I am unable to retrieve the cell value of the selected row.
The column is set to readonly=true and visible=false
In the grid_rowupdating event
This should be referring to the 2nd coluomn in the grid.
string strValue = ((TextBox)grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Controls[0]).Text;
The error is:
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index
Any thoughts please?
You've marked it as visible=false so the column won't render and thus will not be available.
You may want to look here, and elsewhere, for some tips and ideas
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
I am using a template and yet it is still invisible which is fine.
I have managed to put a dropdown control inside a GridView for each row.
How do i populate the dropdownlist control with the required data?
modified on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:18 AM
This is solved by using a column template instead.
I have to design the frontend(look and feel) of a website(personal project) before i start implementing it.Can i create website template using photoshop or is their any better tool available for the same.
NOTE:- I am not a designer.
AndyInUK wrote: before i start implementing
Always a good idea to plan before starting
You can certainly use Photoshop, or similar tools, to create the graphics; however, it is not a web development tool.
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
You may want to check out Photoshops save for web feature in addition to "Slices". File -> Save for web.
It will generate the HTML too if you want it to, and then you can modify it to suit your back end.
Strive to be humble enough to take advice, and confident enough to do something about it.
hi All this is very urgent and very critical problem i have faced and searched alot but did not find any solution any help is very very appriciated.
I am using VS 2008 and in VS 2008 if i design crystal report in landscape its design time envoirnment is fine and when i run it displays ok but when I hit the print button to print the report it prints in portrait.
I have searched a lot but did not find any solution in some forums i get the server side solution i.e
reportObject.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Landscape
but it will not work because i need to print on client printer and this will print from ther server printer.
I hope you peoples will help me.
waiting for you response
Did you find any answer to the landscape issue? I have the same issue but could not find right solution on google. Everyone says set the PaperOrientation but that doesnt work. Please share if you have found the solution. Thanks!
Is it free to use Google API for purposes like it's used in codeproject web site - Job Board?
I have an idea to make site with job offers and the location of the jobs on the map.
Thanks for the answers!
Yes it is free for their map API. I think you are allowed a certain amount of views, after that you may have to pay for it.
Strive to be humble enough to take advice, and confident enough to do something about it.
Is there a way I can find which site is using Premier Account or not?
Sir, My GridView do not display name in template field
my code as your reference is :
Text='<%# GetClassName(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"CLASSID")) %>'
I am calling a function for name by passing ID and display in template field class but it can not work. please help me.
modified on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:31 AM
For this kind of issue i must suggest you use : RowDatabound event of the grid view and do the code
hope below thing work for you
public void sumRows ( Object src, GridViewRowEventArgs e ) {
if ( e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow ) {
TableCellCollection cells = e.Row.Cells;
int priceTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, _
//do code to assign value to columns of the grid
All my AJAX using Page Methods is working except one which just never gets back to client side(but executes and returns fine on server). The only difference between this method and the previous ones is that this one returns a bit more data(all are strings btw). Ive tried making it return an array of sections of the string but it also never comes back.
Please help, this is pretty urgent and its making me crazy :-/
Thank you
Strive to be humble enough to take advice, and confident enough to do something about it.
You might have forgot to add script manager with EnablePageMethods="true"?
No, as I said, all the other ones on the page work. I set a onfail method and it results in "object [object]" ?
Strive to be humble enough to take advice, and confident enough to do something about it.
How much more data are we talking here?, the PageMethod could be trying to send too much data to the JavaScript serializer, the default value is 102400 characters but you can change that in the web.config with the following:
<jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="500000" />
Strive to be humble enough to take advice, and confident enough to do something about it.
Dear Folks,
I would be highly appreciate if any one from forum give me hand in troubleshooting with installation of Tustena CRM ver. 3.9 Open source Projects. I had successfully Up Data Base using SQL server management studio express 2005, with Windows Authentication Mode on my local machine, We are trying to switch authentication mode to SQL server authentication, to raise with Local user and Password. Indeed Tustena Installation Guide clearly says Update “Web.config” file with following credentials..
“ Open the “web.config” with any text editor and complete the connection string by entering your SQL Server name, user id and password (note: the connection string is the one under “Your string connection” line)
In the same file fill-in all the required AppSettings like email addresses, SMTP server and DNS.
I.E <add key="CONNECTION" value="Data Source=<machinename>\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TustenaOS;Trusted_Connection=yes" /> “
Here the Pain starts. I have alter “web.config” as per windows authentication Mode as below..
<add key="Connection" value="Data Source=N77TeV-BA1A4DB3;Initial Catalog=TustenaOS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=20;Connection Reset=false;Network Library=dbmssocn;" />
<add key="SQLEXPRESS_CONNECTION" value="Data Source=.\tustena;Initial Catalog=TustenaOS;Trusted_Connection=yes" />
And I end up with an Error :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This could be a easy fix, but i really don't know how to fix this.
Appreciate any help.
Hi all,
i am facing a problem with ajax calendar extender,when the calendar is open, its not getting closed when the user click on other controls, making the user to select the date mandatory.is there any bug in my code
my code is
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtDateFrom" Width="115px" MaxLength="40"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="btDateFrom" ToolTip="Calendar Lookup" ImageAlign="Top"
ImageUrl="Themes/Images/calendar2.jpg" CausesValidation="true" />
<AJAX:CalendarExtender runat="server" ID="CalFrom" CssClass="MyCalendar" PopupButtonID="btDateFrom"
TargetControlID="txtDateFrom" Format="dd/MM/yyyy">
and i kept this in a panel pnltext.in which that panel is a modal pop up panel,
<AJAX:ModalPopupExtender DropShadow="false" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground"
TargetControlID="DetailFind" runat="server" Drag="true" CancelControlID="ImageButton1"
PopupControlID="pnltext" X="450" Y="50" ID="ModalPopupExtender1">
DetailFind is a button, in which the above pop up is invoked
please help
Hi there,
I am using asp.net default role/membership provider for my new website using login control. I have data stored in a remote sql database -aspbnetdb. I am using the default functionalities to check login status, create new user update, delete user/role etc. Everything works fine when i am run in the VS 2008 development. But when i deploy my website into IIS 6, my membership doesnt work. When i give the login credentials, my IIS completly ignore what i have given in my webform and i ended upgetting an error saying
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'domain\machinename$'. But i didnt give this id anywhere. Do i need to have a account in this id at the database.
This could be a easy fix, but i really dont know how to fix this.
Appreciate any help.