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Questionadd yesterdays value to todays empty value Pin
lordoftrades9-Jul-13 9:53
lordoftrades9-Jul-13 9:53 
AnswerRe: add yesterdays value to todays empty value Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Jul-13 1:03
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Jul-13 1:03 
GeneralRe: add yesterdays value to todays empty value Pin
lordoftrades10-Jul-13 1:24
lordoftrades10-Jul-13 1:24 
GeneralRe: add yesterdays value to todays empty value Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Jul-13 6:40
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Jul-13 6:40 
GeneralRe: add yesterdays value to todays empty value Pin
lordoftrades12-Jul-13 2:23
lordoftrades12-Jul-13 2:23 
QuestionLPARAM value of the usb device Pin
Blubbo9-Jul-13 6:41
Blubbo9-Jul-13 6:41 
AnswerRe: LPARAM value of the usb device Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Jul-13 10:13
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Jul-13 10:13 
GeneralRe: LPARAM value of the usb device Pin
Blubbo9-Jul-13 10:27
Blubbo9-Jul-13 10:27 
yes. I'm overriding WndProc method to catch unplugging & plugging of the usb device. However is that the LParam is acquired in this WndProc process. When the software launches, the LParam for each device isn't acquired.

Also I was thinking of the other way around to get that is by restarting the usb devices at startup to trigger "unplugging" and acquire LParam. Unsure of the way to do this either.
GeneralRe: LPARAM value of the usb device Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Jul-13 10:50
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Jul-13 10:50 
AnswerRe: LPARAM value of the usb device Pin
Alan N10-Jul-13 4:06
Alan N10-Jul-13 4:06 
QuestionSqlLocalDB in Visual Studio2010 &2012 Pin
dharmaa.m9-Jul-13 2:35
dharmaa.m9-Jul-13 2:35 
AnswerRe: SqlLocalDB in Visual Studio2010 &2012 Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Jul-13 4:06
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Jul-13 4:06 
QuestionReason for no display of data in the pdf. Pin
Mausam Bharati9-Jul-13 1:41
Mausam Bharati9-Jul-13 1:41 
AnswerRe: Reason for no display of data in the pdf. Pin
Manfred Rudolf Bihy9-Jul-13 2:25
professionalManfred Rudolf Bihy9-Jul-13 2:25 
GeneralRe: Reason for no display of data in the pdf. Pin
Mausam Bharati9-Jul-13 20:58
Mausam Bharati9-Jul-13 20:58 
Questionlistview Pin
Member 99613129-Jul-13 0:56
Member 99613129-Jul-13 0:56 
AnswerRe: listview Pin
Eddy Vluggen9-Jul-13 3:07
professionalEddy Vluggen9-Jul-13 3:07 
AnswerRe: listview Pin
Jay Nardev11-Jul-13 21:01
Jay Nardev11-Jul-13 21:01 
AnswerRe: listview Pin
Kevin Bewley15-Jul-13 5:41
Kevin Bewley15-Jul-13 5:41 
QuestionMVC Grid Pin
_BrijeshSingh8-Jul-13 23:37
_BrijeshSingh8-Jul-13 23:37 
AnswerRe: MVC Grid Pin
Pete O'Hanlon9-Jul-13 0:35
mvePete O'Hanlon9-Jul-13 0:35 
Questiontwo lists with dates and values need to match them Pin
lordoftrades8-Jul-13 21:25
lordoftrades8-Jul-13 21:25 
Questionmd5 hash c# Pin
paulpro1098-Jul-13 17:10
paulpro1098-Jul-13 17:10 
AnswerRe: md5 hash c# Pin
Dave Kreskowiak8-Jul-13 19:04
mveDave Kreskowiak8-Jul-13 19:04 
GeneralRe: md5 hash c# Pin
paulpro10912-Jul-13 15:47
paulpro10912-Jul-13 15:47 

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