If someone posted a message on here asking for people to come look at Website (/Product) XYZ because it needed beta testers, would that be classed as Advertising, or would that be fair play!
James Simpson
Web Solutions Developer
That's a tricky one, and depends largely on the mood of whoever is answering on that particular day. If it's a commercial product then it's probably going to be treated as advertising by some of the regulars, even if you only want beta testers. If you're being legit, then take the 1 votes on the chin.
Commercial is a tricky definition tho.. if its free to end users, does that make it non commercial. (there are other ways of generating revenue)
There is not much activity on this board, and maybe thats becuase of the guildeines... I mean, the title clearly states collaboration / beta testing, so I would think it should be fair to allow projects wanting beta testers, to post here.
I would also expect projects requiring beta testers to be free of cost or incentivise the testers, even though the nature of the product may become commercial.
Wanting beta testers + getting your product exposure is being legit, obviously people would want the exposure offered by this sort of forum, becuase they want to attract beta testers (to help development).. and ultimatly gain a user base. Without the exposure both the forum and its purpose are pointless.
James Simpson
Web Solutions Developer
In this case, commercial would mean does your company derive revenue from the product in any way.
Hello, This is an application for solving equations and graphing it. I developed it in Vb.net. Please give me a feedback.
My e-mails:
contacting is welcomed.
Thank You
y2o2 wrote: Please give me a feedback.
If you wish to post an article then please read this[^]. If you wish to advertise your product then please contact the advertising department.
I must get a clever new signature for 2011.
Hi Richard,
I don't quite understand your answer. Isn't the purpose of this forum to allow people to ask for help with their software? Or have you seen the OP post on other forums, in a way that suggests he is advertising a commercial product?
Sorry, I'm probably missing something.
Having read your response to the OP I don't understand your comments to me. In your response to him/her you are more or less saying the same as me.
I must get a clever new signature for 2011.
It's unlikely that many people here would be willing to download and run an exe that's hosted on Rapidshare. There are simply too many dangers in running unknown exe's, and too many stories of malicious payloads.
You have two choices:
1. As Richard suggested, write an article and post it here on Codeproject. This will give you a chance to explain it in detail, and you would get the best feedback by doing this.
2. Set up a web site where you can host the download, and explain it there.
Before people are going to want to take a chance to run your app, they are going to have to trust you. Hosting on Rapidshare is not the way to do this.
I'm an avid language (spoken, not programming) learner and am interested in developing some tools, either web-based, standalone, or both, to enhance the learning process.
I'm envisioning a flexible text-driven audio player, with speech recognition capabilities. I'd be glad to share more details in private!
If anyone out there has an audio, speech recognition, plus web development background, I'd love to hear from you and bounce my ideas off of you to help get started.
My flight simulation club is working on the development on an opensource flight simulator (Fly! Legacy) under GPL license.
Currently, only a Windows version of this software is available and so, one or several people would be necessary (because the current developers are very busy at the time) to help us to convert this Windows application to a Linux application.
The application is developed in C++ and is compiled with Visual Studio 2008.
About the librairies included in the project, I don't know all because I'm not developer of the project but I can tell you that uses:
_ OpenGL
_ OpenAL
_ FreeImage
_ Glew
_ PThread
_ STLport (not sure)
Could you help us ?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hello my name is Nicolas Khoury, and I have a huge Text compression project to solve, and I'm having a hard time with it. I have all the predefined classes that I need to use, I just don't know what to do. Is there anyone who can give me their e-mail so I can upload the assignment and the classes and help me build the code? if so, please reply to my e-mail: nee-kow@hotmail.com
You have asked the exact same question a week ago, and were told what to do, yet you have chosen to ignore that. As you haven't shown any new effort or progress, I'm afraid this week will not be better than the previous one.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles] Nil Volentibus Arduum
Please use <PRE> tags for code snippets, they preserve indentation, improve readability, and make me actually look at the code.
Hi all,
I started developing a new customcontrol for asp.net, that should be a proxy for validating UI via DataAnnotations. There are already code and articles all around, but there is no complete implementation with a client side validation. I decided to develop a customcontrol that fits this leak, unfortunately is not finished yet and I will need some help to finish it. Anybody that has some free time, good will and sufficient knowledge about jQuery and custom controls is welcome. Once finished and tested the control, we will make a nice article to publish on codeproject.
Thanks guys
I'm always for collaborative efforts and do have some knowledge of jQuery, but you'll have to elaborate on what you consider as "sufficient knowledge about jQuery". I'd like to conribute, but I'm unsure about being "up to the task".
Hi there, I made a simple gomoku game sometime ago and decided to put it online here. Anyone interested on going further please contact me
After JoeSox posted his reader for android I contacted him to let him know I was going to work on one for the iPhone/iPod/iPad. If there is anyone interested in beta testing this before I submit it to the app store, let me know.
Steve Maier
If you've got 60 seconds, please visit this CodePlex page[^] and vote to request that CodePlex allow Lake Quincy Media advertisements as well as the provider it currently uses.
Lake Quincy Media is the advertising part of The Code Project, including not just the Code Project but 240 other dev-related sites as well. The more sites we have in the network, the more advertisements we can get, and the more advertisements we can get, the more money we have to put back into The Code Project to buy more hamsters, orange paint, and the like.
(And if you're interested in joining the network and running LQM ads on your site, send me a message and I'll get you taken care of!)
though it took me more than 60secs as I forgot my CodePlex password.
..Go Green..
If there are Canadian developers who have some cool HTML5 stuff to showcase, let me know so I can post it on html5.ca