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Questionproblem Webservice Pin
azadehrasadi5-May-13 0:12
azadehrasadi5-May-13 0:12 
AnswerRe: problem Webservice Pin
OriginalGriff5-May-13 6:08
mveOriginalGriff5-May-13 6:08 
GeneralRe: problem Webservice Pin
azadehrasadi12-May-13 2:17
azadehrasadi12-May-13 2:17 
GeneralRe: problem Webservice Pin
OriginalGriff12-May-13 2:24
mveOriginalGriff12-May-13 2:24 
GeneralRe: problem Webservice Pin
azadehrasadi12-May-13 18:31
azadehrasadi12-May-13 18:31 
sonu Ranjan4-May-13 22:16
sonu Ranjan4-May-13 22:16 
Abhinav S5-May-13 20:37
Abhinav S5-May-13 20:37 
QuestionUSB device being in use Pin
Blubbo3-May-13 5:10
Blubbo3-May-13 5:10 
I know there is a way to tell if the usb device is in use. When one application fetches one usb device, the other application is unable to get the same device handle because it already "taken" by the 1st application.

right now, my two application are able to get the same usb devices.

any suggestion on how to prevent the 2nd application from detecting or open the usb device that is already taken by the other application?
AnswerRe: USB device being in use Pin
Gerry Schmitz3-May-13 11:54
mveGerry Schmitz3-May-13 11:54 
GeneralRe: USB device being in use Pin
Blubbo8-May-13 8:23
Blubbo8-May-13 8:23 
GeneralRe: USB device being in use Pin
Gerry Schmitz8-May-13 11:12
mveGerry Schmitz8-May-13 11:12 
QuestionIs streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
turbosupramk33-May-13 3:42
turbosupramk33-May-13 3:42 
AnswerRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
GuyThiebaut3-May-13 4:21
professionalGuyThiebaut3-May-13 4:21 
GeneralRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
turbosupramk33-May-13 4:51
turbosupramk33-May-13 4:51 
AnswerRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon3-May-13 4:24
mvePete O'Hanlon3-May-13 4:24 
GeneralRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
turbosupramk33-May-13 5:13
turbosupramk33-May-13 5:13 
AnswerRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
turbosupramk33-May-13 5:14
turbosupramk33-May-13 5:14 
GeneralRe: Is streamreader slow compared to other text import functions? Pin
DaveyM693-May-13 13:47
professionalDaveyM693-May-13 13:47 
QuestionEvent/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
MichCl3-May-13 3:13
MichCl3-May-13 3:13 
AnswerRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-May-13 7:21
professionalEddy Vluggen3-May-13 7:21 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
MichCl3-May-13 7:31
MichCl3-May-13 7:31 
AnswerRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-May-13 8:29
professionalEddy Vluggen3-May-13 8:29 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
MichCl3-May-13 8:39
MichCl3-May-13 8:39 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-May-13 8:53
professionalEddy Vluggen3-May-13 8:53 
GeneralRe: Event/Delegate for progress bar issue Pin
MichCl3-May-13 9:22
MichCl3-May-13 9:22 

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