C++ doesn't automatically do it for you, but it does have easy ways for you to do it. This statement will cause all the pointers to be initialized to zero:
char *szFileNameOnly[999] = {0};
Chris Richardson
Thanks for you advice. Can this also be done when the variable has already been declared? If so, how? Cause I'm getting an error when trying to do it.
If you want to zero all the pointers after the variable has been declared, you can use memset:
memset( szFileNameOnly, 0, sizeof( szFileNameOnly ) );
Chris Richardson
I have a COM DLL built with VC++6 and it has dialog resources using activex controls such as MsFlexGrid and CTreeCtrl etc.
I have two main applications(AppSimple and AppWithLotOfDlgResources) that can use this dll.
When I use AppSimple to call this Dll, it works fine both in Debug and Release modes.
The problem is when I use AppWithLotOfDlgResources application as the calling program, I am getting "Unsupported operation" only in RELEASE build.
Q. Is there some kind of a conflict in resources between the DLL and the AppWithLotOfDlgResources ?
Please help
When I do stuff like:
POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
while (pos!=NULL)
CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos);
I dont have the second view created or instantiated. Yet the code still works. Is this weird? Does the doc automatically know which views it has even if I dont do:
pChild = (CMDIChildWnd*) pTemplate->CreateNewFrame(pDoc, NULL );
if( pChild == NULL ) return FALSE;
pTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame( pChild, pDoc);
on it? (I do the createframe when I switch views). Am I creating the view here? I've used the first snippet even when the second snippet has not been executed..and it works
Appreciate your help,
here's my OPENFILENAME struct:
char szFileNames[(MAX_PATH+1)*1000+1];
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = ghWnd;
ofn.hInstance = ghInstance;
ofn.lpstrFilter = "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0";;
ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
ofn.nMaxCustFilter = NULL;
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
ofn.lpstrFile = szFileNames;
ofn.nMaxFile = (MAX_PATH+1)*1000+1;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = NULL;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\\";
ofn.lpstrTitle = "Open File(s)";
ofn.nFileOffset = NULL;
ofn.nFileExtension = NULL;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
ofn.lCustData = NULL;
ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
ghWnd is a valid handle to my main window and ghInstance is also a valid handle to my apps memory block
When i run the GetOpenFileName function it returns false, and a call to GetLastError returns "invalid parameter", what am i doing wrong?
I am using VC++ 7.0 and am trying to load an icon, which I have as one of my resources, into my button. The button is created dynamically.
Here is the code that I have:
button->Create("SMS", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_FLAT | BS_ICON,
CRect(0,0,0,0), &m_wndStatusBar, IDC_BUTTON_STATUS_BAR);
button->SetIcon(::LoadIcon(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1) ) );
This does not seem to work. I know it worked in VC++ 6.0.
Can anyone help me out here?
Thanking you in anticipation
which m_ctrlViewList is a CButton, more...the icon size is in 32 pixel
BTW, if you want set a other size of icon, like 16*16 size, you can code like this..
//.h file
CImageList m_ButtonImages;
//.cpp file
m_ButtonImages.Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR32 ,2,2); //create you icon list
m_ButtonImages.Add(AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_VIEW_ICON ));
m_ButtonImages.Add(AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_VIEW_LIST ));
m_ctrlViewIcon.SetIcon( m_ButtonImages.ExtractIcon(0));
modified 21-Aug-12 22:10pm.
THis is what I want to do: clear a listbox in view2, and repopulate it.
POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
while (pos!=NULL)
CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos);
THis line gives an error error C2039: 'm_list1' : is not a member of 'CView'
My View class is called TView1. How do I make this work?
Appreciate your help,
TView1* pView = (TView1 *)(pDoc->GetNextView(pos)); or if you like the C++ cast syntax:
TView1* pView = static_cast<TView1 *>(pDoc->GetNextView(pos));
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo
Actually the class that has the listbox is called CDlgList.
With great trepidation I did the cast as
CDlgList* pView =
and it worked!
thank you,
Appreciate your help,
try casting to ur own view
CYourView* pView = (CYourView*)pDoc->GetNextView(pos);
while (TRUE)
Papa.WillLove ( Bebe ) ;
I have done some test to send and receive bitmap with socket but i have problem;
if somebody has some idea can response.
For the client server i recomend u using:
The just read the file into a buffer and send it to the client
while (TRUE)
Papa.WillLove ( Bebe ) ;
I have embedded a property sheet inside CFormView and have inserted several Property Pages. I want to access data in the first property page from the 2nd Page?
Any suggestions?
Sonork 100.15206
I want to search the memory when an application is running for a string value and alter it, but i have no idea on how to start. I realise i'd have to look for the WORDs the string is composed off but i dont know how to access the memory, let alone search it. I am trying to make a trainer program for a game. Can anyone help me on this?
Kuniva wrote:
Can anyone help me on this?
No, that's cheating !
BTW, I don't know how to do this, so if anyone can tell us !
Try using DebugActiveProcess to atach to the process.
After this call your application will be like a debugger and will be able to stop execution and inspect it's virtual memory.
There is a complete section in the platform SDK dedicated to the debugging API in windows.
How do you catch a connection error in CSocket?? It doesn't seem possible..
CSocket sSocket;
int iCon = sSocket.Connect("some.dns.com", 21);
if(iCon != 0)
MessageBox("Error Connecting");
if(iCon == SOCKET_ERROR)
MessageBox("Error Connecting");
Even if the address doesn't exist it will allways return a 0. (success)
I derived my own CSocket class and and over rode OnConnect(int nErrorCode) so that if it returns a error I post the message and if it doesn't error run a function.. it never returns anything..
The only reason I am using CSocket is because I need to use CSocketFile and CArchive..
Any ideas?? Or is this how it's supposed to work?
Here is internal MFC code executed by the Create() call :
BOOL CAsyncSocket::Create(UINT nSocketPort, int nSocketType,
long lEvent, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress)
if (Socket(nSocketType, lEvent))
if (Bind(nSocketPort,lpszSocketAddress))
return TRUE;
int nResult = GetLastError();
return FALSE;
And you still wonder why it always returns 0. Come on....
From this code, it's also clear you can call either ::GetLastError() or ::WSAGetLastError() to get the actual error.
How low can you go ? (MS retrofuck)
Thanks! Worked like a champ.
My name is Rui, and i'm developing an MFC application with VC.NET.
I would like to change, by code, the back color of a certain line or item.
I read some articles on the subject, but i still can't, i found some solution very dificult...
Thank you for your time
Are here any API function to get serial numbers
or IDs of hardware in computer. (VGA, Memory, HD and so on)
Thank you
Hi All,
I'm trying to implement a message window, like the one in Visual Studio, without the tabs, though. I've got a CDialogBar member in my main frame class, with an embedded rich edit control. How do I send text to a rich edt control programmatically? I was using a list control, but didn't like the way this worked, since it didn't give many formatting options. I thought about using a regular edit control, but then I couldn't do fancy formatting either.