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Application Lifecycle

GeneralRe: Continuous Integration servers Pin
Dominic Burford24-Nov-14 21:06
professionalDominic Burford24-Nov-14 21:06 
GeneralRe: Continuous Integration servers Pin
ajay.bhosle121-Feb-15 13:48
ajay.bhosle121-Feb-15 13:48 
GeneralRe: Continuous Integration servers Pin
Dominic Burford22-Feb-15 21:32
professionalDominic Burford22-Feb-15 21:32 
GeneralRe: Continuous Integration servers Pin
ajay.bhosle121-Feb-15 13:52
ajay.bhosle121-Feb-15 13:52 
GeneralRe: Continuous Integration servers Pin
jschell23-Feb-15 10:25
jschell23-Feb-15 10:25 
AnswerRe: TFS PBI Query with Tasks assigned to you Pin
AjayBhosle21-Feb-15 14:21
professionalAjayBhosle21-Feb-15 14:21 
QuestionHello! I need some help from agile developers with completing my degree research survey, any help would be really really appreciated! Pin
Member 1076759412-Jul-14 21:53
Member 1076759412-Jul-14 21:53 
AnswerRe: Hello! I need some help from agile developers with completing my degree research survey, any help would be really really appreciated! Pin
ZurdoDev17-Sep-14 7:35
professionalZurdoDev17-Sep-14 7:35 
Your link does not work.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.

QuestionShared/Common code and Source Control Pin
cjb1109-Jun-14 21:39
cjb1109-Jun-14 21:39 
AnswerRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter9-Jun-14 22:21
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter9-Jun-14 22:21 
GeneralRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
cjb11011-Jun-14 0:55
cjb11011-Jun-14 0:55 
AnswerRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter11-Jun-14 1:08
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter11-Jun-14 1:08 
AnswerRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
Bernhard Hiller10-Jun-14 20:51
Bernhard Hiller10-Jun-14 20:51 
AnswerRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
jschell7-Jul-14 10:17
jschell7-Jul-14 10:17 
AnswerRe: Shared/Common code and Source Control Pin
Dominic Burford14-Sep-14 22:14
professionalDominic Burford14-Sep-14 22:14 
QuestionManaging Larger Visual Studio Projects Pin
softwaremonkey28-Apr-14 10:08
softwaremonkey28-Apr-14 10:08 
AnswerRe: Managing Larger Visual Studio Projects Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter28-Apr-14 10:44
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter28-Apr-14 10:44 
AnswerRe: Managing Larger Visual Studio Projects Pin
jschell2-May-14 10:11
jschell2-May-14 10:11 
GeneralRe: Managing Larger Visual Studio Projects Pin
softwaremonkey2-May-14 20:56
softwaremonkey2-May-14 20:56 
GeneralRe: Managing Larger Visual Studio Projects Pin
CatchExAs19-Jun-14 12:43
professionalCatchExAs19-Jun-14 12:43 
oberon2925-Mar-14 22:54
oberon2925-Mar-14 22:54 
Eddy Vluggen26-Mar-14 1:32
professionalEddy Vluggen26-Mar-14 1:32 
Questionvisual studio Pin
Member 1036780821-Dec-13 19:36
Member 1036780821-Dec-13 19:36 
SuggestionRe: visual studio Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Dec-13 21:25
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Dec-13 21:25 
AnswerRe: visual studio Pin
Nikhil_S4-Feb-14 16:39
professionalNikhil_S4-Feb-14 16:39 

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