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GeneralRe: FTP Pin
Richard MacCutchan17-Dec-12 6:00
mveRichard MacCutchan17-Dec-12 6:00 
GeneralRe: FTP Pin
Marco Bertschi18-Dec-12 1:34
protectorMarco Bertschi18-Dec-12 1:34 
QuestionDataGridView Control Pin
C#_Programmer16-Dec-12 19:51
C#_Programmer16-Dec-12 19:51 
AnswerRe: DataGridView Control Pin
Ingo16-Dec-12 23:36
Ingo16-Dec-12 23:36 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Control Pin
C#_Programmer17-Dec-12 1:26
C#_Programmer17-Dec-12 1:26 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Control Pin
Dave Kreskowiak17-Dec-12 3:13
mveDave Kreskowiak17-Dec-12 3:13 
AnswerRe: DataGridView Control Pin
PIEBALDconsult17-Dec-12 3:32
mvePIEBALDconsult17-Dec-12 3:32 
Questionenum question Pin
Blubbo16-Dec-12 16:13
Blubbo16-Dec-12 16:13 
I'm sure I saw there was a documentation regarding to enum usage.

I'm creating a game children that would involve a person that have enums of face, body, legs, feet, arms, hands. Each of those parts have unique values (i.e. face would have values of "round", "square", "oval").

I'm not quite sure on how to put those enums into "person" object.

Can anyone point out the documentation? Thanks!

(or should I use struct? or the other way?)

modified 16-Dec-12 22:23pm.

AnswerRe: enum question Pin
PIEBALDconsult16-Dec-12 17:26
mvePIEBALDconsult16-Dec-12 17:26 
GeneralRe: enum question Pin
Blubbo16-Dec-12 18:27
Blubbo16-Dec-12 18:27 
QuestionMySqlParameter... Add or AddWithValue? Pin
Jassim Rahma16-Dec-12 7:03
Jassim Rahma16-Dec-12 7:03 
AnswerRe: MySqlParameter... Add or AddWithValue? Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-Dec-12 11:54
professionalMycroft Holmes16-Dec-12 11:54 
AnswerRe: MySqlParameter... Add or AddWithValue? Pin
PIEBALDconsult16-Dec-12 12:39
mvePIEBALDconsult16-Dec-12 12:39 
AnswerRe: MySqlParameter... Add or AddWithValue? Pin
GREG_DORIANcod19-Dec-12 4:38
professionalGREG_DORIANcod19-Dec-12 4:38 
QuestionTry catch finally Pin
Claudiu Schiopu16-Dec-12 5:53
Claudiu Schiopu16-Dec-12 5:53 
AnswerRe: Try catch finally Pin
OriginalGriff16-Dec-12 5:59
mveOriginalGriff16-Dec-12 5:59 
GeneralRe: Try catch finally Pin
Claudiu Schiopu16-Dec-12 8:02
Claudiu Schiopu16-Dec-12 8:02 
GeneralRe: Try catch finally Pin
OriginalGriff16-Dec-12 8:37
mveOriginalGriff16-Dec-12 8:37 
GeneralRe: Try catch finally Pin
dybs24-Dec-12 7:43
dybs24-Dec-12 7:43 
QuestionCalling powershell from C# Pin
MyTechnet15-Dec-12 17:42
MyTechnet15-Dec-12 17:42 
AnswerRe: Calling powershell from C# Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Dec-12 21:08
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Dec-12 21:08 
GeneralRe: Calling powershell from C# Pin
c242317-Dec-12 23:55
c242317-Dec-12 23:55 
GeneralRe: Calling powershell from C# Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-Dec-12 0:35
mveRichard MacCutchan18-Dec-12 0:35 
AnswerRe: Calling powershell from C# Pin
c242317-Dec-12 23:52
c242317-Dec-12 23:52 Web application Pin
vr99999999915-Dec-12 0:34
vr99999999915-Dec-12 0:34 

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