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GeneralRe: midi toolkit Pin
sadeghjun23-Jan-14 5:14
sadeghjun23-Jan-14 5:14 
QuestionC# loop help Pin
Hrons23-Jan-14 1:00
Hrons23-Jan-14 1:00 
AnswerRe: C# loop help Pin
OriginalGriff23-Jan-14 2:25
mveOriginalGriff23-Jan-14 2:25 
GeneralRe: C# loop help Pin
Hrons23-Jan-14 2:34
Hrons23-Jan-14 2:34 
AnswerRe: C# loop help Pin
OriginalGriff23-Jan-14 3:01
mveOriginalGriff23-Jan-14 3:01 
QuestionC# Grid Plugin Pin
krikkidoddle23-Jan-14 0:30
krikkidoddle23-Jan-14 0:30 
AnswerRe: C# Grid Plugin Pin
Ron Beyer23-Jan-14 2:56
professionalRon Beyer23-Jan-14 2:56 
QuestionSet Location of ListView below DataGridView Active Row in C# Winform Pin
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 19:49
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 19:49 
Tools: Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Language C#, Database MySql


I am searching this a while, but to date didn't find any suitable solution.

I've a form with bound DataGridView with 5 columns, ProductID, ProductName, Qty, Price and Amount. After normal data entry user can click button to save data to Mysql database, no problem there.

At present user is manually enter ProductID after which an Sql command is executed to fetch ProductName and sets it to DataGridView ProductName Column. I need a way to show a ListView below ProductID column when it got focus, so that user can select product (ProductID and ProductName) from ListView and set it to DataGridView's Row which user is currently using.

Is it possible to show listview below ProductID cell when user click or when got focus?


AnswerRe: Set Location of ListView below DataGridView Active Row in C# Winform Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jan-14 21:33
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jan-14 21:33 
GeneralRe: Set Location of ListView below DataGridView Active Row in C# Winform Pin
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 22:07
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 22:07 
GeneralRe: Set Location of ListView below DataGridView Active Row in C# Winform Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jan-14 22:23
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jan-14 22:23 
GeneralRe: Set Location of ListView below DataGridView Active Row in C# Winform Pin
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 22:31
ahmed_one22-Jan-14 22:31 
QuestionAlgorithms which Max(x) Min(y) Pin
Swab.Jat22-Jan-14 17:18
Swab.Jat22-Jan-14 17:18 
QuestionDynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
salar136922-Jan-14 14:34
salar136922-Jan-14 14:34 
AnswerRe: Dynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jan-14 20:13
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter22-Jan-14 20:13 
GeneralRe: Dynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
salar136923-Jan-14 8:30
salar136923-Jan-14 8:30 
GeneralRe: Dynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter23-Jan-14 8:34
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter23-Jan-14 8:34 
GeneralRe: Dynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
Gopi Kishan Mariyala22-Jan-14 22:24
Gopi Kishan Mariyala22-Jan-14 22:24 
GeneralRe: Dynamic created radio buttons wont execute event on click (c# .net ) Pin
salar136923-Jan-14 6:53
salar136923-Jan-14 6:53 
QuestionPainfully Slow Operation Pin
eddieangel22-Jan-14 11:07
eddieangel22-Jan-14 11:07 
AnswerRe: Painfully Slow Operation Pin
Matt T Heffron22-Jan-14 14:19
professionalMatt T Heffron22-Jan-14 14:19 
GeneralRe: Painfully Slow Operation Pin
eddieangel23-Jan-14 5:51
eddieangel23-Jan-14 5:51 
GeneralRe: Painfully Slow Operation Pin
Dave Kreskowiak23-Jan-14 7:48
mveDave Kreskowiak23-Jan-14 7:48 
GeneralRe: Painfully Slow Operation Pin
eddieangel23-Jan-14 7:59
eddieangel23-Jan-14 7:59 
QuestionRead XML values (attributes and elements) with C# Pin
SJR_122-Jan-14 5:14
SJR_122-Jan-14 5:14 

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