Windows Updates? Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Jun-15 22:44
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Jun-15 22:44 
GeneralRe: Shrinking disk, Windows Updates? Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:52
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:52 
AnswerRe: Shrinking disk, Windows Updates? Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:51
Leif Simon Goodwin9-Jun-15 22:51 
AnswerRe: Shrinking disk, Windows Updates? Pin
B@dC0d3r24-Jun-15 4:32
professionalB@dC0d3r24-Jun-15 4:32 
Questionimage in database Pin
vinay dahiya1-Apr-15 11:42
vinay dahiya1-Apr-15 11:42 
AnswerRe: image in database Pin
den2k881-Apr-15 20:32
professionalden2k881-Apr-15 20:32 
QuestionHow can I explicitly access hdmi/vga's I2C ports to turn them on and off in windows. Pin
Member 113470916-Jan-15 15:28
Member 113470916-Jan-15 15:28 
Suggestion[REPOST] How can I explicitly access hdmi/vga's I2C ports to turn them on and off in windows. Pin
Richard Deeming7-Jan-15 2:06
mveRichard Deeming7-Jan-15 2:06 
Questionarp/rarp simulators Pin
Loay Omar28-Dec-14 11:35
Loay Omar28-Dec-14 11:35 
SuggestionRe: arp/rarp simulators Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Dec-14 22:21
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Dec-14 22:21 

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